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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
#publiccharge......Clinton's 1996 welfare reform act being implemented again.As of late the courts have been seeing things in favor of Trump


Active member
I would want to stay small and do all the work myself. We have no shortage of calls you will definitely stay busy. In Indiana you don't have to be Union and you can work out of your house so the overhead is basically your house payment or rent and the cost of insurance. If my dad couldn't work out of his house the chances of success would have been much lower.

How many employees does your dad have?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
#publiccharge......Clinton's 1996 welfare reform act being implemented again.As of late the courts have been seeing things in favor of Trump

Wasn't he just flapping his fibber about all of the judges he appointed?

Go figure that they are serving their purpose.

Did you think they would dare oppose the fuhrer?

Trump really couldn't fuck that up, it's not like it's a casino or anything.

He gets to leave it up to others.

It's likely the only way he's ever succeeded in general.


Active member
Hello all,

So, the Liar in Chief tells me the coronavirus is under control in the US,,,,am I supposed to believe him? WTF


ps. I don't believe anything this manchild says


Active member
Hello all,

So, the Liar in Chief tells me the coronavirus is under control in the US,,,,am I supposed to believe him? WTF


ps. I don't believe anything this manchild says

Right before praising the stock market.


Active member

"many in this establishment are behaving in my view as they face the prospect of a bernie sanders nomination like out of touch aristocrats in a dying aristocracy"

love when the truth seeps through corporate tv. joy reid can't do anything except nervously smile lmao.

Wow you really are that dumb...I thought you were playing at 1st.
Komrad Bernard Sanders the same guy who was gushing about communist cuba and Fidel Castro today is gonna win the nomination huh ? He'll secure the delagets and get the backing of the DNC will he ?This is the reality that you're refering too yes ?

I remember my 1st beer.

TRUMP2020 Keeping America great and free from socialism and communism
Don Jr 2024 cause we still aint sick of winning

And don't worry I'll be back on 16th of July to rub your nose in this turd of a post and laugh as you squirm .


Well-known member
How many employees does your dad have?

Three plus himself, he is out working every day. I still often work with him on bigger jobs. My younger brother just got hvac certified, I'm a journeyman plumber going on three years and also working on my hvac certification. My uncle has worked with him from the start, he has been a licensed plumber and hvac certified for about 40 years now and makes 50$ an hour. He tried hiring qualified people in the past but had nothing but problems with people stealing and taking advantage, or just quiting and leaving the apprenticeship program which is costly for the owner of a small business.


Active member
Because that's what life should be about.

Seeing as he dedicated the better part orf an hour copying and pasting several of my posts today in an effort to shame me and shut me up
Then yes I'm not above a little schadenfreude.Well at least in this moment by July I doubt I even remember because his opinion is meaningless to me.


ICMag Donor
Seeing as he dedicated the better part orf an hour copying and pasting several of my posts today in an effort to shame me and shut me up
Then yes I'm not above a little schadenfreude.Well at least in this moment by July I doubt I even remember because his opinion is meaningless to me.

Dude, You shame yourself. You are the recent arrival and you have trashed everyone here. Blaming others just makes you look like more of an asshole.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Here in the US, Keynesian economics have largely been replaced (silently) by “public choice” economics, which holds that the right of money to do whatever it wants it THE single most important factor in business, government, and society (that is *my* summation, not their cover story). Google “James Buchanan Mont (Mount?) Pelerin”.

There are still semi-Keynesian things going on, like deficit spending, like qualitative easing, but Paul Ryan’s style is “public choice”, and it has dominated increasingly since Reagan.

and artificially keeping interest rates down and giving welfare to farmers and corporations? [also the bailout of 07-08]


Active member
Last time

Last time

Dude, You shame yourself. You are the recent arrival and you have trashed everyone here. Blaming others just makes you look like more of an asshole.

New arrival ? I've been here 9 yrs.
And I've only trashed the morons
I'll be the asshole for the greater good
Trump is going to win in Nov.There's no way around that so it's better that you snowflakes start getting over it now.
An 80 yr old oligarch named Komrad Bernard Sanders is not going to save you.Either is a lying corrupt sleepy eyed former VP for the worst POTUS in recorded history
Either is an inexperienced homosexual who thinks that speaking spanish to the American public is going to win him votes.
Or a lying flip-flop queen who claimed to be a Cherokee woman of color to get special acomodations from Harvard when she's white as snow..

TRUMP2020 Keeping America great and free from socialism and communism
Don Jr 2024 cause we still aint sick of winning


ICMag Donor
This thread is 21,000 posts. You've only been around for the last 500 or so. Get it now - recent arrival?

When you're not trashing people you're gurging and spewing childish rhetoric as below. Original thoughts showing some intelligence and real understanding go allot further.

I'm being straight with you and I never got anything like that from you. You called me a liar several times amoung other things. I had to prove time and travel in Europe. When I did, you didn't have the character to own your own statements.

New arrival ? I've been here 9 yrs.
And I've only trashed the morons
I'll be the asshole for the greater good
Trump is going to win in Nov.There's no way around that so it's better that you snowflakes start getting over it now.
An 80 yr old oligarch named Komrad Bernard Sanders is not going to save you.Either is a lying corrupt sleepy eyed former VP for the worst POTUS in recorded history
Either is an inexperienced homosexual who thinks that speaking spanish to the American public is going to win him votes.
Or a lying flip-flop queen who claimed to be a Cherokee woman of color to get special acomodations from Harvard when she's white as snow..

TRUMP2020 Keeping America great and free from socialism and communism
Don Jr 2024 cause we still aint sick of winning


Active member
So, when Trump the Impeached gave 28 Billion dollars to the corporate farmers to try and keep their support after he screwed them over with his trade war tariffs, was that socialism or not?

Trump the aquitted managed to keep their support too and managed to get China to cave from those terrifs and sign the 1st part of a new trade deal securing billions of dollars for American corporate and independent farmers securing their and their familys future.
But yeah even tho the Farm industry stood by him steadfastly and never waivered in their support you use a phrase like screw them over.It's cute.
So is it still being screwed over when the screwee supports the screwing ?
Cause that sounds consensual to me.Or dose screwing over not mean what I think it dose ? I know liberal sissys like to change words and meanings around for example saying you support border control means your a racist white supremacist now...And you don't even have to be white anymore.

Capra ibex

Trump didn't even want to become president.... he outsmarted himself and 'found' himself as president.... and he can't believe how stupid people are for actually voting him in.... it will all come out in time....

Look at this recent display :biglaugh:


Can anyone say 'nervous breakdown'?

Oh, that thought reminds me, how's things EmotionalGeorge?


Active member
Hello all,

Acquited yes, by virtue of a hung jury. Which is not found innocent by a unanimous not guilty jury....

Subtle distinction perhaps...but none the less true.


Actually an impeechmant trial is not a legal trial and in fact contolled solely by the senate acorrding to the constituon and seeing as the Majority of the Senate voted to aquit him he is in fact aquitted by virtue of the constituon
Word games won't change that or the inevitable landslide victory coming in 9 months so there's that
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