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The 2020 Presidential Election

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White Beard

Active member
Seth’s “Closer Look” segment is both razor-sharp and effing hilarious 😎

That's fugg'in hilarious bigtaco!!
Ahh - Hahahhahaahha!
Glad you enjoyed it!

I think that jobs would be created, hospitals built, equipment purchased...

But where?

That’s one reason the rural vote is much more conservative. That’s why “flyover” country rebels. They pay equally, while receiving unequal benefits. That needs to be addressed.
Back when we took the United States Health Corps seriously, there was a public clinic in EVERY populated county. If we put a fraction of the money the military services receive toward the US health service, we could have a subsidized medical school in every state, an ROTC-equivalent for middle and high schools.

Honestly, I don’t consider the rural vote to be genuinely motivated by the effects of their low population levels: I think that’s a political grievance nurtured by “conservatives” to widen the break between the parties and the populace...and blamed on those ‘big-city liberals’ who aren’t actually doing any of that depriving. As much a product of insane tax cuts and service cuts as of any “liberal” policy.

It needs to be coordinated with the universities. Train the locals.



Well-known member
There you have it. An idea that would work.

Ideas are a combination of thoughts and hope and if they 'work' at all it's only temporary until the inevitable 'change' occurs.

... but I was encouraged to see Bernie say yesterday that if elected he would legalize MJ on his 1st day in office by an executive order.

Not that I expect him to be elected but since he's so popular with the Dem's right now alla the other Dem candidates will have to compete, take a firm stand and make it a primary issue also, if they want to win, dilute Bernie.

........ and if the 'idea' should gain momentum and snowball, Trump would also need to compete, wiping out alla the Dems at once by making an executive order of his own before the election.

Just a hopeful thought about an idea.:tiphat:

Mr D

Kudos to you for watching.

The entire democrat platform is bribery. ‘Vote for me, and I’ll take someone else’s money and give it to you! You don’t even have to feel bad about it. You’re not a thief. It’s democracy!

A bunch of white people yelling at each other about how non-racist they are is peak Democrat. They (and that includes the Media Moderators) talk about Black people like pieces of property.Worse, they couple Black people with South American people.

Democrats broke all promises and never blame themselves....

The debate started out with praise for Trump's economy.
“We haven't had a national unemployment rate this low for this long in 50 years."

Bloomberg admits that he bought the supposed "blue wave" in the 2018 elections.

Four years ago China was just another seemingly invisible country without mention (other than by Trump) in national political conversation.

Last night, every member of Dem debate outlined China as a geopolitical threat.

Op-Ed: Bernie Sanders is the front-runner because of how we raised our kids

Take a look at the entire college scam today and you'll see socialist-indoctrination diploma mills

And we're paying for it

Mr D

Elizabeth Warren inadvertently admits that babies in the womb are alive. When she attacked mini Mike with the "kill it" line.

Mr D

Hi, My name is Joe Biden and I'm running for the US Senate. 150 million people were killed in the US by gun violence since 2007.

This guy was the supposed front runner or maybe it was a bunch of bullshit used to reinforce Schiff's election interference lies.


Well-known member
:laughing: It's true, the Dems are f'd, the only way any one of the current hopefuls could get elected is because they're all running against trump!;)

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I wonder if Bernie's legalization - will make it so there are no restrictions on home growers - large commercial grows need some sort of regulation - to make sure they ain't gonna burn the ranch down - or poison the earth, water or air - but for the people that just want to grow for their own consumption in a home garden - there should be no restrictions - 'cos I don't see none on roses - and those plants can draw blood!

Ideas are a combination of thoughts and hope and if they 'work' at all it's only temporary until the inevitable 'change' occurs.

... but I was encouraged to see Bernie say yesterday that if elected he would legalize MJ on his 1st day in office by an executive order.

Not that I expect him to be elected but since he's so popular with the Dem's right now alla the other Dem candidates will have to compete, take a firm stand and make it a primary issue also, if they want to win, dilute Bernie.

........ and if the 'idea' should gain momentum and snowball, Trump would also need to compete, wiping out alla the Dems at once by making an executive order of his own before the election.

Just a hopeful thought about an idea.:tiphat:


Well-known member
Ideas are a combination of thoughts and hope and if they 'work' at all it's only temporary until the inevitable 'change' occurs.

... but I was encouraged to see Bernie say yesterday that if elected he would legalize MJ on his 1st day in office by an executive order.

Not that I expect him to be elected but since he's so popular with the Dem's right now alla the other Dem candidates will have to compete, take a firm stand and make it a primary issue also, if they want to win, dilute Bernie.

........ and if the 'idea' should gain momentum and snowball, Trump would also need to compete, wiping out alla the Dems at once by making an executive order of his own before the election.

Just a hopeful thought about an idea.:tiphat:

Lets not forget, this is the current administrations plan

Congress should halt Trump's plan to upend states' medical marijuana laws

President Trump is once again threatening to derail medical cannabis access in the majority of U.S. states that regulate its access and use.

In his recently released 2021 federal budget proposal, the president has called for ending existing federal protections that limit the federal government from interfering in the state-sanctioned regulation of medical cannabis. Doing so would place thousands of medical cannabis providers and the millions of patients who rely on them at risk for criminal prosecution.


Well-known member
The entire democrat platform is bribery. ‘Vote for me, and I’ll take someone else’s money and give it to you! You don’t even have to feel bad about it. You’re not a thief. It’s democracy!

A bunch of white people yelling at each other about how non-racist they are is peak Democrat. They (and that includes the Media Moderators) talk about Black people like pieces of property.Worse, they couple Black people with South American people.

Democrats broke all promises and never blame themselves....

The debate started out with praise for Trump's economy.
“We haven't had a national unemployment rate this low for this long in 50 years."

Bloomberg admits that he bought the supposed "blue wave" in the 2018 elections.

Four years ago China was just another seemingly invisible country without mention (other than by Trump) in national political conversation.

Last night, every member of Dem debate outlined China as a geopolitical threat.

Op-Ed: Bernie Sanders is the front-runner because of how we raised our kids

Take a look at the entire college scam today and you'll see socialist-indoctrination diploma mills

And we're paying for it

Why do you believe the richest 1% does not deserve to pay their fair share of taxes the money they made off us?

What is wrong with forcing the fossil fuel, insurance and pharmaceutical industry to pay their fair share?

I do not understand your angle? Did you determine being stubborn was helpful? It really just prevents positive changes.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Its a third world shithole...save your rhetoric...some of us are old enough to know what Cuba's all about...
They dont float over here on old garage doors cuz its club med over there....js :tiphat:

I did think it best to ignore your post but I just have to thank you for making my case for me.

Mr D

I wonder if Bernie's legalization - will make it so there are no restrictions on home growers - large commercial grows need some sort of regulation - to make sure they ain't gonna burn the ranch down - or poison the earth, water or air - but for the people that just want to grow for their own consumption in a home garden - there should be no restrictions - 'cos I don't see none on roses - and those plants can draw blood!

He said it would remove it from it's schedule 1 classification.

State lawmakers are the ones who have the say over homegrown. If you look at the states who have legalized recreational, $tate and local regulation$$$$ are going to ensure cannabis will never be treated like roses.


ICMag Donor
Thanks I'd rather understand the right side from someone like you than Moe, Larry and Curly on Fox Morning.

The entire democrat platform is bribery. ‘Vote for me, and I’ll take someone else’s money and give it to you! You don’t even have to feel bad about it. You’re not a thief. It’s democracy!

It's the same on both sides except that on the other side it's tax cuts for the rich and authoritarian manipulation.

A bunch of white people yelling at each other about how non-racist they are is peak Democrat. They (and that includes the Media Moderators) talk about Black people like pieces of property.Worse, they couple Black people with South American people.

White people try to act hip and usually fail at it. It's the same on both the red and blue sides.

Democrats broke all promises and never blame themselves....

You're right, We should all look to trump for honesty.

The debate started out with praise for Trump's economy.
“We haven't had a national unemployment rate this low for this long in 50 years."

The real context starts with the Bush regime and then 8 years of Obama fixing the mess and then trump trying to steal all the credit.

Bloomberg admits that he bought the supposed "blue wave" in the 2018 elections.

He probably did.

Four years ago China was just another seemingly invisible country without mention (other than by Trump) in national political conversation.

I don't know about invisible. Look at every stitch of clothing you have and every non food item you have bought in the last ten years.

Last night, every member of Dem debate outlined China as a geopolitical threat.

They need more excuses to spend all our money on war toys instead of education, medical and retirement.

Op-Ed: Bernie Sanders is the front-runner because of how we raised our kids

People are tired of being ripped off.

Take a look at the entire college scam today and you'll see socialist-indoctrination diploma mills

Like trump university?

And we're paying for it

Yes we are.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Now that state Gov have tasted these massive profits from canna sales they will never give that up. Porp 64 was a huge mistake.

I thought I read Co racked in 1.6 billion for 2019..

Mr D

Why do you believe the richest 1% does not deserve to pay their fair share of taxes the money they made off us?

What is wrong with forcing the fossil fuel, insurance and pharmaceutical industry to pay their fair share?

I do not understand your angle? Did you determine being stubborn was helpful? It really just prevents positive changes.

The richest 1% makes money off of you because you buy their products and you elect lawmakers who have codified their monopolies. Take a look at legalized medical and recreation cannabis to see how regulations favor the 1%.

Innovation and Consumer demand is the best way to get rid of fossil fuels.

The high cost of health insurance and big Pharam poisons is a direct result of government regulations.

Do you honestly believe in spite of mountains of evidence that higher taxes on these industries won't result in higher costs for consumers?

Why don't you ever take an unbiased look at these half cocked "solutions" you advocate for?

Mr D

Thanks I'd rather understand the right side from someone like you than Moe, Larry and Curly on Fox Morning.

Just a quick note..

For the last 30 years I only purchase union made goods and services whenever possible. When not possible I opt for items made in America. It's been much more costly but comes with the satisfaction of supporting union and American companies and workers.

Unfortunately one of the industries I work in is totally dominated by the Chinese. They manufacture over 95% of the product used in that industry, for the entire world. I used the only option available to me which was to get a federal license to manufacture those products myself.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Ideas are a combination of thoughts and hope and if they 'work' at all it's only temporary until the inevitable 'change' occurs.

... but I was encouraged to see Bernie say yesterday that if elected he would legalize MJ on his 1st day in office by an executive order.

Not that I expect him to be elected but since he's so popular with the Dem's right now alla the other Dem candidates will have to compete, take a firm stand and make it a primary issue also, if they want to win, dilute Bernie.

........ and if the 'idea' should gain momentum and snowball, Trump would also need to compete, wiping out alla the Dems at once by making an executive order of his own before the election.

Just a hopeful thought about an idea.:tiphat:

Hopefully applied to all plants and fungi.
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