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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The British NHS is till going - and has been saving many lives since around 1947 - serving us limey's over here - and if you consider it to be socialism - then socialism can't be a bad thing - now can it?

Does the government not have a duty of care to the people it serves? - and if so - isn't national health care something that the government should supply to take care of the people's health and welfare?

If the Canadian system was going to go broke, don't you think that would have happened by now? Yet they continue to function to deliver medical services just as imperfectly or perfectly as the USA system at half the cost per capita [with a larger land mass Mr D].


Active member
If the Canadian system was going to go broke, don't you think that would have happened by now? Yet they continue to function to deliver medical services just as imperfectly or perfectly as the USA system at half the cost per capita [with a larger land mass Mr D].
Whadyaknoe wboutdat?

I know that despite more land mass Canada has 1/10th the population of the USA.._

How'd that work out for ya? NEXT


Well-known member
Our system is more expensive because they are standing in line to kick your ass. There is literally no restraint on these insurance companies and big pharma. They are getting away with murder.
My understanding is that they have real doozies lined up for us once the elections is behind us.

First up, complete reversal on the preexisting conditions currently being offered.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I know that despite more land mass Canada has 1/10th the population of the USA.._

How'd that work out for ya? NEXT

Do you not comprehend what per capita means? I put the land mass thing in because Mr.D mentioned it. It may serve you well to recognize when you are not addressing someone stoopid.


ICMag Donor
My understanding is that they have real doozies lined up for us once the elections is behind us.

First up, complete reversal on the preexisting conditions currently being offered.

Scary thought.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ehhh - I'm just about enough of a Dad for my own - but if you think it would help - I can yell at them too - if they don't do the dishes - lol

Next up is a plan to strengthen them via weight training - so that they can easily pick me up - if I fall over - the Mrs is already at it -

Hey - I work for them - so they can work for me to -

Would you be willing to talk with my kids?

Capra ibex

The only people that DON'T want universal healthcare are the poor folks who have been gouged into paying ludicrous amounts for healthcare, and been taught that they are good, hard working, responsible adults for doing so.

It pisses them off to think that from now on everyone will get the same service regardless of their financial situation.... which is kind of understandable, to a point.... but if they had half the character they thought they had then they would suck it up and say 'you know what.... it really sucked that i was being ripped off all these years, but if a change in the system means that everyone can take the stress of not knowing how they will pay for unexpected medical bills off, then that's a step in the right direction'.... but NOOOO.... they were ripped off, so everyone else should be ripped off or rejected the care they need too.

What is more unfair- that you've been gouged for years or that some poor person wakes up with brain cancer and can't afford treatment?

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black when it comes to whining....


ICMag Donor
Early numbers have Sanders way out in front in NV.

MSNBC just projected Sanders to win.


Active member
Do you not comprehend what per capita means? I put the land mass thing in because Mr.D mentioned it. It may serve you well to recognize when you are not addressing someone stoopid.

If you weren't so thin skinned you wouldn't be cocerned with weather or not I understood the irrelevant details of your post or if I thought you were stoopid
The most important word was imperfect.
It's scary to me to think at 1/2 the cost per capit
And 1/10th the capita equals a system as imperfect as ours..
I know our healthcare system is fractured but it's not broken it needs tinkerin not a erase and replace with socialism approach President Trump knows this too.
Democrat's don't .

TRUMP2020 keeping America Great .


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
If you weren't so thin skinned you wouldn't be cocerned with weather or not I understood the irrelevant details of your post or if I thought you were stoopid
The most important word was imperfect.
It's scary to me to think at 1/2 the cost per capit
And 1/10th the capita equals a system as imperfect as ours..
I know our healthcare system is fractured but it's not broken it needs tinkerin not a erase and replace with socialism approach President Trump knows this too.
Democrat's don't .

TRUMP2020 keeping America Great .

I'm no democrat; just pointing out some facts to you that you obviously don't understand, by your response. Ask Mr. D for some help. He is a pretty smart guy.


Well-known member
The British NHS is till going - and has been saving many lives since around 1947 - serving us limey's over here - and if you consider it to be socialism - then socialism can't be a bad thing - now can it?

Does the government not have a duty of care to the people it serves? - and if so - isn't national health care something that the government should supply to take care of the people's health and welfare?
We have those who feel a country should serve it's people.
We also have those who feel a country should serve it's corporations.


Active member
I'm no democrat; just pointing out some facts to you that you obviously don't understand, by your response. Ask Mr. D for some help. He is a pretty smart guy.

Whatever per capita means per person not people as a whole if you don't understand my post now after this context i've just given you then here ill take it back to 2nd grade half of the most expensive "PER CAPITA" is still pretty f'ing expensive and not sustainable long term.So now back to your orginal post where you phrased it as a question dont you think it wouldve happened by now ? Answer is no not yet but one day in the not too distant future.Most of the reason it hasn't happened yet is because theres only 1/10th the population .


Active member
Plagiarize much? Pretty sad even for you.

Let’s play simple math.... ready?
$15/hr minimum wage x 40 hrs/wk= $600/ wk... still following?
600/wk x 52 weeks/ yr= $31,200/yr still here kiddo?
Now take the 31,200 x .52 (52% tax rate komrad Bernie is promoting for ‘free everything’) I know the math gets difficult, but .52= 52%, and you come up with $16,224 bring home. Good luck buying 3 houses kiddo. Once again do as I say not as I do... sorry if math and facts are too difficult, but you’re welcome.

Originally post by Cannavore. Nice work Cannavore busting Fishy fraudster.


White Beard

Active member
Bernie's plan offers no benefit to covered union workers, only a downside. That's about 15 million workers. Our employers would really get fucked by the new 7.5% payroll tax.

See we negotiate a wage and benefits package. So the $10 an hour that goes to pay for our benefits would not go back to the employer. We would get a $10 an hour raise which in turn would be subjected to the new 7.5% payroll tax.

Interesting to learn that the union workers in Nevada seem to be voting Sanders in significant numbers; maybe they crunch the numbers differently than the union

Capra ibex

Plagiarize much? Pretty sad even for you.

Originally post by Cannavore. Nice work Cannavore busting Fishy fraudster.

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And here's what Bernie's ACTUAL proposals are (copied and pasted)~

But there’s no need to check the arithmetic in this meme. The general claim here — that Sanders’ health care plan would raise the tax rate to 52% on everyone making over $29,000 per year — is egregiously false.

Does Sanders’ Medicare for All plan raise taxes to 52% on incomes over $29,000?
In short, no. One proposal offered by Sanders would raise the tax rate to 52% on earnings over $10 million. Sanders also proposed that the first $29,000 of a person’s income would be exempt from taxes, and a 4% income-based premium would be applied to earnings over $29,000.

And the link to the snopes (fake news) page, https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/sanders-tax-plan-52-percent/

Kiddo :biglaugh:


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Whatever per capita means per person not people as a whole if you don't understand my post now after this context i've just given you then here ill take it back to 2nd grade half of the most expensive "PER CAPITA" is still pretty f'ing expensive and not sustainable long term.So now back to your orginal post where you phrased it as a question dont you think it wouldve happened by now ? Answer is no not yet but one day in the not too distant future.Most of the reason it hasn't happened yet is because theres only 1/10th the population .

So just so you know per capita does not change with population size. That is why the term is used. Mr D Can you help me out here?

edit; https://www.statista.com/topics/831/per-capita-expenditure/
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