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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
Chris Matthews: Maybe The Dem Establishment Wants Trump Over Bernie!


lmao this is why i'm not voting for anyone but bernie. the DNC knows full well what they're doing.

i can't wait for bernie to take over the democratic party, or for the democratic party to destroy itself. one of these two things will happen.


Active member
The dem “establishment” wants to narrow the race to favor Biden/Bloomberg. If that happens, Bernie is toast.
They’re being met with resistance. It doesn’t appear to be a grand conspiracy to anybody other than the misguided Bernie bros.
Everybody plays the victim.


ICMag Donor
He's been bashing Bernie for a while and pushing Wall St dems. Probably needs to up his fiber supplements.

Chris Matthews: Maybe The Dem Establishment Wants Trump Over Bernie!

lmao this is why i'm not voting for anyone but bernie. the DNC knows full well what they're doing.

i can't wait for bernie to take over the democratic party, or for the democratic party to destroy itself. one of these two things will happen.


Well-known member
SC polling is indicating what we know
Bernie will not be stopped by votes
it's the other nefarious crap, but that will get harder and harder with the current trends


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
ms13, immigrants, commies, jews, socialists, muslims, lgbtq bathrooms, george soros, gun confiscation, white replacement

righties always exploiting fear of others to bend people to their will.

and they have used the propaganda ploy made popular in the 60s of accusing the other side of exactly what they say of you. e.g. racist, fascist, aggressive, etc.

On one hand the republicans are claiming 'oh we are the poor victims of the aggressive leftist mob' and out the other side of their face 'ya baby...we got the guns, we got the bikers...just try it puny little fucker'

open yer eyes


Well-known member
and they have used the propaganda ploy made popular in the 60s of accusing the other side of exactly what they say of you. e.g. racist, fascist, aggressive, etc.

On one hand the republicans are claiming 'oh we are the poor victims of the aggressive leftist mob' and out the other side of their face 'ya baby...we got the guns, we got the bikers...just try it puny little fucker'

open yer eyes

what you're describing is literally right out of Ur-Fascism by Umberto Eco. #8... "the enemy is both simultaneously strong and weak"


White Beard

Active member
written by one of the biggest hacks on CNN and TV, Chris Cilizza.

Let's take a look into Chris's brilliant insight. Gotta love those Like/Dislike ratios;

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I remember him - he got bumped from Keith Olbermann’s show for being a douche, as I recall

Can Bernie just get the Federal Reserve/Congress etc - to give him $60 Trillion - to cover all his well intentioned programs - if he does become President? - I see that Trump has been having problems getting enough for his wall - Will Bernie have similar problems getting money - to cover what he plans to do?

Federal Reserve doesn’t work that way. Congress depends on having Senators and Representatives agree ‘enough’ to make it happen. Trumps efforts to fund the wall are IMO illegal and improper - though those words have to do with the moral framework of the government rather than some specific code violation (ie, ‘crime’). Definitely high crimes and misdemeanors territory.

Would not want Sanders to do things the way Trump does things: the things Trump does and the way he does them are about equally bad for the country, the nation, and the people.

So, yes, without support in Congress, getting his plans and programs enacted and funded and carried out will be very difficult indeed.

This is why we talk about “down-ballot”, referring to candidates for offices *besides* the presidency; it’s why we talk about wave elections, it’s why we talk about gerrymandering. It’s why we’re concerned about active outside agitation / intervention in our elections. The USA has had few - if any - truly progressive presidential candidates. Overwhelmingly, our candidates have been advocates for ‘business as usual’, or for messing with the personal lives and choices of citizens - or both.

FDR may have been one. Sanders is one, Warren is one. The establishment lid has been tightly in place for a long, long time in the US; the frustration pent up for real, meaningful changes is massive, and Trump hasn’t tapped into it as some seem to think. He’s spent the last three years smugly beating every hornets’ nest he can find, creating havoc and running for dictator more than president, and daring the nation and the world to DO SOMETHING if they don’t like it.

A real progressive vs a real tyrant? On like Donkey Kong, like the kids say...


Active member
Anyone curious about how many fraudulent FISA warrants are open on Bernie Sanders, and his staff?

Most definitely under investigation
Now...FISA will soon follow and his warrent may not be so fraudulent...if he even makes it to the prime at this point...if by some miracle he was elected,the demos would impeach him soon as he's sworn in anyway

Wadda fuckin shit show y'all got goin...:whee::whee::dunno:

TRUMP 2020...unchallenged?


Active member
Most definitely under investigation
Now...FISA will soon follow and his warrent may not be so fraudulent...if he even makes it to the prime at this point...if by some miracle he was elected,the demos would impeach him soon as he's sworn in anyway

Wadda fuckin shit show y'all got goin...:whee::whee::dunno:

TRUMP 2020...unchallenged?

If he has nothing to hide he should welcome any investigation. It's quite hilarious. Welcome to the shit show media freak out, we Trump voters have been subjected to for the last 3 plus years.

I have to point out the most obvious Sanders blunder. 60 minutes. Um, it's quite hard to believe you are a "DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST", when you praise Castro's literacy programs, also known as forced communist party propaganda. Whoops, you think Trump won't hammer him on that. Pretty good assumption Sanders loses Florida in the primary now. Cubans know what the truth is, they lived it. What idiot told him to say some retarded as shit like that? That's a Biden level blunder.

Mr D

Bernie's base which is largely made up of those under 35 wants tax equality but they only pay 11% of the taxes collected.

Democrat socialist want centralized government planning with the emphasis on supposed race and gender oppression and an accompanying “white privilege,” especially for men.

But how is this to be done? And this brings us to the issue of whether the new socialism will or can be any less authoritarian and potentially tyrannical than the old one.

My money is on Bernie's heart giving out before November.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Maybe it is not so great to condemn Cuba when all one knows about it is filtered through what your government tells you. Of course Americans are too weak kneed milk toast babies to be allowed to travel to Cuba to see for themselves. Does that not seem strange to you for members of the brave and free? Afraid to see Cuba. Not allowed to buy their cigars.

Many people I've talked to who have travelled there, like those overwhelmingly tough Canadians, report some really good things. Their farming technology blows away the US.
Doctors trained there are welcomed throughout the world.
Toilet paper is in shortage.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Trumps debating skills are non existent. All he will do is call Bernie names lol. Trumps a dumb SOB Bernie is not.

​This is exactly what Bernie said. Not the BS coming from all the opinion based rhetoric from others that are not supporting him .
It started on Sunday, when Sanders told CBS that, "when Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program. Is that a bad thing? Even though Fidel Castro did it." Sanders added that "it's unfair to simply say everything is bad."

He made the distinction between praising the program and condemning authoritarian regimes, saying "I have been extremely consistent and critical of all authoritarian regimes all over the world including Cuba, including Nicaragua, including Saudi Arabia, including China, including Russia. I happen to believe in Democracy, not authoritarianism.

When Castro ousted the military dictator Fulgencio Batista, 23.6% of the population over the age of 10 were illiterate, according to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Many Cubans living in cities like the capital Havana were literate, while those from the countryside often lived in abject poverty with no access to education.

Castro set about improving literacy with a program that launched in April 1961 and ended about nine months later, according to Bill Leogrande, a professor of government at American University.

It was Trumpturds administration that banned group educational and cultural trips known as 'people to people' travel to Cuba.
The United States will also no longer permit visits to Cuba via passenger and recreational vessels, including cruise ships and yachts, as well as private and corporate aircraft


Well-known member
Muammar Gaddafi's Libya had free health care for his people. Which is a good thing.

OMG I'm a dictator apologist now!!!!!

Mr D

If he has nothing to hide he should welcome any investigation. It's quite hilarious. Welcome to the shit show media freak out, we Trump voters have been subjected to for the last 3 plus years.

I have to point out the most obvious Sanders blunder. 60 minutes. Um, it's quite hard to believe you are a "DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST", when you praise Castro's literacy programs, also known as forced communist party propaganda. Whoops, you think Trump won't hammer him on that. Pretty good assumption Sanders loses Florida in the primary now. Cubans know what the truth is, they lived it. What idiot told him to say some retarded as shit like that? That's a Biden level blunder.

Generous welfare policies can only operate in small, homogenous countries because if you open the borders, immigrants flood in and then sink the boat.

If society is to be made over into a more socially just configuration, the Democrat socialists elected to positions of political authority through a democratic process must now introduce government planning to introduce comprehensive collective group fairness.

The elected socialist politicians and the appointed bureaucratic managers in the government departments and agencies must now formally classify and categorize everyone in society in terms of social class, race, gender, and related “intersectionalities” to determine who has unjustified “privilege,” and who has been exploited, underrepresented, or in some way discriminated against for the undeserving benefit of others.

This will inescapably devolve into a plunder politics of groups versus groups guided by their respective politically positioned leaders. Who will get a new housing project? What group will secure more government jobs?

Which sector of the economy will receive increased government budgetary funding to ensure investment and employment opportunities for a still-underprivileged minority in a particular region of the country? What will be a fair wage for certain types of work, possibly based on race and gender deservedness? What is a reasonable profit margin or return on investment in regulated private industries? Which products will be either subsidized or produced directly by a government planning agency?

Regardless of the intentions or naïve beliefs, a system of democratic socialism cannot escape imposing commands and controls over economic life any noticeably different than those that were in existence in the old Soviet Union.


Active member
Bernie's base which is largely made up of those under 35 wants tax equality but they only pay 11% of the taxes collected.

Democrat socialist want centralized government planning with the emphasis on supposed race and gender oppression and an accompanying “white privilege,” especially for men.

But how is this to be done? And this brings us to the issue of whether the new socialism will or can be any less authoritarian and potentially tyrannical than the old one.

My money is on Bernie's heart giving out before November.

His age and health are an obvious concern. I believe the implementation of his policies will necessitate a woke police state.

Fortunately, I doubt many moderate Democrats vote for the trillion dollar garbage Bernie is proposing. The beauty of the constitution will prevent the majority of his policies. If he does win, he would be a quickly forgotten one term president with exactly the same accomplishments he came in to office with.
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