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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
You have no idea how bad your medical coverage will be once everyone can go to the doctor whenever they want. Resources will be stretched thin and if hard choices have to be made you'll end up with a package of end of life options instead treatment options.

Training enough new doctors and building enough new facilities won't happen in yours or my lifetime. That's just the way it is at least you don't live in place where 1/2 of world's population lives on $5 a day. Americans are some whiny spoiled bitches. You got it way better than 1/2 the world.

This exactly,I tried to make this point earlier until the sissy bergade started pilling on.._of course,I framed it as long ass wait times just for an appointment but you realise it's all related..Cause and effect


ICMag Donor


Active member
Leaving out the fact his shack is actually a $575k lake front property just to fit a narrative... wew facts are a bitch when inconvenient
Don't even bother he's just whoring for attention he's not intrested in learning only lying and spinnig to fit his eco chamber narrative


Well-known member
This exactly,I tried to make this point earlier until the sissy bergade started pilling on.._of course,I framed it as long ass wait times just for an appointment but you realise it's all related..Cause and effect

I believe the idea is that it will improve and be more like much ike most of the first world.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
'Right - so no groceries - wifi - ukeleles - or cell phones kids - brush ya teeth - and go to school!'

Your kids are not your slaves, and all you owe your kids are good teeth and an education.

*but it is important to instil the work ethic - 'so do the dishes first!'


ICMag Donor
Just did a rack of lamb chops up on the grill, Greek style with Herb de Provence.

Those Europeans got it figured out. :biggrin:


Active member
Road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Road to hell is paved with good intentions.

I believe the idea is that it will improve and be more like much ike most of the first world.

The reality not the idea is what actually matters.Both MrD and I have tried to paint an accurate portrait of that reality.Even in much less populated areas of the 1st world these are very troubling reality's ....


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
The reality not the idea is what actually matters.Both MrD and I have tried to paint an accurate portrait of that reality.Even in much less populated areas of the 1st world these are very troubling reality's ....

If the Canadian system was going to go broke, don't you think that would have happened by now? Yet they continue to function to deliver medical services just as imperfectly or perfectly as the USA system at half the cost per capita [with a larger land mass Mr D].

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
You are a good son - to realize that you have a duty of care to your old Mum - and she is entitled to that at least - for raising you - to be a good son -

Mom’s 92. She’s been eating my cooking for the last 9 years. It went from part time to full time. One reason I moved out on the property. It keeps me busy without having to go far.


Active member
Are you guys in love?....c'mon fess up.

Today,a rare day off I love 4 things alone
1.My dog
2.Sfv ogk with cherry cookies bubble hash sprinkled on top.
3.Ledgend OG with cherry cookies bubble hash sprinkled on top
4.XFL football

I dont care much for getting worked up on politics today so for now...Ciao
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