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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Mr D

Good old green new deal Private Jet Bernie..

It’s a 2 hr drive from Charleston to Myrtle Beach & locals do it all the time - Not Bernie Sanders- He & his entourage flew from Charleston to Myrtle Beach in not 1, not 2, but 3 Gulfstream Jets. It took them 10 minutes to fly.

What a fraud....


Well-known member
isn't joe's moment in the sun about to come to a screeching crash?
i mean we know enough of what is going to happen on tuesday
48 hours of more denial?


ICMag Donor
Hello all,

Gonna go out on a limb here and say I think biden would do well to pick up warren as a vp....No the best idea, but most middle of the road.

Could be interesting...


Does that mean she won't be talking s, s, s, soo much as Veep?

Mr D

Hello all,

Gonna go out on a limb here and say I think biden would do well to pick up warren as a vp....No the best idea, but most middle of the road.

Could be interesting...


Setting the seed for a Pete endorsement of Biden.

The Party sees a future for Pete but it's not this time. The DNC made a deal with Pete and his future. We should expect Pete to run for Congress or Senate in 2022. Super Tuesday is almost literally tomorrow. Panic has set in. Pete leveraged his bets after mini Mike lined his pockets and pledged support for Pete's congress run.

Biden is going to pick Clinton or Abrams as his VP. Warren will drop out after she loses Ma.


Active member
Looks like Warren's got Obama endorsing her ..so theres that
After Joe picked up all those black votes too....straight up corn popped
His besty....think its cuz joes gettin ivestigated?

Oh snap...their gonna put Obama's
Ol lady in as VP....already petitioned,just finishing law school


Active member
Hi all friendly reminder Donald J.Trump is the duly elected president of these United StatesDonald J Trump is going to mop the floor with whatever loser gets the democratic nominee
Donald J Trump is gonna get about 85% of the popular vote and will be the fasted to 270 electoral college votes in recorded history ....These are the fact's It's gonna be a landslide.
Alot of guys posting here have no one to blame but themselves facts are instead of learnig your lesson you doubled down on socialism and identity politics..And now we the people the silent majority are twice as sick of your hateful divisive rhetoric .

See you at the polls
TRUMP2020 keeping America great

Capra ibex

Hi all friendly reminder Donald J.Trump is the duly elected president of these United StatesDonald J Trump is going to mop the floor with whatever loser gets the democratic nominee
Donald J Trump is gonna get about 85% of the popular vote and will be the fasted to 270 electoral college votes in recorded history ....These are the fact's It's gonna be a landslide.
Alot of guys posting here have no one to blame but themselves facts are instead of learnig your lesson you doubled down on socialism and identity politics..And now we the people the silent majority are twice as sick of your hateful divisive rhetoric .

See you at the polls
TRUMP2020 keeping America great

Emotional George, howsit?

I know a great therapist, when you think you're ready to take the leap and try to become a balanced adult let me know.... i'll point you in the right direction. :comfort:


Active member
Word on the street...
The dnc told biden,booty,styer,klobby
They gotta drop before super tue, they want a moderate but they have too many ....Warren all the sudden taking pac money and moving away from the m4a and far left agenda and a Obama back with his ol girl VP ...everybody who drops gets a mill and a house on the lake

I bet klobby dumps Monday but mini
Is gonna be a little more difficult and may be the reason hes been sandbagging till super tue

Ol bern should jump out indy or the dnc will work him over
Them dems are some low down dirty...

Mr D

Word on the street...
The dnc told biden,booty,styer,klobby
They gotta drop before super tue, they want a moderate but they have too many ....Warren all the sudden taking pac money and moving away from the m4a and far left agenda and a Obama back with his ol girl VP ...everybody who drops gets a mill and a house on the lake

I bet klobby dumps Monday but mini
Is gonna be a little more difficult and may be the reason hes been sandbagging till super tue

Ol bern should jump out indy or the dnc will work him over
Them dems are some low down dirty...

I don't know about running Warren even if they put big Mike on the ticket. She's behind in the polls in Mass. she has no appeal across most of the country and if you think the Bernie bros are going to loyally vote for Warren on command I think that's a stretch.

No way are the Bernie bros going to be swept aside again. They are not interested in "the best candidate to beat Trump". The want free shit and carbon taxes.

Their was a reason why you saw Biden instead of Warren on the Sunday morning news shows and he will get a lot more air time tomorrow than Warren will. They just need Joe to get enough delegates to keep Bernie from reaching 1991.

Mr D

Why would Obama back Warren?
Sumpin goin down with that...
I agree Bernie should fuck em up..

He hasn't yet so it just speculation.

Look at CNN and MSNBC it's all about how Biden is now viable and a real threat to Bernie. Multiple stories a real hard sell going on. I found one Warren story on CNN which was a soft hit piece about her taking PAC money guised as a record breaking fundraiser for Feb.

Pete Buttigieg’s people have been reportedly talking to Joe Biden’s people about consolidating support around the former vice president.

Joe Biden gets his 'comeback kid' moment

Obama tells Biden he won't endorse anybody yet

Clyburn would have endorsed Warren if she was part of the DNC plan. If she suddenly shot up in the delegate count after super Tuesday it would not be an easy pill to swallow based on her performance so far.

The most interesting thing will be if one of these old guys, Trump included, gets the corona virus and bites the dust.


Active member
I just saw the Obama plug for Warren on tv.. and why would a shadowy sup pac dump 29mill on a loser before Tue? Stankin in denmark

Mr D

Former President Barack Obama—who vowed not to endorse any candidate during the primary—congratulated his former vice president, Joe Biden, over his solid win in South Carolina on Saturday, which injected life into his campaign and ended Mayor Pete Buttiegieg's run.

Bloomberg News, citing two people familiar to the call, reported that the former president plans to let the primaries play out, and then work to unify the party and defeat President Trump.

Mr D

I just saw the Obama plug for Warren on tv.. and why would a shadowy sup pac dump 29mill on a loser before Tue? Stankin in denmark

To dilute the delegate count and keep Warren as second string if corn pop self implodes before the convention.

If she loses Mass. how would anyone believe she can beat Trump?


Well-known member
Warren, and Klobachar both need to drop out. They dont have a chance in hell.
Bloomberg should have run as a moderate republican.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- After going over this thread - and evaluating it in my head - boils down to if you want the USA to be run as a capitalistic business - with a 'Leader' - or you want it run as a commune - with a Guru -

Looks to me like most people want it run as something in between the two - but where is the middle ground?


Active member
I don't know how anyone thinks any one of those candidates can beat Trump More power to um
Ask me...no way,jose
But,no one's asking me,are they
So I'll take the liberty of reminding you what I think
Trump get's re elected in a land slide
Wanna know why ?
Cause our country is really doing good,
Mom and Pop America are feeling comfy.
We like feeling comfy
And weather you wanna admit it or not ,at the ballot box,people don't vote against their comfort .
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