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The 2020 Presidential Election

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St. Phatty

Active member
They may wrongly call it socialism, when what they really are against is Bernie’s policies. They give the government a vast amount of authority. They’re afraid of the government. Rightly so.
What was stupid was thinking trump was going to fix it when he was one of the main corrupters. The wolf making the henhouse great again.

The US already has Socialism

The Repug's just want the gov. $$ spent on broken war-toys, not education, pseudo-health-care, etc.

As for the US gov. having a vast amount of authority ... 9-11.

The US gov. has a vast amount of FALSE authority.

A country that lets another nation murder 2900 of its Gentile citizens is simply a Jewish controlled puppet.


Active member
Leaving out the fact his shack is actually a $575k lake front property just to fit a narrative... wew facts are a bitch when inconvenient


Active member
Please describe what is hypocritical about Bernard having 3 houses?
What does he propose that would prevent any others from acquiring 3 or many more houses?

Please explain this....

Let’s play simple math.... ready?
$15/hr minimum wage x 40 hrs/wk= $600/ wk... still following?
600/wk x 52 weeks/ yr= $31,200/yr still here kiddo?
Now take the 31,200 x .52 (52% tax rate komrad Bernie is promoting for ‘free everything’) I know the math gets difficult, but .52= 52%, and you come up with $16,224 bring home. Good luck buying 3 houses kiddo. Once again do as I say not as I do... sorry if math and facts are too difficult, but you’re welcome.


Active member
They may wrongly call it socialism, when what they really are against is Bernie’s policies. They give the government a vast amount of authority. They’re afraid of the government. Rightly so.
What was stupid was thinking trump was going to fix it when he was one of the main corrupters. The wolf making the henhouse great again.

How is something ‘wrongly’ called socialism when the mouth piece himself calls it socialism? Or are you going to go with the ‘muh Democratic socialism isn’t actually socialism’ line? That excuse gets used every time socialism fails ie venezuela, Cuba? Don’t worry about the droves that leave Venezuela and Cuba. After all they are only after a better life in rayciss murica.
Also, any source of drumpf the main corrupters would be truly appreciated. Pretty sure he made majority of money outside Washington while you suckle the tip of DC lifers who went in broke and came out w 8-9 digit (before decimal point) bank accounts


Well-known member
socialism is when the workers take control of the economy and kick the CEO's to the curb and divy up the ownership of the company equally amongst the workers of said companies.

bernie just wants taxdollars going to things that help taxpayers in the model of old Keynesian economics era politicians (FDR, Eisenhower). it's usually called welfare statism outside of the US.

some of you are almost there lol. if bernie wants to emulate scandinavian programs, and scandinavian countries don't refer to themselves as socialist (because they have market economies), why would bernie then be a socialist for wanting many of the same policies here? this goes back to the concept that the overton window of american political discourse has shifted to the right and has been for decades. the media and ruling class are using classic fear mongering tactics about socialism and communism to try and deter the average american from voting/supporting/sympathizing for/with Sanders.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Triggered ? you're welcome..I mean c'mon man these aren't even hard words.

You dummies should know by now I don't care if I misspell words. I type fast, No point in going back to correct the slips. Anyone with common sense knows my meaning. You few that cant doesn't matter in the grad scheme of things lol.

Why am I not surprised.....

You and Adam Schiff have evidence of Trump Russia collusion/conspiracy and Zelensky is going to announce that Biden investigation any day now.

Even when the prof is spoken by Putin you still refuse to except reality. That's where all the issues are. We all know Trumps a dumb SOB. What excuse do you all have lol. I admit I didn't know we had so many people that are so easily influenced by crooks:).
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Active member
ICMag Donor
^- relating to these two's posts, Norway and the like are rich or wealthy from oil reserves. So the standard of living is high, there is extra one million cash for each person laying around. Now to argue that a Norway should keep all of its money and pillage poor countries, in the name of What? That is nonsense. Welfare is not welfare in the US, when people are poor and the roads are falling apart. Pot calling the kettle black. And one tiny little rich country has money from oil and/or theft colonialism capitalism. The two are not compatible. It really is one or the other, one rope tug of war. Arguing, doesn't do anything, except show who is ignorant and likes to hear them self talk.


Active member
ICMag Donor
all of these items, that people are discussing in the realm of politics, are illegal corrupt practices. We are but watching an actual bad performance happen in front of our eyes. I know trump's an idiot and cameras and websites are recording everywhere. But I do not know if he knows or cares how behind times his thoughts are. It is like a view from a cockpit where the lemmings are arguing with one another down there somewhere. I don't have the money trump has and I can see him running around Florida and Tennessee doing rallies and lying about everything under the sun. A fleeing criminal a (big) petty fugitive stirring up hate and fear where he goes. Drawing false ballots and hoarding certain groups in little private areas. Changing paperwork and completely ignoring anyone who does not say exactly what you want to hear...it is the making of an actual zoo not an organized nation let alone fair or representative of anyone public.

Mr D

You dummies should know by now I don't care if I misspell words. I type fast, No point in going back to correct the slips. Anyone with common sense knows my meaning. You few that cant doesn't matter in the grad scheme of things lol.

Even when the prof is spoken by Putin you still refuse to except reality. That's where all the issues are. We all know Trumps a dumb SOB. What excuse do you all have lol. I admit I didn't know we had so many people that are so easily influenced by crooks:).
Russian-funded Facebook ads backed Stein, Sanders and Trump


Well-known member
Leaving out the fact his shack is actually a $575k lake front property just to fit a narrative... wew facts are a bitch when inconvenient

That's a cracker box by many standards. Inconvenient for your narrative, I know. You can't even get a house in Austin for that. Not on water.


Well-known member

Mr D

socialism is when the workers take control of the economy and kick the CEO's to the curb and divy up the ownership of the company equally amongst the workers of said companies.

bernie just wants taxdollars going to things that help taxpayers in the model of old Keynesian economics era politicians (FDR, Eisenhower). it's usually called welfare statism outside of the US.

some of you are almost there lol. if bernie wants to emulate scandinavian programs, and scandinavian countries don't refer to themselves as socialist (because they have market economies), why would bernie then be a socialist for wanting many of the same policies here? this goes back to the concept that the overton window of american political discourse has shifted to the right and has been for decades. the media and ruling class are using classic fear mongering tactics about socialism and communism to try and deter the average american from voting/supporting/sympathizing for/with Sanders.

What happens if the company decides to sell, close or move out of the country before the democratic socialist utopia gets a chance to take over said businesses?

It's just an incentive to move my business to Mexico or any other country outside of the US.

When the production and post production crews of the Young Turks decided to go union with IATSE over a week ago, they had hoped
The Young Turks would respect their choice and voluntarily recognize their union. They are dismayed to report that they have refused.

How come Bernie's workers don't get a cut of the millions going to his family? Jane and the kids are raking in millions as "Media Buyers". They get 15% of Bernie's multi million dollar media buying budget. Shouldn't Bernie's workers get a piece, after all no one in Bernie's family are qualified or experienced "Media Buyers"?


Well-known member
What happens if the company decides to sell, close or move out of the country before the democratic socialist utopia gets a chance to take over said businesses?

It's just an incentive to move my business to Mexico or any other country outside of the US.

When the production and post production crews of the Young Turks decided to go union with IATSE over a week ago, they had hoped
The Young Turks would respect their choice and voluntarily recognize their union. They are dismayed to report that they have refused.

How come Bernie's workers don't get a cut of the millions going to his family? Jane and the kids are raking in millions as "Media Buyers". They get 15% of Bernie's multi million dollar media buying budget. Shouldn't Bernie's workers get a piece, after all no one in Bernie's family are qualified or experienced "Media Buyers"?

If they move. Refuse to import their product. Period.

As for the dribble about Bernie. Maybe he will share all of it. He certainly has not shied away from the fact he would tax it. And what is an experienced media buyer? Is it similar to when potus puts a bunch of inexperienced people in high clearance positions? It seems like a joke in comparison.
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