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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
The richest 1% makes money off of you because you buy their products and you elect lawmakers who have codified their monopolies. Take a look at legalized medical and recreation cannabis to see how regulations favor the 1%.

Innovation and Consumer demand is the best way to get rid of fossil fuels.

The high cost of health insurance and big Pharam poisons is a direct result of government regulations.

Do you honestly believe in spite of mountains of evidence that higher taxes on these industries won't result in higher costs for consumers?

Why don't you ever take an unbiased look at these half cocked "solutions" you advocate for?

Price is based on competition and what the market will bear. They’re already maxed out.

Cost of doing business only determines if it’s worth staying in business.
Taxes will never be more than profit. They’re based on profit. If you’re good at business, you’ll make money.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I think you're right. Maybe they help but are not bulletproof. There were vids of people in China getting busted for not wearing one.

3M makes dust masks with interchangeable filters that can go from dust up to hazmat. That would really be the way to go.

The N95 mask has the protection to keep the germ particles that are airborne from getting through.

A regular surgical mask as you see at the entrance of hospitals,and in doctor's offices waiting rooms,are for the person showing symptoms so as not to infect others.


Active member


ICMag Donor
I guess it's that simple if you don't bother to look in to the causes.....

It's a simple concept buried in tons of bullshit. 'Causes' are just a distraction. If Canada and everyone else can do it, we can too.

It's like the inner city corner store owner. Tell him he can buy his stock for a fraction of the price. Is he going to yell and scream at you or is he going to listen? Tell that shop owner that MS13 is not going to come by weekly and jack him for money. Is he going to feel bad that gang members might be loosing their jobs. I don't think so.

Bernie is right. We can fix this. Ask a Canadian if they would like to shift to our medical system. Guess what the answer will be.


ICMag Donor
I know you'll use this as fodder against Trumpcare and as the "perfect" example of why we need medicare for all. But I'll post it anyway because I believe it can also be used as an example of why we need to greatly expand capacity and the number of doctors. Consider if this virus takes hold in the US and thousands maybe millions of people feel they have a legit reason to be tested for the virus. Then do a little research in to how many CT scans can be done in a day.

It's not so much doctors. It's nurses.

We need a streamlined, test out, upgrade for nurses that would upgrade RNs and NPs and give them more responsibility, leeway and autonomy. Having nurses as triage in the system resolving simple cases and sending more complicated cases to doctors Would increase system capacity greatly. My doctors office works this way. One doctor, 3 RNs and 3 NPs. Works great. The doctor doesn't need to waste his time on simple problems. Serious stuff can be fast tracked to specialists.

St. Phatty

Active member
Wear it to a trump rally. Take it off and start coughing.

In some ways, it's a virus that targets stupid & gullible people.

All those Americans that believe the government has their best interests at heart.

People like Trump that can't tell the difference between the flu and CoVid 19.

I'm reading about Imam's in Iran that refuse to call off prayers, even though the mosque is like a petri dish because of how they pray.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Wear it to a trump rally. Take it off and start coughing.

Libtards have such TDS I bet they would catch WuFlu on purpose to go to Trump rallys and spread it around. The Trump security people are wise to that plot and no skinny jean wearing people are allowed in.

Oboma wishing he could have some statements back, but he can't. So he is telling the liberals at tee vee stations not to run this ad. LOL.

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Active member
Libtards have such TDS I bet they would catch WuFlu on purpose to go to Trump rallys and spread it around. The are wise to that plot and ni skinny jean wearing people are allowed in.

Oboma wishing he could have some statements back, but he can't. so he is telling the liberals at tee vee stations not torun this ad. LOL.


If they grow pubes on their faces, they could pass themselves off as one of the trump kids.


ICMag Donor
Libtards have such TDS I bet they would catch WuFlu on purpose to go to Trump rallys and spread it around. The are wise to that plot and ni skinny jean wearing people are allowed in.

Oboma wishing he could have some statements back, but he can't. so he is telling the liberals at tee vee stations not torun this ad. LOL.


Dude, What's up with this? I have known a couple tree top flyers in my day (it's really all desert) and they were pretty smart guys.
Maybe it just refers to having your barn door open and catching a buzz? :biggrin:


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Dude, What's up with this? I have known a couple tree top flyers in my day (it's really all desert) and they were pretty smart guys.
Maybe it just refers to having your barn door open and catching a buzz? :biggrin:

It's called a hangar and anything under 20' is a buzz.


ICMag Donor
Dude, What's up with this? I have known a couple tree top flyers in my day (it's really all desert) and they were pretty smart guys.
Maybe it just refers to having your barn door open and catching a buzz? :biggrin:

It's called a hangar and anything under 20' is a buzz.

20 feet is way too high. Barely gets you in ground effect.

The barn door open is an expression for having your zipper down. I was referring to your user ID. :biggrin: You're killin' me.
Catchin' a buzz is a term for smoking weed.

C'mon, you're the guy with the libtard stuff. Don't get that deer in the headlights look now.

Musical Interlude ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opBe5z0qwRE

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I thing Trump needs to be more concerned about Novel, and less concerned about the stock market, although a recession would certainly be blamed on him.

We need to shut this country until we have time to produce large quantities of a working tested, vaccine, that can soften the blow, we are about to get hit with. Even at 2% population loss, that could be well over 6 million American lives lost.
I really do think the death rate is higher then what we have been told so far, and I think it is very likely to spread out of control here very soon. We will likely all have it in the very near future


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Parasite film studio on Trump saying the film shouldn't have won the Oscar: 'Understandable, he can't read' LMAO

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Most of you who have seen me around on theses forums pretty much know I'm not paranoid, or a conspiracy theorist..

However, as much as I doubt that it would happen, but if China wanted to covertly attack us,
what's to prevent them from manufacturing face masks that are infected with the Corona virus, and exporting them to the U.S.?


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Some people in China think that the Corona virus has been engineered to only kill those of Chinese descent - those with Chinese DNA -

- makes me wonder if this virus is racially specific - and only kills people with certain gene profiles?

Most of you who have seen me around on theses forums pretty much know I'm not paranoid, or a conspiracy theorist..

However, as much as I doubt that it would happen, but if China wanted to covertly attack us,
what's to prevent them from manufacturing face masks that are infected with the Corona virus, and exporting them to the U.S.?

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