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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
Hello all,

Once again, deluded donny is misinforming the American people about c-virus...contradicts CDC....

Who do you believe?


buckleup buttercup and grab something


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Bernies going to get rid of the racist immigration policies on day 1
He says free healthcare,free education,welfare,and housing/ food assistance to anyone who makes it to American soil ,It's the human thing to do.
We've all suckled at the teet of white privilege for far too long.Time to move over and let someone else get the nip.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Oh dont mind me,I'm anti government.
And even more anti politician,that's why I voted for Trump.
Granted separating children from their parents at the border was a douche move that I never condoned,and still dont.Even fucking crack heads get their kids back.

In 2016 I would have voted for Andrew Dice Clay if he ran.

Capra ibex

Bernies going to get rid of the racist immigration policies on day 1
He says free healthcare,free education,welfare,and housing/ food assistance to anyone who makes it to American soil ,It's the human thing to do.
We've all suckled at the teet of white privilege for far too long.Time to move over and let someone else get the nip.

Someone's showing their soft underbelly....

Better late than never :) :ying:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Education and socer played by men.

Wow you're really just miserable aren't you

Such contempt for anyone who dares have a different perspective.


I asked you about your opinion that we are the best at everything....

You said you already knew. I have a feeling that you are sure about much more than that....

Let us know.

Is your perspective that Trump wouldn't lie so everything we do is better than everyone else?


Well-known member


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Active member

I asked you about your opinion that we are the best at everything....

You said you already knew. I have a feeling that you are sure about much more than that....

Let us know.

Is your perspective that Trump wouldn't lie so everything we do is better than everyone else?

It read snarky to me cause you preferenced it with "like all Trump supporter's
Sounded bitter.If i'm wrong on that then I apologize .But be real you're not exactly assulting gay,black,b list actor's outside Chicago sandwich shop's at 3 am like most of us Trump supporter's so it would shock me a little if you sincerely wanted my opinion on an y thing.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I've given you all the chances I can stomach.

Blindly follow and don't forget to click your heels when you're done goose-stepping.

Don't forget to dodge questions and derail direct questions.

Enjoy your reality, I choose not to endorse any of your delusion further.

Don't ever get tired of all of the winning.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Thinking about it - isn't that what politicians do on the campaign trail particularly - shake hands - hug people close - kiss babies - smooching up on unaware targets like a vampire - and snogging necks etc (ala Biden) - so politics is also a potential vector for any virus -

I'd stay away from them - if I were you -
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