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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Mr D

I saw a show where they were saying how great a showing that Klobuchar, Pete and whoever came in 4th were having and that it's a tight race and they DIDN'T EVEN MENTION Bernie who was the winner :biglaugh:

As Bernie gains delegates and continues to rise in the polls the number of negative Bernie stories will increase.

I fully expect a series of stories about Bernie's health and previous heart attack to be a hot topic in the run up to super Tuesday.

It's all so predictable and pathetic.

Capra ibex

As Bernie gains delegates and continues to rise in the polls the number of negative Bernie stories will increase.

I fully expect a series of stories about Bernie's health and previous heart attack to be a hot topic in the run up to super Tuesday.

It's all so predictable and pathetic.

I would say it's not even predictable.... it's been on show for a long time already.


Active member
Hello all,

Nunes is soo funny..stompin his feet and screaming I will sue....but buahahahahahaha.

Devin Nunes vows to sue Washington Post over 'demonstrably false' report he urged Trump to fire Maguire.



Court dumps Nunes' suit against Trump dossier firm
The judge suggested refiling the case against Fusion GPS could trigger sanctions.


I wonder how that lawsuit about his cow thing is going? buahahahaha


Mr D

I would say it's not even predictable.... it's been on show for a long time already.

Judging how well the Trump/Russia thing worked out, Bernie should see a bump in the polls.

So we’re just going to ignore how those “sources familiar with the matter” were completely wrong throughout the whole Russiagate hoax?

Do the media really expect us to believe their anonymous sources are different this time? These are the same people who were fact checking a Bloomberg meme involving crickets.

Capra ibex

Judging how well the Trump/Russia thing worked out, Bernie should see a bump in the polls.

So we’re just going to ignore how those “sources familiar with the matter” were completely wrong throughout the whole Russiagate hoax?

Do the media really expect us to believe their anonymous sources are different this time? These are the same people who were fact checking a Bloomberg meme involving crickets.

I usually take media with a grain of salt or a teaspoon of salt....

Sometimes i think i can figure out what's really going on by watching multiple sources and just evaluating biases etc. and sometimes i have no clue and can't be bothered worrying. :dunno:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Judging how well the Trump/Russia thing worked out, Bernie should see a bump in the polls.

So we’re just going to ignore how those “sources familiar with the matter” were completely wrong throughout the whole Russiagate hoax?

Do the media really expect us to believe their anonymous sources are different this time? These are the same people who were fact checking a Bloomberg meme involving crickets.

He admitted he helped. I see no hoax. Its you that cant except Russia's involvement..



Active member
He admitted he helped. I see no hoax. Its you that cant except Russia's involvement..


That would be accept.And yes I know you're above grammar because you're a morally superior liberal so much better than anyone else and whos got time for spelling when you're just so damn rightious ...right


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That would be accept.And yes I know you're above grammar because you're a morally superior liberal so much better than anyone else and whos got time for spelling when you're just so damn rightious ...right

:laughing:Im glad you agree with my superiority :D Your def ignorant to think im a liberal who supports Bernie, what a numbnuts you are. How many times have you said your gone, your not posting anymore lol.


Active member
:laughing:Im glad you agree with my superiority :D You def ignorant to think im a liberal who supports Bernie, what a numbnuts you are. How many times have you said your gone, your not posting anymore lol.

I Couldn't give 2 shits who you support.I think you're a liberal caue you act like a cry baby sissy bitch and that's a liberal thing can't wait for your next tantrum


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I Couldn't give 2 shits who you support.I think you're a liberal caue you act like a cry baby sissy bitch and that's a liberal thing can't wait for your next tantrum


TRIGGARD MUCH. I appreciate the belly laugh..

Mr D

He admitted he helped. I see no hoax. Its you that cant except Russia's involvement..


Why am I not surprised.....

You and Adam Schiff have evidence of Trump Russia collusion/conspiracy and Zelensky is going to announce that Biden investigation any day now.

White Beard

Active member
How would Russia keep Trump in office?

Well, they’ve proven they can hammer you guys into the shape they like, and they keep hitting you emotionally so you never think about where the train is really going. It’s been determined that units linked to the Russian efforts in ‘16 were able to access supposedly-secure electoral machines, including voter registration data, though there was no evidence of any changes made: changes *could* have been made and escaped detection. Certainly the regime has made absolutely no effort to secure the upcoming election and to prevent or even interfere with invasion.

This time when they get in (because we’re sitting on our hands), one possible goal is to *de-register* enough democratic-leaning voters too close to the polls opening for it to be caught in time. That’s not the only thing they could do, probably wouldn’t be enough, but no matter which side you think you’re on, there’s only ONE WAY to UN-rig an election, and that is to swamp the polls - vote in numbers that drown the manipulation in the noise by making the SIGNAL as strong a possible, and that takes turnout.

No matter WHO you think might be rigging things, or HOW you think they might be rigging them, show up and vote the shit out of the motherfuckers.

It’s the only way to be sure.


Active member
We were taught by the best:

The Boomers that have robbed the World blind while making them think things are great!

Robbed the world blind of what exactly ?And things are better now in America than They've ever been even better than under Regan and Slick Willy.
Biggest difference between the generations is the boomers believed in hard work and personal responsibility while millennials believe in anger,resentment and blaming everyone but themselves for Their failures
We took classes in college that got us jobs
Millennials took lesbian dance theroy.
We got mortgages and bought houses
You ungratefully mooched of us and sat on your ass's in our house.
I've noticed alot from millennials it's all ok boomer until you need help paying off your credit card

Capra ibex

Robbed the world blind of what exactly ?And things are better now in America than They've ever been even better than under Regan and Slick Willy.
Biggest difference between the generations is the boomers believed in hard work and personal responsibility while millennials believe in anger,resentment and blaming everyone but themselves for Their failures
We took classes in college that got us jobs
Millennials took lesbian dance theroy.
We got mortgages and bought houses
You ungratefully mooched of us and sat on your ass's in our house.
I've noticed alot from millennials it's all ok boomer until you need help paying off your credit card

You should start a salt farm dude....
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