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The 2020 Presidential Election

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What a proud day for Trump and his administration. Pompeo later went and told these families he was sorry for their loss over bin laden.


"Among those in attendance were leaders of the Taliban, who harbored Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda network as they plotted, and then celebrated, the hijackings of four airliners that were crashed into lower Manhattan, the Pentagon and a field in western Pennsylvania, killing almost 3,000 people."


Active member
racism is the war cry from the left every time there is an election, its used in desperation as a political hit job when the dems have a less than zero platform...true racism is and has been on the decline for decades
a prime example as of late is when trump declared a travel ban from countries where this corona virus has become problematic in an effort to head off its spread into the us...a perfectly logical response

the dems first response to this measure was to call trump a racist...completely nonsensical and inappropriate...but with nothing left to attack trump with it is just thrown out there in hopes it will politically harm trump...unfortunately for them it has been over used to the detriment of their own party and has become a comical show of desperation...liken to the accusation of being accused a witch in days of yore it has become mundane and ineffective...
true origins of racism is far more complex and intricate and can be traced back from the beginning of man and more recently to the societal dichotomy in European class based demographics
to truly explore this subject would require a dedicated thread with a novel of pages


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Feel the Bern


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on a more promising note...Trump forges ahead...winning...promises kept


From your article.

"WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Donald Trump said Friday that he's dispatching Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to the signing of an agreement with the Afghan Taliban aimed at beginning a draw down of thousands of U.S. troops and ending America's 18-year involvement in the war.

Trump said Pompeo would soon, at the president's direction, witness the signing of an agreement with the Taliban, an event that will see America's top diplomat stand with leaders of militants, who harbored al-Qaida before the 9/11 attacks and are responsible for the deaths of thousands of American servicemen and women. He said Defense Secretary Mark Esper also will issue a joint declaration with the government of Afghanistan."

The Art of Defeat from Trump. What a fucking loser. Trump will soon be writing love letters to those families.


Fucking Trump is just going to hand this election to a damn Socialist! Calling the Corona virus a hoax and claiming we only have 15 people infected. Meanwhile it's an all out pandemic, over 200 dead in Iran and it hasn't been there long.

Guess we get to test the limit of trump telling his supporters not to trust what they see and hear, only he is telling them the truth.


Active member
The taliban will gain control of Afghanistan. We’ll see.

In response to our current world crisis, trump had a rally, and met with Diamond and Silk. Pence did a GOP fundraiser and an interview on Rush Limbaugh.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I think that the western powers should give Afghanistan back to the Afghani's - and leave them alone to sort out their own affairs - they should also leave them alone to grow their own cannabis and opium - if that's what the market wants - and Afghani farmers can make a good living out of it -


Well-known member
Fucking Trump is just going to hand this election to a damn Socialist! Calling the Corona virus a hoax and claiming we only have 15 people infected. Meanwhile it's an all out pandemic, over 200 dead in Iran and it hasn't been there long.

i'd be more worried about bernie beating trump in rust belt and swing states, and can potentially win texas, or the fact that bernie has a plan for everything, and trump has a plan for nothing.


Well-known member
The taliban will gain control of Afghanistan. We’ll see.

In response to our current world crisis, trump had a rally, and met with Diamond and Silk. Pence did a GOP fundraiser and an interview on Rush Limbaugh.
Can well imagine it would be a winning move to leave Afghanistan.


Active member

They can grow pomegranates in Afghanistan. An influx of cash is needed for processing plants.

The cannabis market is getting diluted. Opium needs to be smuggled and will create outside conflict. Other countries will contain them, limiting trade. Without an influx of cash, they will continue what they’re doing not out of want, but out of necessity.


Well-known member
here's to joe biden. i hope he wins his first primary in a presidential campaign ever (he's ran for prez like 3x and never won a contest)


sike i can't wait for joe to drop out after tonight.

can't wait for bernie to win Mass so Warren can get the fuck out too. down 15% in your home state and youre talking shit about staying in until the convention? boy she really showed her true colors during this election cycle. she totally alienated herself from the progressives, and moderates don't like her, her own state doesn't like her. RIP Pocahontas.
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