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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
The Turks are getting inundated with Syrian refugees and want a safe zone inside Syria on the Turkish border. Bashar al-Assad is Russian backed and took out 33 Turkish soldiers using the Russian air force. By right, all of NATO should support Turkey.

What do they need NATO for? Fire up them S-400s and put em to use!


Active member
"This is my last election...Tell Vladimir we'll have more flexibility after the election " ~president Barry Hussein Obama

Aside from Vlads impressive political maneuvering, how is that relevant to calling NATO into action? Has a NATO country been invaded? Or am I missing something?

St. Phatty

Active member
old men can't run....and shouldn't

Yes, what are people THINKING.

If this guy is good, he'll be in office for 8 years.

Now obviously it shouldn't only be guys, but that's the way it's working out.

I'm 1/2 surprised the ardent feminists don't lynch Hillary.

As a first woman Presidential candidate she BEYOND totally sucked.


And now the guy that would have won in 2016, is 4 years older.

Almost looks like the American political system is not intended to benefit Americans.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Its gonna get real interesting once Trumpturds out of office. All the shady shit that's been hidden will come out. We will see how many laws he broke. All the people will be looking for deals to keep there asses out of jail. Oh ya its gonna get real interesting.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
He'll just throw em a few bucks like he did with Stormy,we are talking about politics.White collar thieves,the whole lot of them are scum

Midnight Tokar

"This is my last election...Tell Vladimir we'll have more flexibility after the election " ~president Barry Hussein Obama
That's not quite what was said, “This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,”

There was absolutely no context what-so-ever here, it was a snippet of a short conversation. Being as there was no context it could have totally been that he had more flexibility to apply sanctions........you don't know!


Active member
Absolem would rather the war continue. I think we could easily get 30 more years out of this war. Such a shame to have to end it so soon.

Did I say I wanted the war in Afghanistan to continue????? NOPE. Nice try coming up with a strawman argument so you can make some stupid comment.

I find it absolutely disgusting Pompeo was rubbing shoulders with Taliban members and their families who were cheering and laughing at our fellow Americans who were jumping to their death from the Twin Towers. Maybe you don't have a problem with Pompeo doing this but I do.

Trump and Pompeo could have had an agreement with the Afghanistan government which didn't include the Taliban. America should have started to pull our troops from Afghanistan starting the day bin scumbag was capped in the head.

This meme pretty much sums up the thought process you have.



ICMag Donor
Biden won big in SC. Pulled right into second place.

Steyer 'suspends' his campaign.


Active member
Hello alll,

He's got the momentum....he's got the mo.....he' got the MOJOe....buahahha...made that one up myself....buahahahahaha

its a long way to November,



Active member
That's not quite what was said, “This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,”

There was absolutely no context what-so-ever here, it was a snippet of a short conversation. Being as there was no context it could have totally been that he had more flexibility to apply sanctions........you don't know!

They were talking about missile defense system in eastern Europe. In other words Obama was a Putin stooge.



It all started in 2016 on Hillary's make America garbage campaing
When she got on a live mic and said people who support change (represented by Trump )
Were xenophobic,homophobic,racist this and thats and she puts them in the basket of deplorables
Well roughly 60% of the country didn't listen and elected Trump.
Then after the dnc controlled media stopped crying and realized that no one is buying that Russia stole the vote for trump narrative
They started replaying the race card early and often,then it really picked up steam when the social justice twitter warriors jumped in and started calling everythin under the sun racist...
Thank the left.The word no longer carries any weight in America

Try less than 50%. He lost the popular by almost 3k votes

Midnight Tokar

They were talking about missile defense system in eastern Europe. In other words Obama was a Putin stooge.


Reading your link, there is nothing there that says the hot mic was about Obama going along with Putin, however the GOP here at home excoriated Obama for even talking to Putin! Funny how things change, now trump and his GOP psychophants bow down to Putin in every single way even asking for election interference and you want people to believe trump is tough on Russia and President Obama bowed down to him.........fucking hysterical!!
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