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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
This exactly,I tried to make this point earlier until the sissy bergade started pilling on.._of course,I framed it as long ass wait times just for an appointment but you realise it's all related..Cause and effect

Realise or Realize?

Realise and realize are different spellings of the same word, and they can be used interchangeably. Both are common throughout the English-speaking world, though in different areas. Realize is preferred in American and Canadian English, while realise is preferred outside North America.

Consider your audience.
For American readers, the -ize ending is probably the way to go. While both endings might be correct according to your dictionary of choice, you could unnecessarily alienate your audience if you insist on using -ise.

Elsewhere, preferences might not be as strong, but they might view -ize as an American spelling. What is important is that you are consistent. For example, if you decide to go with realize, you should use the -ize ending for all verbs that can be spelled with either -ize or -ise. By doing so, you will minimize the risk of someone thinking you’ve made a mistake.

So... where'd you learn your English?


Active member
So... where'd you learn your English?

Thanks for taking the time out of your busy life to come and scold me

But I know who I am

You see though you've already validated my words thought's and ideas

Just by coming to scold me My words moved you which way is inconsequential you felt something I don't care what Ihave been successful

You see chum your grammar may be percise and you're a good scolder but you spent time on me two big posts because you wanted me to feel something too .

I've spent 2 whole min on you I feel nothing

Hey I apreciate the writing lesson too and check it ,the irony is outstanding .

Let me know if I can help you become a more effective writer.Ya know ,so next time you scold someone...
...this doesn't happen


ICMag Donor
the entrance polls had him crushing in nevada all groups except 65+ (which went to Biden).

latinos in general are not only a huge voting block but also nuts for bernie lol

Didn't know about the 65+. Thanks.

AOC on the stage must give a huge boost. The American dream.


Well-known member
I find myself wondering if GWB is the love child of Packer and that crazy person that got banned for posting tons of Alex Jones propaganda.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Such a precise and concise use of grammar on display here.Truly remarkable 1 subtle point,if I may.
loonies is plural,seeing as ,there's only one of me ,I should probably be referred to in the singular
I know how woke you are so,you should be more respectfull of what to call people otherwise the other lefties will revoke your woke membership and you'll go back to being an irrelevant , and annoymous stranger on the interwebz
Thank god your plant's look better than anything at all you've ever written anywhere.
You're in the right biz i'll give ya that literally any other job woul require you to spell your name,and let's face it That's touch and go with you

Says the guy who does not know how to spell 'does'. He consistently spells it 'dose'. Not only that but he runs his sentences together and makes up definitions for well established terms.


Well-known member
Says the guy who does not know how to spell 'does'. He consistently spells it 'dose'. Not only that but he runs his sentences together and makes up definitions for well established terms.

He also takes facts and turns them to shit.

Nearly impossible to even want to communicate with.


Active member
It seems I'm gaining a fan club

Of agitated lefties

Probably Bernie Bros or Antifa same thing really

I'd like to take all the credit it takes talent to rile them up into a frothy mess

But I can't they exist in a suspended state of agitation only takes a nudge

TRUMP2020 Keeping America great
Don Jr 2024 cause we still aint sick of winning
Last edited:


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Thanks for taking the time out of your busy life to come and scold me

But I know who I am

You see though you've already validated my words thought's and ideas

Just by coming to scold me My words moved you which way is inconsequential you felt something I don't care what Ihave been successful

You see chum your grammar may be percise and you're a good scolder but you spent time on me two big posts because you wanted me to feel something too .

I've spent 2 whole min on you I feel nothing

Hey I apreciate the writing lesson too and check it ,the irony is outstanding .

Let me know if I can help you become a more effective writer.Ya know ,so next time you scold someone...
...this doesn't happen

Emotional George.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ahhh - it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside - when I see such empathy and passion so generously exhibited by the membership -


Well-known member
It seems I'm gaining a fan club

Of agitated lefties

Probably Bernie Bros or Antifa same thing really

I'd like to take all the credit it takes talent to rile them up into a frothy mess

But I can't they exist in a suspended state of agitation only takes a nudge

TRUMP2020 Keeping America great
Don Jr 2024 cause we still aint sick of winning

Not agitated. More like inspired. Inspired to change laws to render your way of thinking ineffective. Inspired to teach others how to live without your way of thinking. Inspired to show others the damage your way of thinking does to the world. Inspired to turn your children, relatives and friends into good little earth loving little hippies that vote other good people.


Active member
Anyways, they want the women dropping out in support of Biden/Bloomberg. Should be the other way around.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
It seems I'm gaining a fan club

Of agitated lefties

Probably Bernie Bros or Antifa same thing really

I'd like to take all the credit it takes talent to rile them up into a frothy mess

But I can't they exist in a suspended state of agitation only takes a nudge

TRUMP2020 Keeping America great
Don Jr 2024 cause we still aint sick of winning



ICMag Donor
That was a $400m moment when Warren kicked Bloombergs ass with her NDA questioning.

People will remember that deer in the headlights look he had.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Pied piper pete was at it again last night.
Stating that if you are black, your pain management in a hospital setting is not treated effectively, or adequately.
Part of the requirements for pain management in a healthcare setting is documentation.when the nurse,or doctor asks the patient what their pain level is on a scale of 0-10 this is done prior to being medicated,and shortly after being medicated.The goal is to get the patients pain to a tolerable level,let's say <3 on that scale of 0-10.

Like I have previously stated,20 years in healthcare,and yet to see a patient have pain medication held for the color of a person's skin.....it does NOT happen.
I understand he has a poor record of helping the black community in South bend,but to suck up to the black voters by outright lying is shameful.What if you're Gay,
how is your pain addressed ? What if you are asian?
Typical politician I suppose,some things just aren't going to change.Unfortunate that when he spouts that shit not one nurse or dr stands up in these town hall's,and calls him on it.He's accusing healthcare professionals of premeditated malpractice due to racism,and people don't speak out,I dont understand it.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Its all about getting one part of the electorate all pissed off at another - so they all vote in a block - for the party making a fuss about it - no matter if their is any truth in it or not - and no one stands up and disputes it - because they themselves then become a target - for some 'r' word accusations -

Pied piper pete was at it again last night.
Stating that if you are black, your pain management in a hospital setting is not treated effectively, or adequately.
Part of the requirements for pain management in a healthcare setting is documentation.when the nurse,or doctor asks the patient what their pain level is on a scale of 0-10 this is done prior to being medicated,and shortly after being medicated.The goal is to get the patients pain to a tolerable level,let's say <3 on that scale of 0-10.

Like I have previously stated,20 years in healthcare,and yet to see a patient have pain medication held for the color of a person's skin.....it does NOT happen.
I understand he has a poor record of helping the black community in South bend,but to suck up to the black voters by outright lying is shameful.What if you're Gay,
how is your pain addressed ? What if you are asian?
Typical politician I suppose,some things just aren't going to change.Unfortunate that when he spouts that shit not one nurse or dr stands up in these town hall's,and calls him on it.He's accusing healthcare professionals of premeditated malpractice due to racism,and people don't speak out,I dont understand it.
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