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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
See here I go again
Trump exaggerating things and using colorful language is not lying.
Lying is intentionally misleading people with bad intentions
Trump just wants to bolster his own image he's very vain
That's forgivable and forgettable
Trump actually has results that benifit all americans that believe in hard work and taking responsibility for yourself
If your lazy , stupid,ignorant,illegal,thin skinned,in you emotions or just a plain old liar....Bernies for you...Stock market will recover everytime there is a health scare it goes nuts for a few days
Same thing happened when Bird Flu was in the news

TRUMP2020 Keeping America great
Don Jr 2024 cause we still aint sick of winning

I don't give a fuck about Donald Trump.
I love my country warts and all
Trump is doing right by the people thats why he's winning a second term in a landslide
I don't care how insensitive he is the guy is a very savy business man ,a great leader and he gets peoples attention
Most importantly he gets results
Why would i go through any trouble trying to find out how to put you on ignore? You couldn't say anything to me that would bother me
You dont have the power.
You can ignore me block me mock it's all gravy
You can join the growing group of frothy lefties that keep trying to get a response from me .I'm not phased in the least.
So have a good one or don't I really don't care.


Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
I don't give a fuck about Donald Trump.
I love my country warts and all
Trump is doing right by the people thats why he's winning a second term in a landslide
I don't care how insensitive he is the guy is a very savy business man ,a great leader and he gets peoples attention
Most importantly he gets results
Why would i go through any trouble trying to find out how to put you on ignore? You couldn't say anything to me that would bother me
You dont have the power.
You can ignore me block me mock it's all gravy
You can join the growing group of frothy lefties that keep trying to get a response from me .I'm not phased in the least.
So have a good one or don't I really don't care.

The only reason tRump could win is Sanders flip on 2nd amendment. All the Democraps are running on anti gun fear mongering. Sanders may only be doing it because of the DNC making him, to prove he is a Democrap. They fucked him last time by rigging the primary for HiLIARy from the start, and many kept saying he was not a Democrap so should not be their candidate.

The real problem there is that indepndents, gop, and dnc supporters may vote for him just because some want to take all of our guns. Then the POS POTUS will say the people love everything he is doing, and ramp up the Kleptocracy even more than he has.

Sanders was the best candidate in my lifetime in 2016. He was a progressive uniter, that brought people from all parties together. Only thing I did not like, was several months off for parents for every kid they had. 2020 platform is way too far left. He was 18% ahead of HiLIARy and tRump for months on end, while they were tied at 38% approval rating, the lowest in recorded history, during 2016 campaign.

Sanders would have won in a landslide, in 2016 general election if not for HiLIARy rigging the primaries. Even with cheating, HiLIARy would have won over tRump if Assange had not exposed her.

Truly disgusted to say it, but I voted for tRump because of HiLIARy screwing Sanders and all of the American people. He was for draining the swamp, legalizing weed, and swore he would never touch social security, medicare, or medicaid. Did not realize he was a compulsive liar. tRump makes HiLIARy look like an honest person.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Bernie lost. Get over it.

You never heard of the lawsuit against the DNC, where they admitted in court that they could pick whoever they wanted. To say HiLIARy is a criminal self serving piece of shit political whore is an understatement. Innocent people do not destroy mail servers, and smash a dozen iphones with hammers. If the superdelegates voted for who the people chose, Sanders would have beaten her by 20 points. Noam Chomsky said that to a large extent, whoever spends the most money wins elections. she had 6 time as much money and still could not win with blatant election fraud.


Active member
Klobuchar was the only one bringing up rural healthcare.

The problem with most social spending is that it’s concentrated in the cities. That’s where the votes are.

M4A means nothing if quality healthcare isn’t made available everywhere. It will be yet another inequality.


Well-known member
Klobuchar was the only one bringing up rural healthcare.

The problem with most social spending is that it’s concentrated in the cities. That’s where the votes are.

M4A means nothing if quality healthcare isn’t made available everywhere. It will be yet another inequality.

I obviously cannot say for sure. But I would think that M4A actually creates jobs in the medical field and that should help encourage the healthcare industry to compensate for rural areas. It is a tricky subject. Rural areas have lower population density. Some places have virtually no people, let alone doctors.


Active member
I obviously cannot say for sure. But I would think that M4A actually creates jobs in the medical field and that should help encourage the healthcare industry to compensate for rural areas. It is a tricky subject. Rural areas have lower population density. Some places have virtually no people, let alone doctors.

I think that jobs would be created, hospitals built, equipment purchased...

But where?

That’s one reason the rural vote is much more conservative. That’s why “flyover” country rebels. They pay equally, while receiving unequal benefits. That needs to be addressed.


How can you serve those people equal quality care when the population is so sparse, there just isnt the population base to support a facility of any real size, let alone those areas need to be attractive to doctors to live in.

Everyone lives within reasonable distance to a school, I suppose they could break out a map of school districts and use that as a basis on where to put small urgent care type facilities.

Helicopter rides to an existing location might be cheaper.


Well-known member
I have attempted to live in the middle of know where with limited resources. Maybe I am to much of a city (suburbs) kid but I would not wish that on anyone. I have come to realize. Once you are a half hour away from stores and such. You only see two types of people. Those who are winning at life and those that are struggling. I learned if you work from paycheck to paycheck. And your car breaks a half hour or more from work. You are quickly very fucked.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I have attempted to live in the middle of know where with limited resources. Maybe I am to much of a city (suburbs) kid but I would not wish that on anyone. I have come to realize. Once you are a half hour away from stores and such. You only see two types of people. Those who are winning at life and those that are struggling. I learned if you work from paycheck to paycheck. And your car breaks a half hour or more from work. You are quickly very fucked.

Winning at life does not need be having lots of money or even a job. Struggling can be winning. I lived 2 hours from stores and hospitals and had food to eat, grown in the ground and harvested from the forest. I had very little money but an excellent life.

I agree with X7995 that the solution is having small clinics for first response care and swift transport to major centers with well equipped and staffed hospitals.


I still think one of the biggest hurdles would just be getting docs to want to live in those very rural areas.


Well-known member
Winning at life does not need be having lots of money or even a job. Struggling can be winning. I lived 2 hours from stores and hospitals and had food to eat, grown in the ground and harvested from the forest. I had very little money but an excellent life.

I agree with X7995 that the solution is having small clinics for first response care and swift transport to major centers with well equipped and staffed hospitals.

Living off the land sounds great. Very few people are cut out to thrive in that situation. And winning is a poor choice of words. Let just say its easy to see some people are thriving and others are not.

White Beard

Active member
You never heard of the lawsuit against the DNC, where they admitted in court that they could pick whoever they wanted. To say HiLIARy is a criminal self serving piece of shit political whore is an understatement. Innocent people do not destroy mail servers, and smash a dozen iphones with hammers. If the superdelegates voted for who the people chose, Sanders would have beaten her by 20 points. Noam Chomsky said that to a large extent, whoever spends the most money wins elections. she had 6 time as much money and still could not win with blatant election fraud.

Americans not only don’t understand politics, they don’t understand political parties.

Political parties are not government-owned, OR government-regulated: political parties are *private organizations*, and under no legal restraint or oversight regarding how they run ANYTHING.

This applies to ALL the parties, not just the Democrats, and is nothing new. Big surprise: the government, made up of two parties, has chosen not to restrain or limit the internal policies and practices of parties. HRC / DNC engaged in *internal* politics in ‘16 to serve the Clinton campaign, it backfired, and here we are.

I assure you, the zombie GOP is no more enlightened, no more fair, no less manipulative than the Dems. Personally, I wold prefer to see parties regulated to protect the voters and the nation...maybe, with Sanders/Warren in the WH, and long down-ballot coattails, we will see some sensible restraints placed on the political free-for-the-highest-bidder / “Wild West” operational strategies of the two main culprits....
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