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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Capra ibex

Such a precise and concise use of grammar on display here.Truly remarkable 1 subtle point,if I may.
loonies is plural,seeing as ,there's only one of me ,I should probably be referred to in the singular
I know how woke you are so,you should be more respectfull of what to call people otherwise the other lefties will revoke your woke membership and you'll go back to being an irrelevant , and annoymous stranger on the interwebz
Thank god your plant's look better than anything at all you've ever written anywhere.
You're in the right biz i'll give ya that literally any other job woul require you to spell your name,and let's face it That's touch and go with you

Hey i make grammatical errors too, but look at your grammar :comfort:

I think you have the IQ of half a person, from the perspective of per capita, that is :biggrin:


Active member
Hi all : unfriendly reminder that oligarch ,Komrad Bernard Sanders was absolutely gushing while talking about Castro and communist Cuba he seems to hold that regime in particularly high regard .
I find it peculiar and mildly troublesome .
If it were not for the fact that he will never be the nominee I might be more troubled
Such a mess is this bitter ,angry ,man who can't decide what he loves more communism or socialism ...
Personally I can't even fathom how any semi concious person could identify with the democratic party these days it's bonkers .Trump derangement syndrome is a very serious condition
If it's driving you into the arms of this lot.

TRUMP2020 Keeping America great and free from socialism and communism
Don Jr 2024 cause we still aint sick of winning


Well-known member
The statistics I saw had youth, progressives and far left for Bernie. In fact it's not unlike the trump base. The supporters are hard core and capable of steering a larger group. In the end, for the rest it might not be Bernie love but anti trump that gets the votes.

the entrance polls had him crushing in nevada all groups except 65+ (which went to Biden).

latinos in general are not only a huge voting block but also nuts for bernie lol

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Mr D go back to lauding Trump, the Bernie bashing isn't quite true to form and is definitely not your color.

George you are the most entertaining troll yet.

You're like that drunk fuck that's at every roast.

I wonder if either of you are able to switch it off or if you just tear up your friends and family.

Do you only treat people like this on the internet or you and yours in everyday life as well?

PS Jeff Ross is the drunk fuck that's at every roast.
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Well-known member
Denmark Tells Bernie Sanders It's Had Enough Of His 'Socialist' Slurs

Denmark is not a socialist nation, says its prime minister. It has a "market economy."

You're posting proof of what I've been saying forever in these damn threads :tiphat:. The US is so right wing that Scandinavian countries appear socialist to us, including to Bernie. They, like Bernie, are social democratic, not democratic socialist, socialist, or communist.

Democratic socialism still wants to upend capitalism, just like socialism, but in democratic means, not by revolution. Social democracy is best described as a mixed market economy. A little bit of socialism and a little bit of capitalism. No revolutions lol.



Active member
Mr D go back to lauding Trump, the Bernie bashing isn't quite true to form and is definitely not your color.

George you are the most entertaining troll yet.

You're like that drunk fuck that's at every roast.

I wonder if either of you are able to switch it off or if you just tear up your friends and family.

Do you only treat people like this on the internet or you and yours in everyday life as well?

PS Jeff Ross is the drunk fuck that's at every roast.

I wonder if you'd hold me in such high regard if I told you I am Jeff Ross but I don' t drink.__.....Hmmmmmm

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
He doesn't have Trump's stamp of approval?

Is he fake news?

It's a dude with opinions.

We don't disregard you.

Let's wait until D gets back from the editing booth.

Capra ibex

ibex, I hope this guy isn't your source for news and information.

He's an internet commentator, nothing more....

He provides the video and i watch.... Trump is a demented buffoon, doesn't matter what Pakman says about it, the video speaks for itself.

You subscribe to 'Q' and Donald Trump, while Mr. D subscribes to Breitbart and Donald Trump.... i am confident that my interpretations of reality are much more sound than either of you 2.... but that'd just be my opinion.
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Well-known member
Such a precise and concise use of grammar on display here.Truly remarkable 1 subtle point,if I may.
loonies is plural,seeing as ,there's only one of me ,I should probably be referred to in the singular
I know how woke you are so,you should be more respectfull of what to call people otherwise the other lefties will revoke your woke membership and you'll go back to being an irrelevant , and annoymous stranger on the interwebz
Thank god your plant's look better than anything at all you've ever written anywhere.
You're in the right biz i'll give ya that literally any other job woul require you to spell your name,and let's face it That's touch and go with you

It looks like someone lives in their own glass house of mediocrity.

Wow you really are that dumb...He'll secure the delagets and get the backing of the DNC will he ?This is the reality that you're refering too yes ?

You are fucking hopeless
Explain to me how Bernie's gonna get the delegats he needs without the DNC's super pac's ...
...unfortunately here you're all to shot to be able to debate me...

Hogwash and proves my point, like we're exporting al our architects to China...

Are you kidding me right now ?
Just so you know per capita absolute dose change according to population size.

If you weren't so thin skinned you wouldn't be cocerned with weather or not I understood the irrelevant details of your post or if I thought you were stoopid...

This exactly,I tried to make this point earlier until the sissy bergade started pilling on.._of course,I framed it as long ass wait times just for an appointment but you realise it's all related..Cause and effect

You ungratefully mooched of us and sat on your ass's in our house.

...And yes I know you're above grammar because you're a morally superior liberal so much better than anyone else and whos got time for spelling when you're just so damn rightious ...right
Triggered ? you're welcome..I mean c'mon man these aren't even hard words.


I could continue, but I wouldn't want to spend the better part of an hour on it. We won't even get into punctuation.
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Active member
Three plus himself, he is out working every day. I still often work with him on bigger jobs. My younger brother just got hvac certified, I'm a journeyman plumber going on three years and also working on my hvac certification. My uncle has worked with him from the start, he has been a licensed plumber and hvac certified for about 40 years now and makes 50$ an hour. He tried hiring qualified people in the past but had nothing but problems with people stealing and taking advantage, or just quiting and leaving the apprenticeship program which is costly for the owner of a small business.

“certified” through my local JC. I’m not NATE certified.

I do have my EPA cards. I studied a whole day for them. They give you sample tests on the internet plus all the answers. It was a proctored test, but the they would walk out of the room and a lot of the guys I saw cheated.

To be a California contractor, you have to pass a test on asbestos. I worked at a contractors school and that was part of the advertising. “We help you pass the asbestos test.” The test is a handbook with all the answers in the back.
Kind of a joke.

Looks like all you need in Indiana is an experience voucher.

I’d suggest contractual law and at least a basic accounting class.

Take refrigeration and do commercial. Buy some internet pee and work for a big outfit. If you’re free to travel, you could do well. A lot fewer headaches.
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