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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Mr D

Sir. I believe you have been fooled. Sorry to be the one to break it too you. But the people you support are crooks and liars. And all evidence proves it. I am not sure where you learned math. But buy a calculator and go look up Bernie's plan on his website.

I did and listen to Bernie in an interview saying he can't put an exact price tag on his plans. Projections are made based on an increase in debt based currency. Which means more debt because after all the only way to expand our fiat currency is through debt.

Then I looked at federal tax revenue and federal spending.

Then I looked at the number of billionaires and corporations making billions, the total wealth. I also asked myself if billionaires with an army of high paid lawyers can figure a way to move that wealth outside of the reach of the US and Bernie. Those who can most certainly will.

The left complains about a broken system but is fuckin clueless about what exactly is broken. I can assure you that unfair tax rates are far from the biggest problem. Bernie's rhetoric is just more divisional bullshit, us vs them low IQ tripe.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The person with the lowest IQ is Trumpturd lol. Id put my money on Bernie's IQ.. just more hyperbole from you..


Well-known member
You can start by educating yourself on debt based fiat currency and how it affects wages, wealth distribution and inflation.

Then head over to the AMA and look in to their control over the number of doctors and universities that educate doctors. Then ask yourself how much would healthcare cost if we had as many doctors as we have lawyers.

Bernie does not speak to problems of inequality as it relates to the Federal Reserve bank. He just spouts the same crap about giving our corrupt government more money.... and we are supposed to believe this huge corrupt body with a deeply entrenched workforce dependent on the status quo will magically transform to a social justice dynamo.

How many years have you listened politicians making promises they don't keep? Why do you believe someone who's list of ambitions makes him unqualified for the tasks when you read his resume?

Why do you think the same group of people who have robbed us all along is going to actual fix anything? They do not even care about clean air and water and you believe they have your best interest in mind.


Well-known member
I did and listen to Bernie in an interview saying he can't put an exact price tag on his plans. Projections are made based on an increase in debt based currency. Which means more debt because after all the only way to expand our fiat currency is through debt.

Then I looked at federal tax revenue and federal spending.

Then I looked at the number of billionaires and corporations making billions, the total wealth. I also asked myself if billionaires with an army of high paid lawyers can figure a way to move that wealth outside of the reach of the US and Bernie. Those who can most certainly will.

The left complains about a broken system but is fuckin clueless about what exactly is broken. I can assure you that unfair tax rates are far from the biggest problem. Bernie's rhetoric is just more divisional bullshit, us vs them low IQ tripe.

Bernie says the total economic plan is going to be posted on his website.

Mr D

bernie propaganda so thick right now. cause the establishment knows if bernie wins SC it's all over.

Yup, it looks like everything is Bernie's fault.

347 rabbis sign letter rejecting Bernie Sanders' 'outrageous comments'

Hedge Fund king blames Bernie Sanders for Wall Street selloff…


Axelrod: Sanders ‘Sounded Like He Was Attacking the U.S.’ and Defending Socialist Regimes

Josh Hawley: Bernie Sanders ‘Clearly Has a Taste for Authoritarian Governments’

James Carville: Warren and Sanders don't seem like they're trying to win at this point

Marco Rubio on Bernie Sanders: ‘He’s Actually Not a Socialist — He’s a Marxist’

Trump Thumps Sanders in Head-to-Head Matchup



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I did and listen to Bernie in an interview saying he can't put an exact price tag on his plans. Projections are made based on an increase in debt based currency. Which means more debt because after all the only way to expand our fiat currency is through debt.

Then I looked at federal tax revenue and federal spending.

Then I looked at the number of billionaires and corporations making billions, the total wealth. I also asked myself if billionaires with an army of high paid lawyers can figure a way to move that wealth outside of the reach of the US and Bernie. Those who can most certainly will.

The left complains about a broken system but is fuckin clueless about what exactly is broken. I can assure you that unfair tax rates are far from the biggest problem. Bernie's rhetoric is just more divisional bullshit, us vs them low IQ tripe.

Couldn't be worse than the IQ level it takes to follow Trump.


Well-known member

I really don't care about abortion, but I want to keep my second amendment rights. Hopefully the supreme court is next, it's time for Ginsburg to go. Once my second amendment rights are locked for years to come then the older folks can have their Medicare for all, just please give me the option to opt out I would rather keep my money.

just a reminder that Ayn Rand, libertarian super hero, died in public housing while collecting social security and on medicare.

or how about this one -- Ron Paul's campaign manager in 2008 died because he had no health insurance and was $400,000 in medical debt.


Well-known member
At the fifth GOP debate this week, moderator Wolf Blitzer asked Ron Paul, a doctor, whether someone who opts to not buy health insurance and then gets sick should be allowed to die. The crowd responded with startling shouts of “Yeah!” followed by applause, leaving even Rick Perry “taken aback.” Paul’s answer, while more gentle, was more or less the same. “That’s what freedom is all about: taking your own risks. This whole idea that you have to take care of everybody … ” said Paul, who was cut off by clapping from the audience. While you wouldn’t know it from his answer, Blizter’s hypothetical probably hit close to home for Paul, whose campaign manager Kent Snyder died young of pneumonia — without insurance — in 2008.

He was just 49 years old when he died of complications from the virus on June 26, two weeks after Paul dropped out of the race. Snyder’s mother was left with around $400,000 in medical costs. Paul supporters set up a donation fund to help with the debt.

Snyder was credited as “the driving force behind Ron Paul’s presidential bid” in the last election, having turned “his one-man operation into a national grass-roots phenomenon that now calls itself ‘The Freedom Movement.’”



Well-known member
what a great double whammy to give your loved ones lmao.... your death over something that could potentially be preventable if you had health care (especially if you have kids), and thousands and thousands of dollars of debt that your family now inherits.

Capra ibex

I agree and if given the option to opt out and keep my money I will. And if I die, I die.

Once the panic that you are going to die sets in you will be begging for help 'Please.... please, help me.... i'll pay double, i'll pay triple.... you can't just let me die'

Mr D

Couldn't be worse than the IQ level it takes to follow Trump.

That's what happens when people become cynical and lose faith in government. They elect the candidate they view as most like to shake up the establishment. You can argue that he has or hasn't.

It really just shows that after almost 4 years the left does not understand Trump's appeal. It's the fact that he's a bit crass and not a career politician that he enjoys such support.

They just don't care about grabbing pussies, Stormy Daniels, childish name calling and the hundreds of other non presidential behaviors.

In an earlier post you listed links to Obama's statements on China. Yet he did nothing to stop or curb those things, instead appointed a buffoon like Biden knowing he would not accomplish anything. People were tired of that kind of uniparty double talk so they went nuclear and elected the most offensive electable candidate they could find. Trump is their battering ram not their ideal president. He understands that role and is perfectly suited to carry it out. You can argue it's wrong, Trump is another establishment rube or whatever you want. I'm just telling you why people support him.

Mr D

what a great double whammy to give your loved ones lmao.... your death over something that could potentially be preventable if you had health care (especially if you have kids), and thousands and thousands of dollars of debt that your family now inherits.

Since when do you inherit other family members over 18 medical bills, unless you signed up front to be responsible?

It's as stupid to say as ridding the planet of fossil fuels which power the hospitals and provide many of the products used to save lives. How many lives have been saved by first responders who arrived in time because of vehicles and medical devices made possible by fossil fuels?
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