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The 2020 Presidential Election

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ICMag Donor
Being a progressive in 2020 means having a drag queen dancing suggestively in front of a girl no older than 6 as adults in the room applaud and cheer.

These people are sick.

This sounds like personal experience.
Is that what they told you to get you to go in the Blue Oyster Club? :biggrin:


Active member
Big Cuban rally against Bernie in Miami.

Only Bernie could drive POC to support Trump.

Their are Florida Democrats who are suing to keep Bernie off the primary ticket in Florida. Apparently, Cubans don't like Bernie's love affair with another murderous tyrant.

Gotta love watching the Democratic party following the path of Jeremy Corbyn, they both love anti-semitism, and communism. Its a match made in failure, constant unending failure.

Mr D

Their are Florida Democrats who are suing to keep Bernie off the primary ticket in Florida. Apparently, Cubans don't like Bernie's love affair with another murderous tyrant.

Gotta love watching the Democratic party following the path of Jeremy Corbyn, they both love anti-semitism, and communism. Its a match made in failure, constant unending failure.

Democrats in Ohio, California and Portland Push Laws that Demand Private Property Owners Allow Homeless to Camp on Their Land.


Well-known member
Shit man what about trumps trillion dollars he's added to the national debt. I guess that spending is justified to all you right wingers . This thread gets more ridiculous by the minute


ICMag Donor
Shit man what about trumps trillion dollars he's added to the national debt. I guess that spending is justified to all you right wingers . This thread gets more ridiculous by the minute

The Trillion was just the tax giveaway to the rich. You know 'the redistribution of wealth'. There's more.

Mr D

Shit man what about trumps trillion dollars he's added to the national debt. I guess that spending is justified to all you right wingers . This thread gets more ridiculous by the minute

So it only makes sense to elect Bernie with his additional $3 trillion a year in spending...

Yeah I know......650 billionaires will pay for it all. Talk about ridiculous...


Active member
Shit man what about trumps trillion dollars he's added to the national debt. I guess that spending is justified to all you right wingers . This thread gets more ridiculous by the minute

Most conservatives are not happy about the deficit.

I find it ironic that Democrats are complaining about 1 trillion while voting for 8-10 trillion in deficit spending per year. Hypocrite much. Nope, just standard Democrat idiocy.

Mr D

The Trillion was just the tax giveaway to the rich. You know 'the redistribution of wealth'. There's more.

If only you had a clue how much money the federal reserve redistributes to the rich with near zero interest rates for their friends.


ICMag Donor
If only you had a clue how much money the federal reserve redistributes to the rich with near zero interest rates for their friends.

I have a clue.
Compare the prime to credit card rates.

You think the rich need to borrow on credit cards? They make money on points when they use their cards.
Just one more on the 'How can we screw them and get it all for us' list.

Could you tell us more about your trans club?


Active member
I have a clue.
Compare the prime to credit card rates.

You think the rich need to borrow on credit cards? They make money on points when they use their cards.
Just one more on the 'How can we screw them and get it all for us' list.

Could you tell us more about your trans club?

Democrats had nothing to do with any of this :jerkit:


Mr D

I have a clue.
Compare the prime to credit card rates

You think the rich need to borrow on credit cards? They make money on points when they use their cards.
Just one more on the 'How can we screw them and get it all for us' list.

Could you tell us more about my trans club?

That statement reveals you have no clue.

Why has the US dollar lost 98% of it's value?

What causes inflation and what is the federal reserve's role?


Active member
With all do respect . Your president promised to balance the budget What happened there ?

He's been roundly criticized for this by me. That being said, Democrats in Congress haven't made a single attempt to reign in spending, not 1. I see it as a failure of the 2 party system. Those in control, have no incentive to cut spending. Why, would they it's your money, not their's.

While Bernie is the crazy spending candidate, every Democratic candidate has promised many more trillions of spending.

If your number one issue is deficit spending, neither party has earned your vote. Maybe a protest vote for Ron Paul. He's been my go to until Trump kicked the Democrats in the teeth, I have no choice but to support the de-teething of the Democratic party. After Trump I will most likely go back to Ron Paul. Still haven't registered as Republican, I don't think I will ever be a member of a political party.

White Beard

Active member
Corona virus is a HOAX.

Just keep saying it, hoax hoax hoax hoax and you'll start to believe it.
Russia is a hoax. The moon is a hoax. Tides are a hoax. The weather is a hoax....
All you really need is compliant people who don’t listen, don’t think, just ride the wave....

If Bernie's the nominee I'll vote for him. I'm not going to be like the Bernie Bro's who won't vote for anybody but Bernie. Trump needs to go.
Not *JUST* Trump: his appointments, his executive orders, his deep-state plants....

Completely agree with ya h.h

Bernie has been a leach suckling from Democratic teat for 30 years as he stabs it in the back trying to get its bacon.
I hear the contempt, but have no idea how you got here unless you’re having great sex with a Sanders-hater

The courts are being loaded with partisan hacks. That needs to stop. It will lead to unrest and violence.
It will only stop when we roll back all the “public choice” damage, eliminate the structural residue of slavery & Jim Crow, stop putting agents of a traitorous scheme in office, start acting like accountability matters

What is partisan hack in Republican speak? Someone who follows the law. In other words the law according to the bible.
“Principled conservative”

They only follow the laws they like: in other words, law according to those who sold off our industries and went into business farming *US*

The system is set up to decrease the influences of agendas. McConnell sabotaged it. The system needs fixing.
This is why we need more than just a “different Resident“. The system needs fixing, so we need to send people who want to fix it, not secure it for the ages

Yes, keeping the money you earn is redistribution of wealth, more Democratic logic.

I hope you used to tell your kids stories, you’ve got one hell of an imagination


Active member
Packer quotes Mother Jones.

I might start a signature line with Blunders of the Month for this one.

Awe, you don't like it when your leftist journalist shit on your party.

I try to find the farthest left publications, just for you. It's your language, no translation needed.








Shall I continue.
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