The richest 1% makes money off of you because you buy their products and you elect lawmakers who have codified their monopolies. Take a look at legalized medical and recreation cannabis to see how regulations favor the 1%.
Innovation and Consumer demand is the best way to get rid of fossil fuels.
The high cost of health insurance and big Pharam poisons is a direct result of government regulations.
Do you honestly believe in spite of mountains of evidence that higher taxes on these industries won't result in higher costs for consumers?
Why don't you ever take an unbiased look at these half cocked "solutions" you advocate for?
Trump claimed there was 15 cases of coronavirus.]
The brutally uninformed will be the first to parish..
I think you're right. Maybe they help but are not bulletproof. There were vids of people in China getting busted for not wearing one.
3M makes dust masks with interchangeable filters that can go from dust up to hazmat. That would really be the way to go.
I guess it's that simple if you don't bother to look in to the causes.....
I know you'll use this as fodder against Trumpcare and as the "perfect" example of why we need medicare for all. But I'll post it anyway because I believe it can also be used as an example of why we need to greatly expand capacity and the number of doctors. Consider if this virus takes hold in the US and thousands maybe millions of people feel they have a legit reason to be tested for the virus. Then do a little research in to how many CT scans can be done in a day.
Wear it to a trump rally. Take it off and start coughing.
Wear it to a trump rally. Take it off and start coughing.
Libtards have such TDS I bet they would catch WuFlu on purpose to go to Trump rallys and spread it around. The are wise to that plot and ni skinny jean wearing people are allowed in.
Oboma wishing he could have some statements back, but he can't. so he is telling the liberals at tee vee stations not torun this ad. LOL.
Libtards have such TDS I bet they would catch WuFlu on purpose to go to Trump rallys and spread it around. The are wise to that plot and ni skinny jean wearing people are allowed in.
Oboma wishing he could have some statements back, but he can't. so he is telling the liberals at tee vee stations not torun this ad. LOL.
Dude, What's up with this? I have known a couple tree top flyers in my day (it's really all desert) and they were pretty smart guys.
Maybe it just refers to having your barn door open and catching a buzz?
Dude, What's up with this? I have known a couple tree top flyers in my day (it's really all desert) and they were pretty smart guys.
Maybe it just refers to having your barn door open and catching a buzz?
It's called a hangar and anything under 20' is a buzz.
Most of you who have seen me around on theses forums pretty much know I'm not paranoid, or a conspiracy theorist..
However, as much as I doubt that it would happen, but if China wanted to covertly attack us,
what's to prevent them from manufacturing face masks that are infected with the Corona virus, and exporting them to the U.S.?