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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
the $60 trillion figure is inaccurate as it includes the cost for health care. it's not an additional cost on top of what we spend already.... so that $60 trillion price tag is more like $28-$30 trillion ($16 of it for the Green New Deal).

many of the cost figures are over a 10yr period as well. it's not like he becomes president and drops $60 trillion in the first hour lol.


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ICMag Donor
Does Bernie's 60 trillion take into account for the mass influx of illegals that will make there way here under a democratic run Whitehouse.Does free college cover those who make it onto U.S.soil as his healthcare will.
Haven't had the chance to look into this,but I'm sure others here already have.


Well-known member
maybe if we didn't overthrow south american countries and install fascist leaders, we wouldn't have influxes of illegals coming here.

also southern border immigration is still declining lol legal and illegal.

also the trump admin lumps in refugees with illegals to fudge the numbers.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yeah I thought I saw where it was down by a huge number,maybe 70% or more.

But if bernie is elected does his plan cover those that rush the border,and make it onto U.S. soil?
Free education as well as healthcare?


ICMag Donor
$60T is a way overinflated number that does not take into account the money spent in the current medical cost craziness. If you take all the money from current employer and worker contributions and apply it a greatly reduced cost structure then the difference is nowhere close to the fear munger estimates. Don't forget that medical insurance companies that have been engaged in the greatest financial ripoff of the last century will become greatly diminished and almost extinct players.


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Bernie website
. Every young person, regardless of their family income, the color of their skin, disability, or immigration status should have the opportunity to attend college.

What about old people?


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ICMag Donor
And a government job,undocumented,unvetted.lol
Maybe Pelosi was right,we shouldn't call MS-13 animals.
We can refer to them as coworkers?


Well-known member

2. MS-13 Is Not Posing as Fake Families at the Border

In justifying the policy of child separation last week, Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen said, “The kids are being used as pawns by the smugglers and the traffickers. Those are traffickers, those are smugglers and that is MS-13.” The theory is that Central American gang leaders are showing up at the border falsely claiming to be the parents of children, and are also instructing unaccompanied minors to go to the U.S. and claim territory.

Actually, there have been fewer than 200 cases of false family claims this year — a fraction of 1 percent of the total number of families apprehended at the border — and there is no indication that any of those cases involved MS-13. Of the hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied minors that have come to the U.S. since 2012, Border Patrol says only 56 were suspected of MS-13 ties.

The gang is trying to find new members, but there’s no need to step on the toes of the Mexican gangs that control human smuggling to do it. Long Island teenagers tell me that when they show up to school, gang members sit down next to them at lunch and ask them to join. Many— worn down by loneliness, boredom and the threat of violence if they try to refuse — accept the invitation.

People who study MS-13 agree that when young gang members travel from El Salvador to the U.S., they are driven by the same economic factors driving other Central American immigrants. Even the 19-year-old gang leader charged with six murders on Long Island told his ex-girlfriend he was not a member of the gang when he came to the U.S. from El Salvador. He said it was only later, in the New York suburbs, that he was recruited.

And some MS-13 members are born right here. The Suffolk County Police Department examined a sample of active MS-13 members and found that just a quarter had come to the U.S. as unaccompanied minors. The natural conclusion: This is not a border issue. It’s a recruitment issue.

4. MS-13 Is Preying on a Specific Community, Not the Country at Large

When confronted last week with audio obtained by ProPublica of wailing children separated from their parents, White House Communications Adviser Mercedes Schlapp said, “What’s very heartbreaking is to watch Americans who have lost their children because of the MS-13 gang members.” But the vast majority of MS-13 victims are young immigrants, many of them undocumented.

I often think about this when I’m out reporting. This year, I have reached out to current gang members and added them as friends on Facebook. I’ve visited the homes of people on the local clique’s kill list, and heard their police-issued panic buttons hum under tables and behind doors. I’ve explored the wooded areas Long Island police call “the killing fields,” where bodies have been found. I feel safe doing this because MS-13 rarely goes after true outsiders — people who are not friends with any gang members or targets for recruitment. The closest I’ve found in Long Island to a totally random victim was a worker at a Central American deli who was hurt when a bullet passed through the head of a targeted victim.

The White House put out a statement last month that described recent murders carried out by “MS-13 animals.” Lost in the controversy over whether it was OK to call gang members animals was the fact that of the six identified victims, five were immigrants and the other was a child of immigrants.


ICMag Donor
It's much better to be thinking about what we can do instead of listening to the fear mungers telling us what we can't do.


Well-known member
ms13, immigrants, commies, jews, socialists, muslims, lgbtq bathrooms, george soros, gun confiscation, white replacement

righties always exploiting fear of others to bend people to their will.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It's much better to be thinking about what we can do instead of listening to the fear mungers telling us what we can't do.

Agreed,I made the mistake of trying to rationalize ringadings thoughts since yesterday,and ended up smoking a little too much,and drinking way too much.

Not sure which was worse,I'm thinking trying to rationalize. hahaha


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
ms13, immigrants, commies, jews, socialists, muslims, lgbtq bathrooms, george soros, gun confiscation, white replacement

righties always exploiting fear of others to bend people to their will.

True words I have not heard.Thats why I'm thinking of voting for Bernie,he will stand in front of America,and state those facts.Trumps in trouble!!!


Well-known member
True words I have not heard.Thats why I'm thinking of voting for Bernie,he will stand in front of America,and state those facts.Trumps in trouble!!!

I think if he could talk Joe Rogan into running with him they would be unstoppable.

Plus. If you really want to improve the world. A vice president that likes psychedelics is probably a good idea.
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