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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
29 unions have endorsed Bernie
9 for Biden
4 for Warren

been looking for this info for days and finally found it lol


Active member
Actually an impeechmant trial is not a legal trial and in fact contolled solely by the senate acorrding to the constituon and seeing as the Majority of the Senate voted to aquit him he is in fact aquitted by virtue of the constituon
Word games won't change that or the inevitable landslide victory coming in 9 months so there's that

Hello all,



Midnight Tokar

Trump the aquitted managed to keep their support too and managed to get China to cave from those terrifs and sign the 1st part of a new trade deal securing billions of dollars for American corporate and independent farmers securing their and their familys future.
But yeah even tho the Farm industry stood by him steadfastly and never waivered in their support you use a phrase like screw them over.It's cute.
So is it still being screwed over when the screwee supports the screwing ?
Cause that sounds consensual to me.Or dose screwing over not mean what I think it dose ? I know liberal sissys like to change words and meanings around for example saying you support border control means your a racist white supremacist now...And you don't even have to be white anymore.
Man, that is one big mess of word salad. Do you even bother to try and read what it is you post? That mess just floats around like a fart in the wind and actually none of it is true!
Yea, only corporate farmers received the welfare, so I'm sure they like it, meanwhile the family farms are declaring bankruptcy at a rate not seen in decades. Nothing is happening with the so-called China tirade agreement and even Trump the Impeached said nothing will happen until phase 2 which may happen after the election.
Remember how Clinton was acquitted (according to your standards) Nobody has ever tried to say Clinton wasn't impeached and was acquitted. Trump the Impeached will forever be known as only the 3rd President to be impeached, not that he was the 3rd acquitted!


Active member
Man, that is one big mess of word salad. Do you even bother to try and read what it is you post? That mess just floats around like a fart in the wind and actually none of it is true!
Yea, only corporate farmers received the welfare, so I'm sure they like it, meanwhile the family farms are declaring bankruptcy at a rate not seen in decades. Nothing is happening with the so-called China tirade agreement and even Trump the Impeached said nothing will happen until phase 2 which may happen after the election.
Remember how Clinton was acquitted (according to your standards) Nobody has ever tried to say Clinton wasn't impeached and was acquitted. Trump the Impeached will forever be known as only the 3rd President to be impeached, not that he was the 3rd acquitted!
I can't help that you're literally too stupid to understand what I said but need to ask if it's such a nonsensical word salad that floats around like a fart in the wind how could you possibly know if it's true or not.?
It's like super simple brah
It either made sense or it didn't


29 unions have endorsed Bernie
9 for Biden
4 for Warren

been looking for this info for days and finally found it lol

Where does membership sit though, union leadership roundly supported Clinton but the members obviously did not.

Midnight Tokar

I can't help that you're literally too stupid to understand what I said but need to ask if it's such a nonsensical word salad that floats around like a fart in the wind how could you possibly know if it's true or not.?
It's like super simple brah
It either made sense or it didn't

BTW, you still haven't answered the question if giving 28 Billion dollars in welfare to corporate farmers is socialism or not!


Active member
BTW, you still haven't answered the question if giving 28 Billion dollars in welfare to corporate farmers is socialism or not!

See, you're framing like it's black or white
That's a disingenuous trick employed by liars,theives,rapist's, pedophiles,Msn abd Cnn
It's nuanced and layered not one or the other...

But in a strictly literal sesne that would a No.

Socialism in theroy looks out for all people not just a specific group of people.
Hope this helps I will no longer be responding to your calls for attention

Capra ibex

See, you're framing like it's black or white
That's a disingenuous trick employed by liars,theives,rapist's, pedophiles,Msn abd Cnn
It's nuanced and layered not one or the other...

But in a strictly literal sesne that would a No.

Socialism in theroy looks out for all people not just a specific group of people.
Hope this helps I will no longer be responding to your calls for attention

Yeah, sure you won't Emotional George :biglaugh:

Whining about nuances when it suits and then complaining about lack of nuances in the next post.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Who the fuk cares what George douche thinks anyway. Nut job 100%. Stop encouraging this loonies. Any conversation with people like this numbnuts turns into the worst name calling in this thread. Its not like any of us are gonna change our minds from what he says.

For the record Trumpturd was acquitted from being removed only. History books will still show this clown as impeached.

Mr D

Looks like Bernie pissed off Latino's in Florida with his praise of Castro. During my time in the Military I was assigned to the Cuban Refugee resettlement operation under Jimmy Carter. I found 99% of the 20,000 Cubans we were processing in to the country to be very nice folks. They all hated Castro with a passion.

Why would Bernie think it's a good idea to praise someone like Castro?

Getting ready for a blitz of mini Mike commercials aimed at Bernie.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I saw that. That was kind of weird.

I was kinda disappointed in Bernie when I heard about him being asked to leave a commune after only three days. They said he wouldn't help with the work, and just wanted to talk about politics all the time.
Weve probably all been with a group of people, where one guy refuses to help out. They piss everyone off

Mr D

I saw a recent interview he did with Anderson Cooper.....what a train wreck. According to Bernie he doesn't know how much his plans will cost but claims he can pay for them? How do you know if you can pay for something you don't know the cost of?


Well-known member
Last week it was the culinary unions this week its castro. Buckle up theres foing to be something new before every state contest lol.

Mr D

29 unions have endorsed Bernie
9 for Biden
4 for Warren

been looking for this info for days and finally found it lol

My union supported Clinton in 2016 but she did not get more than 20% of the rank and file's vote.

Endorsement doesn't automatically equal votes.


Well-known member
Where does membership sit though, union leadership roundly supported Clinton but the members obviously did not.

Yep it's mainly the members not the leaders. For instance Bernie won the union vote in Nevada with a 13% gap between the next highest candidate.

Hes doing well with blacks and rust belt states right now too. If he knocks off Biden in SC I think the panic will really start to settle in for the establishment.

Basically the game right now is stop Bernie from hitting 50% delegate count by the time the convention rolls around which is why no one is dropping out or has plans to anytime soon.


ICMag Donor
The statistics I saw had youth, progressives and far left for Bernie. In fact it's not unlike the trump base. The supporters are hard core and capable of steering a larger group. In the end, for the rest it might not be Bernie love but anti trump that gets the votes.

Capra ibex

Joe Biden apparently (falsely) claimed he was arrested in South Africa when Mandela was released from prison :biglaugh:

Joe 'Trump 2.0' Biden


Active member
Who the fuk cares what George douche thinks anyway. Nut job 100%. Stop encouraging this loonies. Any conversation with people like this numbnuts turns into the worst name calling in this thread. Its not like any of us are gonna change our minds from what he says.

For the record Trumpturd was acquitted from being removed only. History books will still show this clown as impeached.
Such a precise and concise use of grammar on display here.Truly remarkable 1 subtle point,if I may.
loonies is plural,seeing as ,there's only one of me ,I should probably be referred to in the singular
I know how woke you are so,you should be more respectfull of what to call people otherwise the other lefties will revoke your woke membership and you'll go back to being an irrelevant , and annoymous stranger on the interwebz
Thank god your plant's look better than anything at all you've ever written anywhere.
You're in the right biz i'll give ya that literally any other job woul require you to spell your name,and let's face it That's touch and go with you
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