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The 2020 Presidential Election

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St. Phatty

Active member
Man, the bar is pretty low for what we expect out of trump, but lol, he is looking inept as fuck trying to respond to an actual problem. Given the fuck science mentality yall have going on that side, guess praying for a miracle and it to go away is the best it gets.

Trump will be forced to admit his mistake.

That will be a classic press conference.

Though actually - based on the way the US gov. is ignorring the C-virus, and the fact that Trump goes around the world meeting people - he is very much at risk of getting the C-virus.

As is Pence.

As is Pelosi.

As is McConnell.

As are the Cabinet heads. There's 15 of them, maybe that will be enough.

"The line of succession follows the order of: vice president, speaker of the House of Representatives, president pro tempore of the Senate, and then the eligible heads of federal executive departments who form the president's Cabinet. "


Though actually, a lot of people who catch the C-virus remain perfectly functional. They just need to wear protective gear because they're infectious.


Well-known member
Trump spouting off just because bernie said he wouldnt deport ileagal immigrants even if they commit murder.

Trump has really lost it,why should they be sent back to those countries where they aren't allowed to flourish.

Donnie's going to lose more votes spouting that kinda shit
Fake news Bernie never said that.

"If someone has been convicted of a terrible, terrible crime, that might be an exception to the rule. A moratorium on 99% of deportations is nothing to sniff at, and I think the undocumented community would be very proud of that." - Bernie


Well-known member
Any one of them has the same chance if not a greater chance to stop trump than Bernie. Bernie only does well in a divided party.
This is beyond incorrect.

I'm actually scarred Bernie Sanders might win. Guy wants free health care and College for everyone including undocumented immigrants. Basically if you can sneak into America free healthcare and college, we will be completely flooded by border jumpers all over the world.

Taxes will be through the roof, unless you're making $100,000 a year you'll be better off not working so you can live off the free shit.

I wanted to vote for Vermin Supreme just for the fuck of it, but Sanders has got to be stopped!!
Reactionary ignorance

stock market? I thought the stock market was part of obammies my lips are huge... recovery....upward trends and watnot....wat happened? :dunno:

If you listened to objective economists youd know they've been projecting another recession for years lol.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Sorry never saw the quote he made,saw it regurgitated by a so called journalist.
Now that you've found his quote,what does that mean?
What is a terrible crime in bernies mind?
They're not even turned over to ICE for raping children let alone women.I guess at the end of the day it's an individual's choice to decide what they feel is a terrible crime.Hopefully he clarifies exactly what would meet his criteria of terrible.Im sure eventually he'll be asked the hard questions,and not by others on the democratic side.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Even those who are undocumented?
How much does each inmate cost taxpayers annually?
American's should pay for this as well ?

Shit like that is why Trump may be re elected,but I respect your opinion.


Active member
Even those who are undocumented?
How much does each inmate cost taxpayers annually?
American's should pay for this as well ?

Shit like that is why Trump may be re elected,but I respect your opinion.

So we deport them to continue business in another country?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Average cost to the taxpayers is 31K
Personally I don't want to pay 31 k
I may be willing to chip in on castration.
Break out mr Mustards guillotine,and I'm down.
That's prior to deportation of course.
I do nor consider a child rapist a human being,sorry.
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