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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
How much internet time dose mommy allow you to have ? You're here kinda late little guy , you sure you have permission to be here ?

Hello all,

you sound triggered...you triggered sport? buahahaha, yeah, you bet you are.

I am sure that when your testicles drop, people might take you seriously rather than a whiney little bitch boy that you present yourself to be.

Lighten up, there is still time...maybe.

And on a side note, I swear you posted you were no longer going to grace us with your presence? That did not work out did it sport?



Active member
Under communism the means of production are owned by the state.

Under socialism the means of production are owned by the people.

Maybe you should start reading with basic government theories.

But perhaps you are as gifted as our witless leader and already know everything there is to know about any present topic...

Wait what ? What's that have to do with my theroy on Komrad Bernard Sanders..China is a communist dictatorship Bernard is a secret communist posing as a socialist .He'll tell you he's for power to the people but he's all about power for Bernard

TRUMP2020 Keeping America great and free from socialism and communism

Don Jr.2024 cause we still aint sick of winning


Active member
Hello all,

Coronavirus is reeking havoc with global financial markets...at the moment, dow futures down 700 points....around and around she goes....



Active member
I am high as a kite from this durban poison x glue with cherry cookies bubble sprinkled on top and I am 1/2 joking I don't think he's full blown commie but he says some things that are straight up commie sometimes .

TRUMP2020 Keeping America great

Don Jr 2024 cause we still aint sick of winning


Active member
Hello all,

Coronavirus is reeking havoc with global financial markets...at the moment, dow futures down 700 points....around and around she goes....


Almost seems like our wealth is more dependent on the worlds situation then it is on trump rallies. Couldn’t be.


Well-known member
I am high as a kite from this durban poison x glue with cherry cookies bubble sprinkled on top and I am 1/2 joking I don't think he's full blown commie but he says some things that are straight up commie sometimes .

TRUMP2020 Keeping America great

Don Jr 2024 cause we still aint sick of winning

I use people like you as an example of what is wrong with shithead. Thanks for all the great material. Helping win Bernie votes by being an example of what needs to change.


Active member
america-deserves-better-class-of-communist-bernie-sanders-joker (1).jpg



Well-known member
View attachment 522338


Link is broken.

But if the name suggest anything. I would agree. Shitheads stance on the environment combined with the fact Florida is barely above sea level and riddled with sinkholes. If we lose Florida. Literally. It would be at least slightly his fault.


Active member
Link is broken.

But if the name suggest anything. I would agree. Shitheads stance on the environment combined with the fact Florida is barely above sea level and riddled with sinkholes. If we lose Florida. Literally. It would be at least slightly his fault.

Shit flows downhill.


Active member
Dont know about that... but if Bernie embraces Castro in Florida he will loose key democratic strongholds in
The state...and if you cant carry Florida...you will not win a presidential election...js :tiphat:



ICMag Donor
Uh Meds (off Yur),,, Your clown meme of Berni......
Really,,,, Who is the chosen one with colored hair and painted face??? Projecting much kiddo?


Well-known member
There is NO SUCH THING as democratic socialism.It's amade up buzz word to try and shove socialism down your throat with out 99 % of the country puking it right back up.And yes he's running as a democrat so the DNC dose have to back him and they won't.He will never ever ever be the nominee

When you really listen to Bernie he sounds more communist than socialist.

He wants complete control of every aspect of your life

The Bernie bros are too busy failing their college corses getting drunk and raping women to really listen all they hear is Free Stuff

TRUMP2020 Keeping America great and free from socialism

In theroy yes.

In reality Bernie is more of a communist so the gov.Will have your balls in a vice and say goodbye to every single freedom you have.There will be medi care for none you'll pay 65%of your income in taxes Bernie will keep getting richer until he gets assassinated then everyone will be saying why did I vote for a socialist ? Hopefully we'll learn our lesson and go right back to our free market system

Wait what ? What's that have to do with my theroy on Komrad Bernard Sanders..China is a communist dictatorship Bernard is a secret communist posing as a socialist .He'll tell you he's for power to the people but he's all about power for Bernard

TRUMP2020 Keeping America great and free from socialism and communism

Don Jr.2024 cause we still aint sick of winning

Aaaand this right here is a prime example of why the US is fucked. Righties truly live in a post-fact world.
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