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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
Bernie has 15% of the country. Without the never trumpets, he wouldn’t have a chance of overtaking trump. Even if we turn the Senate, they won’t work with him. We’ll just have another authoritarian to replace trump. While his policies may point towards utopia, biting the bullet is not the goal of most Americans. They want fast results. Initially, Bernies ideas will be draining to the economy. He will remain unpopular and be voted out in four. Extremism will again swing to the right. They count on it. Bernie counts on it. Just like them he’s an opportunist.


Well-known member
lol never trumpers? bro the republican party is at 93%-94% in approval of Trump, what never trumpers are you talking about?

if you want fast results why would you vote for an incrementalist neo-liberal? lmao. this is the ideology that brought you Trump.

as usual your insight is mostly backwards. i can't help but think you're just repeating what you hear in the news. last month you liked klobuchar (lol), couple weeks ago you thought adding all the moderate votes together showed they outnumber bernie, but that's literally not how elections work.

but yes the guy who has had the same policy positions since the 1980s is an opportunist lol!

St. Phatty

Active member
dream far shot

Tulsi is smart enough to avoid the C-virus

and Sanders, Warren etc. all get it for obvious reasons, crowd exposure.

Since Trump is WAAAY too stupid to understand the C-Virus, and has surrounded himself with people like Pence (who couldn't manage the public health situation of AIDS when he was governor of Ohio) well the ending of this story is pretty damn predictable.

Maybe Ron Paul is also avoiding the C-Virus.

As Trump & Pence drop out, Ron Paul gets the GOP nomination.

So it's Ron Paul vs. Tulsi, debating in isolation chambers.

Maybe the final presidential debates will be a room with 2 isolation chambers on the stage.

With Negative Pressure managed by an experienced Cannabis grower.

And 5 chambers for the media people that get picked to ask the questions.


Boreal Curing
Fucking Trump is just going to hand this election to a damn Socialist! Calling the Corona virus a hoax and claiming we only have 15 people infected. Meanwhile it's an all out pandemic, over 200 dead in Iran and it hasn't been there long.
Not woke yet huh?

You've been programmed to think "communist" when you hear "socialist" and they're worlds apart. Democracy is closer to communism than liberal socialism is. But hey... if you like being ruled by the many, instead of being ruled by the law, just keep eating Republican pablum.


Active member
lol never trumpers? bro the republican party is at 93%-94% in approval of Trump, what never trumpers are you talking about?

if you want fast results why would you vote for an incrementalist neo-liberal? lmao. this is the ideology that brought you Trump.

as usual your insight is mostly backwards. i can't help but think you're just repeating what you hear in the news. last month you liked klobuchar (lol), couple weeks ago you thought adding all the moderate votes together showed they outnumber bernie, but that's literally not how elections work.

but yes the guy who has had the same policy positions since the 1980s is an opportunist lol!

The never trumpers in the Democratic Party plus some independents.
Bernies been an opportunist since 1980. He only has the one trick. It’s working for him, why change?

Klobuchar is more intelligent. Bernie talks crap. Another movement.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
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Well - the Irish is on me Mum's side - they came to Wales during the potato famine - Collins was their name -

Nice reference to 'Pikeys' - lol - and since I was born in a caravan - was difficult to shake off the reference - to this day - since still some of my friends jovially call me that - and it doesn't really bother me at all - I've sticked and stoned it long ago -

That's a sweet trailor,Gypsy!

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
From your article.

"WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Donald Trump said Friday that he's dispatching Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to the signing of an agreement with the Afghan Taliban aimed at beginning a draw down of thousands of U.S. troops and ending America's 18-year involvement in the war.

Trump said Pompeo would soon, at the president's direction, witness the signing of an agreement with the Taliban, an event that will see America's top diplomat stand with leaders of militants, who harbored al-Qaida before the 9/11 attacks and are responsible for the deaths of thousands of American servicemen and women. He said Defense Secretary Mark Esper also will issue a joint declaration with the government of Afghanistan."

The Art of Defeat from Trump. What a fucking loser. Trump will soon be writing love letters to those families.

Absolem would rather the war continue. I think we could easily get 30 more years out of this war. Such a shame to have to end it so soon.


The never trumpers in the Democratic Party plus some independents.
Bernies been an opportunist since 1980. He only has the one trick. It’s working for him, why change?

Klobuchar is more intelligent. Bernie talks crap. Another movement.

Raises hand...you can like both...

Bernies my first pick, its who I cast my primary ballot for as I like his policies the most. That said, I would be alright with Bobby's mom (klob) and think she could win. I dont think Warren or Biden or buttigieg can win.

Not gonna vote for Bloomberg, will write in and just vote down ballot, but beyond that I am good with any of the other dems as they are better than trump.


Active member
Raises hand...you can like both...

Bernies my first pick, its who I cast my primary ballot for as I like his policies the most. That said, I would be alright with Bobby's mom (klob) and think she could win. I dont think Warren or Biden or buttigieg can win.

Not gonna vote for Bloomberg, will write in and just vote down ballot, but beyond that I am good with any of the other dems as they are better than trump.

I liked Jimmy Carter. Reagan was the result.


ICMag Donor
Well now - the Turks were all tooled up on Syrian land looking for a fight - so I guess the Syrians brought it to 'em -

The Turks are getting inundated with Syrian refugees and want a safe zone inside Syria on the Turkish border. Bashar al-Assad is Russian backed and took out 33 Turkish soldiers using the Russian air force. By right, all of NATO should support Turkey.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor

They can grow pomegranates in Afghanistan. An influx of cash is needed for processing plants.

The cannabis market is getting diluted. Opium needs to be smuggled and will create outside conflict. Other countries will contain them, limiting trade. Without an influx of cash, they will continue what they’re doing not out of want, but out of necessity.

So many world - and US problems could be solved by legalizing opium. Overdoses would be cut in half overnight.
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