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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Mr D

Bernie's plan offers no benefit to covered union workers, only a downside. That's about 15 million workers. Our employers would really get fucked by the new 7.5% payroll tax.

See we negotiate a wage and benefits package. So the $10 an hour that goes to pay for our benefits would not go back to the employer. We would get a $10 an hour raise which in turn would be subjected to the new 7.5% payroll tax.


Boreal Curing
Bernie's plan offers no benefit to covered union workers, only a downside. That's about 15 million workers. Our employers would really get fucked by the new 7.5% payroll tax.

See we negotiate a wage and benefits package. So the $10 an hour that goes to pay for our benefits would not go back to the employer. We would get a $10 an hour raise which in turn would be subjected to the new 7.5% payroll tax.

Ah... ok then. So no raise. Let the companies continue raking in the dough. Fuck the worker and fuck the tax payers. Got ya.

Mr D

Under Bernie's plan my payroll taxes would go up as well, by $4k a year.

And my employers tax would go up by over $1m a year.

When you look at all the numbers Bernie plan is the same as banning all cars in NYC. Then saying we will give everyone in NYC a free car but we only have 100,000 cars for the whole city.

It's feel good garbage for people with no knowledge of the health care industry easily swayed by fact-less emotional arguments.

Mr D

Ah... ok then. So no raise. Let the companies continue raking in the dough. Fuck the worker and fuck the tax payers. Got ya.

My boss isn't filthy rich and he works very hard. We make up to 100k a year, have excellent health insurance, An outstanding pension plan, 2 annuities, a health savings account and when we bring in a job early we get bonuses.

Maybe employers in the unionized building trades are different but I don't begrudge my boss making money .

mike tea



Ah... ok then. So no raise. Let the companies continue raking in the dough. Fuck the worker and fuck the tax payers. Got ya.
what they do not want to talk about the cost of living, rent fuel, home owners insurance, Bernie and Manchurian, candidate one wants loyalty the other a revolution drop your linen cause the kremlins grinning the rubles value has more value then the American dollar and they will make promises they never keep trump and Bernie what a pair of jokers hope you have a better day, peace mike tea


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
My boss isn't filthy rich and he works very hard. We make up to 100k a year, have excellent health insurance, An outstanding pension plan, 2 annuities, a health savings account and when we bring in a job early we get bonuses.

Maybe employers in the unionized building trades are different but I don't begrudge my boss making money .

That's not what you will get when your 65. Your coverage will suck!!!. Right now I pay 200$ a month for Medicare 80/20. Its not that great. All that's needed is to find a way to pay for the last 20%. Hell I'm fine paying 225$ if it gets me 100% coverage with part D included.

All our problems is from the prices these insurance scammers and drug companies charge.

Capra ibex

Let’s play simple math.... ready?
$15/hr minimum wage x 40 hrs/wk= $600/ wk... still following?
600/wk x 52 weeks/ yr= $31,200/yr still here kiddo?
Now take the 31,200 x .52 (52% tax rate komrad Bernie is promoting for ‘free everything’) I know the math gets difficult, but .52= 52%, and you come up with $16,224 bring home. Good luck buying 3 houses kiddo. Once again do as I say not as I do... sorry if math and facts are too difficult, but you’re welcome.

Yes, you are officially retarded, kiddo....

He proposes $15 as a MINIMUM wage not a maximum wage and what is this 52% tax on a minimum wage earner??

You really have no clue what you are talking about.

Mr D

That's not what you will get when your 65. Your coverage will suck!!!. Right now I pay 200$ a month for Medicare 80/20. Its not that great. All that's needed is to find a way to pay for the last 20%. Hell I'm fine paying 225$ if it gets me 100% coverage with part D included.

All our problems is from the prices these insurance scammers and drug companies charge.

You have no idea how bad your medical coverage will be once everyone can go to the doctor whenever they want. Resources will be stretched thin and if hard choices have to be made you'll end up with a package of end of life options instead treatment options.

Training enough new doctors and building enough new facilities won't happen in yours or my lifetime. That's just the way it is at least you don't live in place where 1/2 of world's population lives on $5 a day. Americans are some whiny spoiled bitches. You got it way better than 1/2 the world.

Mr. J

Well-known member
You have no idea how bad your medical coverage will be once everyone can go to the doctor whenever they want.
This exactly. Here in Canada everyone goes to the doctor at the first sign of a sniffle. When someone else is paying then nobody gives a shit about waste. It's like going to a buffet.


ICMag Donor
You have no idea how bad your medical coverage will be once everyone can go to the doctor whenever they want. Resources will be stretched thin and if hard choices have to be made you'll end up with a package of end of life options instead treatment options.

Training enough new doctors and building enough new facilities won't happen in yours or my lifetime. That's just the way it is at least you don't live in place where 1/2 of world's population lives on $5 a day. Americans are some whiny spoiled bitches. You got it way better than 1/2 the world.

Nineteen countries are doing just fine with national healthcare for decades. It's actually cheeper when you take insurance companies and lawyers out of the picture. You also get to tell big pharma what you're willing to pay. Much of their homework for new drugs is done at universities giving the people even more control. If you set the infrastructure up for the many already insured then adding the slackers is really no big deal

You guys are a bunch of whiners insisting that we get ripped off by insurance companies and big pharma. Whyyyyyners.

Mr D

This exactly. Here in Canada everyone goes to the doctor at the first sign of a sniffle. When someone else is paying then nobody gives a shit about waste. It's like going to a buffet.

This debate pops up from time to time and not one of them will address this valid and important point.

Must be nice to be reaping the fruits of American imperialism at the expense of billions of people, then whine about needed a bigger piece of the rotten pie.

Self interested crybabies.

Mr D

Nineteen countries are doing just fine with national healthcare for decades. It's actually cheeper when you take insurance companies and lawyers out of the picture. You also get to tell big pharma what you're willing to pay. Much of their homework for new drugs is done at universities giving the people even more control. If you set the infrastructure up for the many already insured then adding the slackers is really no big deal

You guys are a bunch of whiners insisting that we get ripped off by insurance companies and big pharma. Whyyyyyners.

Our system cost more because of regulations. Insurance costs are high because medicare pays .87 on the dollar for services and the remaining .13 on the dollar is paid by the rest of us.

You are comparing to countries with less than 50% of population and land mass the of US. Apples and oranges.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
People need to be aware of the fact that Mr. D feels that many people are undeserving of medical care.

Anybody trying to justify that type of thinking are focusing their efforts on validation instead of consideration.

Some just truly can't think objectively.

Self interested crybabies.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Our system cost more because of regulations. Insurance costs are high because medicare pays .87 on the dollar for services and the remaining .13 on the dollar is paid by the rest of us.

You are comparing to countries with less than 50% of population and land mass the of US. Apples and oranges.

per capita...


Well-known member

My previous post demonstrates my level of interest in
'staying on top of it.
Media is doing what it does, integrity is not involved.
This was about a very large Russian oil transaction
which had been in the works for years.
Principals involved were a who's who list of major
players and heavy hitters, on each side of the divide.
The deal was said to have the most profitable ever.
I don't think there is a Russian hoax, I am concerned
our president may be compromised.


ICMag Donor
Our system cost more because of regulations. Insurance costs are high because medicare pays .87 on the dollar for services and the remaining .13 on the dollar is paid by the rest of us.

You are comparing to countries with less than 50% of population and land mass the of US. Apples and oranges.

Our system is more expensive because they are standing in line to kick your ass. There is literally no restraint on these insurance companies and big pharma. They are getting away with murder.
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