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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Has Trump done anything wrong that adds up to an equivalency to the damage done by the global and US domestic war on drugs? I remember hearing about a police dog that ate a childs face in a drug raid. How many lives were ruined by the war on drugs. How many national economies of the third world were kept in ruins for nearly one hundred years. Tell me again about 'orange man bad.'

Yes he has.. Why ask when you wouldn't ever believe Trumpturd did something illegal lol.


Well-known member
Some people here act like we live in polluted China, I don't think our air is all that bad honestly. Some things are real, I'm glad they are taking lead out of brass plumbing parts. If you have old galvanized pipe in your house you wouldn't believe what your drinking.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You think that pollution stays in China?. China is the leader in pollution world wide. Our oceans are being contaminated like never before. It effects everyone.

Trumps made it easier for companies to make our water and air dirtier. That's a fact.


Well-known member
You think that pollution stays in China?. China is the leader in pollution world wide. Our oceans are being contaminated like never before. It effects everyone.

Trumps made it easier for companies to make our water and air dirtier. That's a fact.

I will share a secret. They actually believe we are all separate. The earth, air, water, humanity. Every one for themselves. If their paycheck gets bigger and the polluted river is in someone else's yard they think they are winning.

I hate calling them retarded. But what is a better word?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
So hammerhead, am I to take it that you would rather just 'move forward' rather than hold human rights violators and war criminals responsible for their crimes against humanity, particularly against people of color all around the world?


Well-known member
So hammerhead, am I to take it that you would rather just 'move forward' rather than hold human rights violators and war criminals responsible for their crimes against humanity, particularly against people of color all around the world?

Didn't your potus just stop a bunch of hungry immigrants from getting help, which we can actually afford?

Why the good citizen shit all of a sudden? Did you notice shithead is scum?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
McNoodle where Mcfly lol...

Do you even read what you post.. No one believes what you just posted but you Conspiracy propagators. All crooks should be prosecuted and jailed if found guilty INCLUDING YOUR KING.


Active member
McNoodle where Mcfly lol...

Do you even read what you post.. No one believes what you just posted but you Conspiracy propagators. All crooks should be prosecuted and jailed if found guilty INCLUDING YOUR KING.

are you breaking the law in your current profession?...."no one is above the law"


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
are you breaking the law in your current profession?....no one is above the law

There are many laws I don't agree with. If I get caught and found guilty where do you think I would go?. It sure ain't Hawaii. That's 1 of your stupidest analogies.


Well-known member
I am beginning to sense that the better Bernie does in the polls and eventually the election, that the comments coming from shit fans are going to start to resemble the rants of a crazy person. Its going to be fun.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
There nothing but air between there ears. Rational common sense is a foreign thought process to a few here.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I am beginning to sense that the better Bernie does in the polls and eventually the election, that the comments coming from shit fans are going to start to resemble the rants of a crazy person. Its going to be fun.

So, I guess you believe the war on cannabis was justified and all above board and no tribunals or prosecutions are warranted. Best to pat the DEA on the back, burry our heads in the sand and move on, lol.


Well-known member
So, I guess you believe the war on cannabis was justified and all above board and no tribunals or prosecutions are warranted. Best to pat the DEA on the back, burry our heads in the sand and move on, lol.

I believe you are changing the subject. Everyone on this site would most likely love to see everyone who fights against cannabis punished. And the lives ruined turned back to great.

This is an election thread.

Your guy is losing. And it is good. Because he is bad for the poor, education, foreign relations, rivers, air, pornstars, trees, intelligence, people of color, freedom of religion, personal freedoms, cannabis and even you. You just refuse to see.


Active member
I am beginning to sense that the better Bernie does in the polls and eventually the election, that the comments coming from shit fans are going to start to resemble the rants of a crazy person. Its going to be fun.

i've been laughing my ass off at you silly fucks since this thread started....:tiphat:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
So, I guess you believe the war on cannabis was justified and all above board and no tribunals or prosecutions are warranted. Best to pat the DEA on the back, burry our heads in the sand and move on, lol.

You guys are comparing apples and oranges. The War on drugs was a miserably bad policy. Many suffered as a result.. What Trumptuds done is also a bad environmental policy. How the hell can you think its good coming from a Climate change denier that thinks windmills cause cancer. The list goes on. Like I mentioned you few wont ever believe a single thing Trumpturd does is bad even if he shat in your mouth. What more needs to be said :tiphat:.
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