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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
On a side note, it's absolutely hilarious that those who believed and pushed the Russian conspiracy nonsense want to lecture us on facts and credible sources.


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Active member
They love their left wing fact checking sights, unfortunately for them that shit only flies on Rollitup not here.

Hello all,

Can you provide any credible sourses that uphold his spew...or yours for that matter....

we are all entitled to our opinions...but not our own facts.

Show them or STFU too.



Well-known member
On a side note, it's absolutely hilarious that those who believed and pushed the Russian conspiracy nonsense want to lecture us on facts and credible sources.

just spent 5 minutes looking for this AOC quote and found nothing.

the irony of your post is so off the charts it can be viewed as trolling or satire lmao.


Well-known member
Hi all ,unfriendly reminder that Ilhan Omar flippantly called 9/11 "some people did something" and went on to claim to be a victim ..She has also refused to denounce Isis and Al Quida...She married her brother to defraud the United States immigration and federal tax laws...All you little thin skinned sissy ass beta cucks sit her crying about Trump's corruption without a shread of evidence while the whole damn democratic party are the bastion of corruption with mountains of evidence that the mainstream media just ignores because the DNC controls the media.The whole damn lot of em are the very fucking thing you're all crying about...Wake the fuck up you might be all woke but you're asleep

You say you want a revolution ?Trump IS your revolution....Draining the swamp one corrupt dem after another and a few lousy republicans inbetween.You're next Schiff and Fat Jerry.I think Trump pity's Pelosi cause shes a bumbling drunk old fool personally ,so he'll lay off her.

TRUMP2020 keeping America Great

boomers eat this shit up lmao


Well-known member
just spent 5 minutes looking for this AOC quote and found nothing.

the irony of your post is so off the charts it can be viewed as trolling or satire lmao.

Both lol, this place is nothing but a left wing circle jerk to me. I see no point in trying to have a real discussion with you guys anymore. My memes are just for entertainment, I don't even know if she said that or not but I wouldn't put it past her lol.


Well-known member
Not even 24 hrs.

U.S. officials have informed Democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders that Russia is trying to aid his presidential campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, the Washington Post reports.

Bernie supporters are about to find out why Trump supporters dismissed the Russian nonsense from the start. The only true goal Russia is trying to accomplish is sowing discord among Americans and they have done a pretty good job.

Mr D

Bernie supporters are about to find out why Trump supporters dismissed the Russian nonsense from the start. The only true goal Russia is trying to accomplish is sowing discord among Americans and they have done a pretty good job.

To be fair, Bernie supporters are not strangers to the corrupt DNC or the democrat/Media Bullshit.


Active member
Bernie supporters are about to find out why Trump supporters dismissed the Russian nonsense from the start. The only true goal Russia is trying to accomplish is sowing discord among Americans and they have done a pretty good job.

Hello all,

Bernie at least has come out and said...putin, stay out of our elections.

Still waiting on deleuded donald to say the same.

Been waiting a ling time actually...you know...still stinky from Helsinki.



Well-known member
Both lol, this place is nothing but a left wing circle jerk to me. I see no point in trying to have a real discussion with you guys anymore. My memes are just for entertainment, I don't even know if she said that or not but I wouldn't put it past her lol.
instead of thinking of this place being left wing
just maybe you're seeing the average demographic of what most people are thinking now
which doesn't bode well for the election for the big D


Active member
instead of thinking of this place being left wing
just maybe you're seeing the average demographic of what most people are thinking now
which doesn't bode well for the election for the big D

Boogieman has it nailed down. He went to plumbing school and voted for his first presidential candidate in Trump.

Personally I think he's been chewing on his fingernails after jobs.


Well-known member
Boogieman has it nailed down. He went to plumbing school and voted for his first presidential candidate in Trump.

Personally I think he's been chewing on his fingernails after jobs.

I hope he is doing new constructions. Chewing nails after doing plumbing repairs could lead to the type of dementia that causes someone think shithead is great.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Both lol, this place is nothing but a left wing circle jerk to me. I see no point in trying to have a real discussion with you guys anymore. My memes are just for entertainment, I don't even know if she said that or not but I wouldn't put it past her lol.

I'm curious did you view the points made by Gypsy regarding religious dogma effecting politics, government and his community as left wing? Was the ensuing discussion a circle jerk? Was there perhaps room for common ground that could have involved your mature input? I read some salient points from George Bush. Does that mean he has switched sides?

Mr D

Hello all,

Bernie at least has come out and said...putin, stay out of our elections.

Still waiting on deleuded donald to say the same.

Been waiting a ling time actually...you know...still stinky from Helsinki.


A month after he was notified. :whistling:

Break out the FISA warrants. :beat-dead


Well-known member
I'm curious did you view the points made by Gypsy regarding religious dogma effecting politics, government and his community as left wing? Was the ensuing discussion a circle jerk? Was there perhaps room for common ground that could have involved your mature input? I read some salient points from George Bush. Does that mean he has switched sides?

I may have missed it, I often only look at the last page. I'm not religious myself and believe in separation of church and state heavily. When the millennials take over the Republicans party the highly religious will just be a small faction anyways and we will adapt a more Libertarian view.
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