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The 2020 Presidential Election

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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You do understand that those fuel sources are finite, correct?

We are ridding the planet of fossil fuels every time we start our cars.

It would be stupid to behave as if the supply were endless.


ICMag Donor
You do understand that those fuel sources are finite, correct?

We are ridding the planet of fossil fuels every time we start our cars.

It would be stupid to behave as if the supply were endless.

Hydrogen is perfectly clean.

Train loads of water into the desert. Train loads of hydrogen out.

Oil companies and Saudi Arabia would not like this.

Mr D

You do understand that those fuel sources are finite, correct?

We are ridding the planet of fossil fuels every time we start our cars.

It would be stupid to behave as if the supply were endless.

Yeah it's pretty clear. That's why electric vehicle sales continue to climb, more manufacturers are producing them and new charging stations are going up across the country.

Private sector innovations and consumer demand will eliminate fossil fuels not higher taxes and lawsuits.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Because consumer demand and private sector innovation is what makes huge corporations take notice.

Never high taxes or lawsuits....

You certainly have a handle on the reality of the situation.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Hydrogen is perfectly clean.

Train loads of water into the desert. Train loads of hydrogen out.

Oil companies and Saudi Arabia would not like this.

People used to die suddenly or disappear if they mentioned solar power in the fifties.

Oil companies are ruthless.


Well-known member
Yeah it's pretty clear. That's why electric vehicle sales continue to climb, more manufacturers are producing them and new charging stations are going up across the country.

Private sector innovations and consumer demand will eliminate fossil fuels not higher taxes and lawsuits.
there's a lot going on with electric vehicles
private sector is the producer, but government has been a driver
if all was otherwise well with the world, i'd say that's fine
but it's not, too much CO2 NOW
help it along, it's money well spent

Mr D

Because consumer demand and private sector innovation is what makes huge corporations take notice.

Never high taxes or lawsuits....

You certainly have a handle on the reality of the situation.

Wouldn't it make more sense for a candidate to explain fossil fuels are finite instead of the us vs them bullshit combined with alarmist climate talk?

The majority of Americans are not in favor of pollution and need to have drilled in to their heads that oil will run out instead of hyperbole about climate gloom and doom.

Why are so many Americans unaware that burying some pipe deep enough in their backyard can provide a greener hybrid geothermal HVAC system?

Bernie's plan amounts to: the government can fix the problem if you give us more money and control over your lives. No one who has paid attention believes that.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Anyone who pays attention sees that we should have had universal healthcare long ago.

They also take notice of the bloated military budget.

Our government is already huge.

Making it more useful would hardly be harmful.

Mr D

Anand Giridharadas on why the socialism/capitalism binary is false


Honestly bro if you spend some time reading republican/conservative comments you'll see that they believe Bernie is communist not a socialist. Doubling down on Castros indoctrination program by calling it a boon to literacy just reinforces their belief.

Personally I don't care which label Bernie or his supports want to wear. His plans suck because they are shortsighted. He dumbs down a very complicated problem to higher taxes.

No I don't have a problem with affordable accessible health care for all. I just understand that we have to make it more accessible and start producing a hell of lot more doctors before it can become a reality.

Numbers don't lie. The current doctor to citizen ratio is to far out of whack for medicare for all to be anything but a disaster.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Mr Genius says there's 15 cases of coronavirus and all are under control here in the USA. CDC disputes his claims and says there's 60 cases in the USA and they expect more.

How the hell can anyone trust a word this clown says.

Mr D

Mr Genius says there's 15 cases of coronavirus and all are under control here in the USA. CDC disputes his claims and says there's 60 cases in the USA and they expect more.

How the hell can anyone trust a word this clown says.

You didn't watch the news conference did you?

He was talking about the 15 cases that developed here and did mention the other 40 some US citizens diagnosed in Japan and returned to the US. The distinction being cases found within the US vs the total number which includes Americans overseas brought back to the US after being diagnosed.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Yes watched him make a fool of himself again. He always down plays everything. My statement about trusting a word he says is very accurate. He is not someone anyone should trust.

Mr D

Since according to you and others Trump is lying about the virus and got doctors and other health professionals to go a long with his lies......

What happens if Bernie catches the corona virus and dies before the election. Is anyone thinking about second choices since Bernie and Biden are part of the vulnerable demographic?

Capra ibex

Since according to you and others Trump is lying about the virus and got doctors and other health professionals to go a long with his lies......

What happens if Bernie catches the corona virus and dies before the election. Is anyone thinking about second choices since Bernie and Biden are part of the vulnerable demographic?

If Biden caught it they shouldn't let anyone know and just send him to hang around Trump and cough and splutter as much as possible.... taking one for the team, kind of thing. :biggrin:


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
It really just shows that after almost 4 years the left does not understand Trump's appeal. It's the fact that he's a bit crass and not a career politician that he enjoys such support.

because they are dumb as posts just like 85% of the American population....truthfully they are regarded as stupid around the educated world and justifiably so.
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