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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
Most of you who have seen me around on theses forums pretty much know I'm not paranoid, or a conspiracy theorist..

However, as much as I doubt that it would happen, but if China wanted to covertly attack us,
what's to prevent them from manufacturing face masks that are infected with the Corona virus, and exporting them to the U.S.?


That would be tough. Maybe some counterfeits?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You could say that about China. All the other countries are seeing the same. No children have contracted coronavirus.


Well-known member
The biggest question is why no Children have not been infected.
did some checking
looks like kids catch it too, but it's not deadly or even dangerous to them
just looks like a typical upper respiratory infection
lot of diseases in that category that don't hurt as much when you're young


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That lady from CDC was saying no kids had been infected they don't know why. Maybe she meant no kids are getting sick from it even thought they have contracted the virus. Either way its very odd.

The NEJM authors write that kids may be getting the virus but showing milder symptoms than adults, making them less likely to seek medical care and thus excluding them from research and case counts. The coronavirus appears to be sparing one group of people: Kids.

Last week, Singapore confirmed a case in a 6-month-old baby whose parents were also both infected, and an infant in China was born Feb. 2 with the virus. The baby’s mother also tested positive. But infections in children appear to rare for now, according to a Feb. 5 study in the peer-reviewed Journal of the American Medical Association.


Active member
Some people in China think that the Corona virus has been engineered to only kill those of Chinese descent - those with Chinese DNA -

- makes me wonder if this virus is racially specific - and only kills people with certain gene profiles?

If thats the case then it was deffintly engineerd but how can it be selective ,
What is the difference between asain and other DNA ?
For example the difference between black and white is in the amount of melanin in the skin.
I'm saying are there identifiers in the DNA that can be identified as specificly Chinese ?

Give you stuff to think about thats for sure.
But last reports I heard they still dont know if it was engineerd or organic

Ill tell ya what nothing breaks down partisan lines better than a health scare
I know we are better prepared in the USA than anywhere on earth
But even still it'll scare you
Imagine if we had Nationalized health care ? Yikes._.
Mr D broke that all down very nicely yesterday so no need to go over it.


Active member
It's fake. It's funny. Laugh away. I did.



If thats the case then it was deffintly engineerd but how can it be selective ,
What is the difference between asain and other DNA ?
For example the difference between black and white is in the amount of melanin in the skin.
I'm saying are there identifiers in the DNA that can be identified as specificly Chinese ?

Give you stuff to think about thats for sure.
But last reports I heard they still dont know if it was engineerd or organic

Ill tell ya what nothing breaks down partisan lines better than a health scare
I know we are better prepared in the USA than anywhere on earth
But even still it'll scare you
Imagine if we had Nationalized health care ? Yikes._.
Mr D broke that all down very nicely yesterday so no need to go over it.

It is possible.

"Among humans, 99.9 % of the bases in the entire genome are remarkably similar; it is the remaining 0.1 % of the bases that makes a person unique [9]. Among this 0.1 % of bases, more than 90 % are SNPs [10]. Barbujani et al. estimated that −85 % of SNPs are common to all human populations and that only approximately 15 % of SNPs are population-specific [11]. However, among different populations, specific SNPs account for 15 % of all SNPs, and common SNPs account for 85 % of all SNPs; both types contribute to various characteristics, including drug resistance and skin color [12, 13]. For example, Xu et al. found that the incidence of G6PD deficiency varies among populations because of the different proportions of SNP alleles [14]. Similarly, β-thalassemia exhibits a varied incidence among populations from Delhi (India), Lebanon and Sardinia because of the different predominant alleles in these areas [15–17].

In addition to SUCSECEPTIBILITY TO DISEASES, physical appearance based on skin/hair color and physique varies among populations, especially those traits observed on different continents [12, 18].



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Trump spouting off just because bernie said he wouldnt deport ileagal immigrants even if they commit murder.

Trump has really lost it,why should they be sent back to those countries where they aren't allowed to flourish.

Donnie's going to lose more votes spouting that kinda shit


Well-known member
Donnie's real weak point may be his germ phobia
pressing the flesh going to be interesting in the coming months
not to mention the stock market correction
you just can't write fiction like this that wouldn't be seen as ridiculous


Well-known member
If thats the case then it was deffintly engineerd but how can it be selective ,
What is the difference between asain and other DNA ?
For example the difference between black and white is in the amount of melanin in the skin.
I'm saying are there identifiers in the DNA that can be identified as specificly Chinese ?

Give you stuff to think about thats for sure.
But last reports I heard they still dont know if it was engineerd or organic

Ill tell ya what nothing breaks down partisan lines better than a health scare
I know we are better prepared in the USA than anywhere on earth
But even still it'll scare you
Imagine if we had Nationalized health care ? Yikes._.
Mr D broke that all down very nicely yesterday so no need to go over it.
Sad humor.


Active member
Trump spouting off just because bernie said he wouldnt deport ileagal immigrants even if they commit murder.

Trump has really lost it,why should they be sent back to those countries where they aren't allowed to flourish.

Donnie's going to lose more votes spouting that kinda shit

Why even have borders then ? Or an immigration system like every single other 1st world country.

Donnies not losing any votes over putting America 1st I'll tell you that right now
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