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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Mr D

The DNC scripted it perfectly.

Specific precincts report...Media use the DNC data to set the narrative.... Biden makes victory speech during prime time. It was so transparent a blind man could see it.

The goal will be to put Bernie on the defensive. The DNC/Media will emphasize the vitriolic/violent nature of Bernie supporters

Capra ibex

The DNC scripted it perfectly.

Specific precincts report...Media use the DNC data to set the narrative.... Biden makes victory speech during prime time. It was so transparent a blind man could see it.

The goal will be to put Bernie on the defensive. The DNC/Media will emphasize the vitriolic/violent nature of Bernie supporters

And who will care? Not many probably....

From all of the MSM youtube channels i see they get down voted into oblivion every time they try to pump someone up or smear Bernie.

Almost like most people can see through what they are trying to do and will make their own decisions rather than what the talking heads are trying to force feed them.


Active member
Reading your link, there is nothing there that says the hot mic was about Obama going along with Putin, however the GOP here at home excoriated Obama for even talking to Putin! Funny how things change, now trump and his GOP psychophants bow down to Putin in every single way even asking for election interference and you want people to believe trump is tough on Russia and President Obama bowed down to him.........fucking hysterical!!

He was excoriated for stabbing NATO squarely in the back. Sorry, if you ideological bent doesn't allow you to read the English language. Obama repeatedly cowered to Putin. The article clearly states that the message will be relayed to recently elected president Putin. Maybe comrade Bernard's literacy programs will help you with your severely limited literacy.

Mr D

And who will care? Not many probably....

From all of the MSM youtube channels i see they get down voted into oblivion every time they try to pump someone up or smear Bernie.

Almost like most people can see through what they are trying to do and will make their own decisions rather than what the talking heads are trying to force feed them.

Really.....Anyone actually paying attention to Biden has to pity the poor guy, he's obviously in the early stages of dementia. I mean that seriously.

So it has to be the media that drove his voters or the DNC just went ahead and fixed the outcome.

Either way the media, the DNC or both can ensure Bernie never reaches 1991 delegates before the convention.

Capra ibex

Really.....Anyone actually paying attention to Biden has to pity the poor guy, he's obviously in the early stages of dementia. I mean that seriously.

So it has to be the media that drove his voters or the DNC just went ahead and fixed the outcome.

Either way the media, the DNC or both can ensure Bernie never reaches 1991 delegates before the convention.

IDK? I mean anyone who paid attention to Trump would see he's unfit as well, but it didn't stop him from winning....

People in some places probably like Biden's weird personality and don't really put any more thought into it, just like Trump voters.

White Beard

Active member
Reagan was the backlash to Carters liberalism.

The 60s brought widespread questioning of a lot of bedrock assumptions, many of them having to do with Christianity and “conservative” politics. Church attendance fell; white people started trying to figure out how to *hear* black voices without the mental programming of racial preference and suppression; major segments of the US population began demanding their voices be heard, dammit. There was a war...I know you remember, not trying to teach you, just some thoughts.

Enter (among other things) Lewis Powell, Jerry Falwell, and James Buchanan.

The Powell memo drafted a multi-stage effort to subtly, surreptitiously remodel business and education and politics in the US to favor wealth-holders and stave off any efforts to catch up with the developments.

Jerry Falwell, and yes, Pat Robertson, were ascending in influence, with the “Moral Majority” handing all the non-hippies a club to beat the hippies with (and blacks, and Latinos, etc), and working relentlessly to pack the Supreme Court with “conservative, bible-believing patriots” who would do away with Roe v Wade and a woman’s choice - and the only “UNenumerated right” recognized by SCOTUS.

James Buchanan is the economist who took the racial grievances of genteel Jim Crow whites and built an alternate economic narrative that is what we might call “Paul Ryan style”. He called it “public choice economics”. When General Pinochet killed Chile’s elected Allende government, he imposed a ruling-class constitution on the country that drastically changed the nature of life in Chile for the better - if you were rich. That constitution was designed and presented by James Buchanan, and by that point, Charles Koch had been working closely with Buchanan for years.

The backlash was well underway before Carter declared his run, and that’s how we got Reagan: by 1980 it was a whole new republican ball game; it didn’t matter if it was Carter or Kennedy or Hart or whoever, they would have played the new game by the rules they were still working out. By this point, Rumsfeld, Cheney, and the Project for A New American Century had the basics, and the “unitary executive” was in the works, and Lee Atwater had learned how to say ‘nigger, nigger, nigger’ without actually *saying* “nigger, nigger, nigger”.

That's not quite what was said, “This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,”

There was absolutely no context what-so-ever here, it was a snippet of a short conversation. Being as there was no context it could have totally been that he had more flexibility to apply sanctions........you don't know!
Always wonder at the straining the ex-GOP exerts over this vague and context-free snippet - yet Trump grovels and fellates Putin for an hour in Helsinki in front of the whole world, but ‘nothing to see here...’

Reading your link, there is nothing there that says the hot mic was about Obama going along with Putin, however the GOP here at home excoriated Obama for even talking to Putin! Funny how things change, now trump and his GOP psychophants bow down to Putin in every single way even asking for election interference and you want people to believe trump is tough on Russia and President Obama bowed down to him.........fucking hysterical!!
Emblematic of just how little they have: heavy rotation has them repeating every 2-3 hours

And who will care? Not many probably....

From all of the MSM youtube channels i see they get down voted into oblivion every time they try to pump someone up or smear Bernie.

Almost like most people can see through what they are trying to do and will make their own decisions rather than what the talking heads are trying to force feed them.

YT is weird. There’s a vast amount of the same content-free gibberish gets posted here daily, what are the chances that’s an accident?

It really is like two entirely different worlds trying to happen in the same space at the same time. Reminds me of a piece Nate Silver wrote over at 538 a few years back, about an in-studio interview he did with with some local ‘conservative’ pundette: his fly-on-the-wall take on the jock and the flow and tone of the experience. Fascinating.

Mr D

Pete Buttigieg won just 2 percent of black voters in South Carolina

Time for Mayor Pete to drop out along with angry Amy.

White Beard

Active member
yeah, hoping they can stop bernie to the point where they'd destroy their own party just to do it lmao
I accept this as my limitation, but I simply cannot see how they cannot see the volcano they’re dancing on.

They are over a badass barrel: the last electoral booby prize was Baby Huey; they arrange *another* business-as-usual candidate, the Dems are as sunk as the ex-GOP.

the GOP lost control of their party & won the White House. maybe cutting your nose off to spite your face is "in" now...
As I see it, the Dems “simply have no choice”: Clinton didn’t lose because of any other reason more than that she represented the politics everyone was sick of, and Trump was not that. If they do it again with “not-Clinton” they will lose AGAIN because Trump will still not be *that*, and the electorate will still be sick of it.

Sanders and Warren stand the BEST chances precisely because they are neither Trumpist nor Third Way “Democrat” / republican-lite: a coherent alternative to two mutually exclusive and unacceptable options.

i've asked him too. there is no rational explanation for his incoherent babbling. just random clumps of horseshit sprayed around ... it is never relevant to topic at hand. pitiful attempts to distract others.

Those rabbit holes go deep: getting back out is hard to do, even if you only encounter rabbits. Lotta people have been lost down there


Active member
Well son of a bitch...he got investigated ...

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