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The 2020 Presidential Election

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ICMag Donor
Just a quick note..

For the last 30 years I only purchase union made goods and services whenever possible. When not possible I opt for items made in America. It's been much more costly but comes with the satisfaction of supporting union and American companies and workers.

Unfortunately one of the industries I work in is totally dominated by the Chinese. They manufacture over 95% of the product used in that industry, for the entire world. I used the only option available to me which was to get a federal license to manufacture those products myself.

That's cool. I try to buy local and buy American when possible. Also was a union worker for years.

You should look into Mitch McConnell's wife Elaine Chao. Her family owns one of the biggest shipping companies in China. Somehow she got an American Ambassador job. Imagine that.


Well-known member
He said it would remove it from it's schedule 1 classification.
and federally legalize on day 1 by signing an executive order and erase conviction records.

State lawmakers are the ones who have the say over homegrown. If you look at the states who have legalized recreational, $tate and local regulation$$$$ are going to ensure cannabis will never be treated like roses.

withhold state funds til they cooporate


Start our own party.

International Cannagraphic Union Party or ICUP?

Oh man, I just cracked up thinking of the old kids joke where you ask them to spell icup...I see you pee.

I am a bit jaded on very rural places and their inhabitants, can't think of a good way to elaborate that isnt super dickish. Many of the issues that plague inner city ghettos apply to poor rural areas as well. Weird cultural shit.


Well-known member
The richest 1% makes money off of you because you buy their products and you elect lawmakers who have codified their monopolies. Take a look at legalized medical and recreation cannabis to see how regulations favor the 1%.

Innovation and Consumer demand is the best way to get rid of fossil fuels.

The high cost of health insurance and big Pharam poisons is a direct result of government regulations.

Do you honestly believe in spite of mountains of evidence that higher taxes on these industries won't result in higher costs for consumers?

Why don't you ever take an unbiased look at these half cocked "solutions" you advocate for?

I look it it all from the angle of what is best for everybody. Everywhere. I do not consider my ideas half cocked. I consider them quite reasonable.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
LMAO, If this thread is any indication how that would go It should tell us thast jsut not gonna happen :D


Well-known member
still not convinced bloomberg is an oligarch?

Michael "i bought them" Bloomberg. this man will literally destroy the democracy we have left. if he wins it opens the doors for other billionaires to do the same thing.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Mr D Four years ago China was just another seemingly invisible country without mention (other than by Trump) in national political conversation.

Not from my wheelhouse.





Trump is nothing but a phony wannabe riding on the coattails of others but was born with a big mouth which the 'undereducated' and weak minded believe.

This is just a clear-minded observation and only my opinion.


Some of them are anxious to move to such an environment so long as it does not mean a financial setback.

I just dont think there will be enough that do, it is a lot land mass to try and cover. Facilities are one thing, but the real challenge I see is trying to get the actual doctors to want to live there. It may appeal to some, but I think the vast majority of and certainly the best of medical professionals would want access to restaurants, shopping, etc. If they have kids, gonna want a decent education system and rural schools aren't normally that great due to a lack of resources.

Mr D

That's cool. I try to buy local and buy American when possible. Also was a union worker for years.

You should look into Mitch McConnell's wife Elaine Chao. Her family owns one of the biggest shipping companies in China. Somehow she got an American Ambassador job. Imagine that.

Please don't think I'm unaware of the Republican's crimes. However neither side has a monopoly on corruption. The two party paradigm has failed Americans so I'm not inclined to pick from one of the two because of the lesser of two evils logic fallacy.

As I mentioned before I was considered a libtard at the old Overgrow during the Bush years for speaking out against the Patriot act and more wars.

I know this might come as a surprise but I didn't vote for Trump and I won't vote for Trump in November. I wrote off the uniparty 30 years ago. IMO our election system is badly broken and totally controlled by money.

I'm looking for another Ron Paul type who understands the major source of wealth inequality stems from the privately owned central bank..... fiat slavery.

Mr D

Not from my wheelhouse.





Trump is nothing but a phony wannabe riding on the coattails of others but was born with a big mouth which the 'undereducated' and weak minded believe.

This is just a clear-minded observation and only my opinion.

Obama lip service while he has Biden as point man is not impressive.

Trump might be a flaming moron but someone advising him on China knows the importance of decoupling from China. Those who don't understand the importance will soon learn thanks to the corona virus.


Active member
Obama lip service while he has Biden as point man is not impressive.

Trump might be a flaming moron but someone advising him on China knows the importance of decoupling from China. Those who don't understand the importance will soon learn thanks to the corona virus.

Except we’re not and that wasn’t his intent if we were. Sounds like junior.

Mr D

and federally legalize on day 1 by signing an executive order and erase conviction records.

withhold state funds til they cooporate

Withhold state funds because of state cannabis laws? Who do you suppose that will hurt?

Bernie can erase federal convictions as president but not local and state convictions.

Legalizing cannabis is not an important issue for the majority of voters.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That is true. Most states that have legal canna laws have expunged all none violent canna convictions.


ICMag Donor
Please don't think I'm unaware of the Republican's crimes. However neither side has a monopoly on corruption. The two party paradigm has failed Americans so I'm not inclined to pick from one of the two because of the lesser of two evils logic fallacy.

As I mentioned before I was considered a libtard at the old Overgrow during the Bush years for speaking out against the Patriot act and more wars.

I know this might come as a surprise but I didn't vote for Trump and I won't vote for Trump in November. I wrote off the uniparty 30 years ago. IMO our election system is badly broken and totally controlled by money.

I'm looking for another Ron Paul type who understands the major source of wealth inequality stems from the privately owned central bank..... fiat slavery.

For me, If you have a political position and have your reasons for thinking a certain way then that's something I can listen to and respect. Maybe I can learn something. If you are a spewer of regurgitated propaganda, no respect. I agree with most of what you mention above.


Well-known member
federal law supercedes state law as stated by our constitution

the govt did this with the drinking age by withholding highway funds and it worked.

it may hurt, but guess what, states that don't go along with federal legalization are only hurting themselves even more.
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