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The 2020 Presidential Election

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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Generous welfare policies can only operate in small, homogenous countries because if you open the borders, immigrants flood in and then sink the boat.

If society is to be made over into a more socially just configuration, the Democrat socialists elected to positions of political authority through a democratic process must now introduce government planning to introduce comprehensive collective group fairness.

The elected socialist politicians and the appointed bureaucratic managers in the government departments and agencies must now formally classify and categorize everyone in society in terms of social class, race, gender, and related “intersectionalities” to determine who has unjustified “privilege,” and who has been exploited, underrepresented, or in some way discriminated against for the undeserving benefit of others.

This will inescapably devolve into a plunder politics of groups versus groups guided by their respective politically positioned leaders. Who will get a new housing project? What group will secure more government jobs?

Which sector of the economy will receive increased government budgetary funding to ensure investment and employment opportunities for a still-underprivileged minority in a particular region of the country? What will be a fair wage for certain types of work, possibly based on race and gender deservedness? What is a reasonable profit margin or return on investment in regulated private industries? Which products will be either subsidized or produced directly by a government planning agency?

Regardless of the intentions or naïve beliefs, a system of democratic socialism cannot escape imposing commands and controls over economic life any noticeably different than those that were in existence in the old Soviet Union.

You make some valid points. Others seem exaggerated or off the mark.

Capra ibex

I think if he could talk Joe Rogan into running with him they would be unstoppable.

Plus. If you really want to improve the world. A vice president that likes psychedelics is probably a good idea.

Even if he just went on the Rogan podcast again would be good, now that he's leading the other candidates.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That makes perfect sense with the votes being spread out between 5 people. He only had Hillery In 2016 ..


Well-known member
reminder #9000001 that political definitions in the US are broken and that bernie's democratic socialism is actually social democracy (two differing left ideologies with democratic socialists being further left).

don't take my word for it, here's Paul Krugman a guy with an economics PhD saying the same thing


"The thing is, Bernie Sanders isn’t actually a socialist in any normal sense of the term. He doesn’t want to nationalize our major industries and replace markets with central planning; he has expressed admiration, not for Venezuela, but for Denmark. He’s basically what Europeans would call a social democrat — and social democracies like Denmark are, in fact, quite nice places to live, with societies that are, if anything, freer than our own.

So why does Sanders call himself a socialist? I’d say that it’s mainly about personal branding, with a dash of glee at shocking the bourgeoisie. And this self-indulgence did no harm as long as he was just a senator from a very liberal state.

But if Sanders becomes the Democratic presidential nominee, his misleading self-description will be a gift to the Trump campaign. So will his policy proposals. Single-payer health care is (a) a good idea in principle and (b) very unlikely to happen in practice, but by making Medicare for All the centerpiece of his campaign, Sanders would take the focus off the Trump administration’s determination to take away the social safety net we already have."

hell, here's a debate on this very topic with Krugman himself, and a Marxist economics Professor;


Well-known member
Poll: Democrats underperforming with black voters
More than one-third of those surveyed expressed a desire for ‘someone else’ to run for president.

for some reason lotta black dems out there drink up the dnc koolaid. outside of biden bernie and bloomberg, black support amongst warren, klob, pete is hilariously abysmal. but so is trumps. which is something like 3 or 4% support from blacks.

Here's something Sanders people won't tell you.

Bernie got less votes in Iowa and New Hampshire than he got in 2016.
this is kind of obvious when there are people who refuse to drop out of the race in efforts to stop bernie from reaching the 50% delegate threshold to take the nomination. 30% of biden & warren's second choice is bernie.

Mr D

Saw a story tonight the they dug up some damaging vintage clips of Bernie.

Bloomberg Senior Advisor: Bernie Sanders has all this “loopy stuff” in his background like:

“Women get cancer from having too many orgasms”

“Toddlers should run around naked and touch each other’s genitals”

“He’s written about women’s rape fantasies”


Well-known member
Bloomberg Senior Advisor: Bernie Sanders has all this “loopy stuff” in his background like:

“Women get cancer from having too many orgasms”

“Toddlers should run around naked and touch each other’s genitals”

“He’s written about women’s rape fantasies”
mainstream media - all fake news


ICMag Donor
I think Bernie was more left years ago and there are some clips.

Bloomberg Senior Advisor: Bernie Sanders has all this “loopy stuff” in his background like:

“Women get cancer from having too many orgasms”

“Toddlers should run around naked and touch each other’s genitals”

“He’s written about women’s rape fantasies”


Active member
Maybe it is not so great to condemn Cuba when all one knows about it is filtered through what your government tells you. Of course Americans are too weak kneed milk toast babies to be allowed to travel to Cuba to see for themselves. Does that not seem strange to you for members of the brave and free? Afraid to see Cuba. Not allowed to buy their cigars.

Many people I've talked to who have travelled there, like those overwhelmingly tough Canadians, report some really good things. Their farming technology blows away the US.
Doctors trained there are welcomed throughout the world.
Toilet paper is in shortage.

Its a third world shithole...save your rhetoric...some of us are old enough to know what Cuba's all about...
They dont float over here on old garage doors cuz its club med over there....js :tiphat:


Well-known member
Bloomberg Senior Advisor: Bernie Sanders has all this “loopy stuff” in his background like:

“Women get cancer from having too many orgasms”

“Toddlers should run around naked and touch each other’s genitals”

“He’s written about women’s rape fantasies”

you really think any of this means anything after all the passes given to Donald "grab em by the pussy i don't even wait" Trump?
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