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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hmmm - am I a 'Boomer?' - I was born in 1960 - if so - then I don't have much to show for robbing the world blind -

Capra ibex

I was thinking of starting a thread, idk maybe i still will.... but this was a great little podcast to .
It's a Sam Harris podcast (i know he is kind of controversial to some folks, but i find him pretty good to listen to usually) talking about nuclear weapons with his guest.
Kind of off topic but it is a thread concerning the people with the fingers on the nukes.



Active member
How would Russia keep Trump in office?

Better question is why? Choices are a self proclaimed spineless socialist who went to communist Russia for his honeymoon and a capitalist who has repeatedly sanctioned Russia along w halting their oil pipeline... basically you have bootlicking boomers still caught up in cold war era scare tactics who march in lockstep with their MSM handlers... pathetic at best. Then again these same people fell for the ‘in case of nuclear war just hide under your desk and cover head’ meme...


Well-known member
Russia is helping Russia
or thinks it is, bad for America got to be good for Russia?
or maybe not
Putin may be brighter than Trump, but doesn't make him a genius

There is a chance he is only doing it to be funny. If he was not in charge shithead would be hilarious to watch throw retarded tantrums.


Active member
But the muh russia fear tactic will pipe down shortly as their golden calf has been tied to Russia. The new muh russia narrative was put out to distract from the dumpster fire known as the DNC debates


ICMag Donor
I Couldn't give 2 shits who you support.I think you're a liberal caue you act like a cry baby sissy bitch and that's a liberal thing can't wait for your next tantrum

Hammer is a "cry baby sissy bitch" and I'm a "disingenuous liar".

Childish insults don't cut it here. The least you could do would be an attempt at wit, sarcasm, or intellect, but you constantly show us that those are well beyond your capability. 20,000 odd posts so far you have proven yourself to be the winner of the Most Useless Award. Congratulations for your great accomplishment.



Well-known member
But the muh russia fear tactic will pipe down shortly as their golden calf has been tied to Russia. The new muh russia narrative was put out to distract from the dumpster fire known as the DNC debates

The debates are going fine. Bloombitch is losing his ass. Bernie keeps getting more popular. The cooperate media and their whores are about to freak the fuck out. Which is great for Bernie as long as they do not change the rules to fuck him out of a chance.


ICMag Donor

knucklehead bob

But the muh russia fear tactic will pipe down shortly as their golden calf has been tied to Russia. The new muh russia narrative was put out to distract from the dumpster fire known as the DNC debates
Not so funny how everyone forgot about the Pedophiles in Washington District of Criminals ................

'Epstein and I have everyone on videotape' Ghislaine Maxwell alleged to have confided
Socialite with links to royal family reveals she has spoken to FBI about friendship with Jeffrey Epstein and Ms Maxwell https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/02/21/epstein-have-everyone-videotape-ghislaine-maxwell-alleged-have/

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
US intelligence officials tell Bernie Sanders that Russia is trying to interfere in his presidential campaign and HELP him win the 2020 Democratic nomination

U.S. officials have told Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders that Russia is trying to help his campaign, the Washington Post reported on Friday.

Donald Trump and U.S. lawmakers have also been informed about the Russian assistance to Senator Sanders, said the Post, which cited unnamed people familiar with the matter.
The form that the Russian assistance had taken was not clear, the paper added.
Sanders, the Vermont senator, slammed the Russian president after news of the interference emerged, branding Vladimir Putin an 'autocratic thug' and a 'good friend' of Trump.

'I don't care, frankly, who Putin wants to be president,' Sanders said.

'My message to Putin is clear: stay out of American elections, and as president I will make sure that you do.'

He said that he was briefed about a month ago on the Russian interference.
Sanders continued: 'Unlike Donald Trump, I do not consider Vladimir Putin a good friend.
'He is an autocratic thug who is attempting to destroy democracy and crush dissent in Russia.'

He went on to condemn any form of interference in the American presidential election.

'Let´s be clear, the Russians want to undermine American democracy by dividing us up and, unlike the current president, I stand firmly against their efforts, and any other foreign power that wants to interfere in our election,' he said.
'The intelligence community is telling us Russia is interfering in this campaign right now in 2020.'

Earlier on Friday, Trump dismissed a report claiming his former acting Director of National Intelligence told Congress that Russia wanted him to win in November, claiming it was just another Democrat 'hoax'.

'Another misinformation campaign is being launched by Democrats in Congress saying that Russia prefers me to any of the Do Nothing Democrat candidates who still have been unable to, after two weeks, count their votes in Iowa. Hoax number 7!' Trump lamented on Twitter Friday morning.

The president's comments come after The New York Times published a report on Thursday claiming Acting DNI Joseph Maguire told Congress during a classified briefing that the Kremlin wanted to see Trump win reelection because it would be better for their interests.
Maguire was recently ousted from his acting post and U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell was appointed in his stead as Trump continues to search for a permanent director.

The president believed the information would be used against him, sources told the New York Times.

Officials have said that Russian support for Sanders could be part of a wider plot to help Trump, according to the New York Times.
Sanders may be considered by Putin to be less likely to beat Trump in the November election than other more moderate Democratic nominees.
Russia dismissed claims it was meddling in the 2020 presidential race to help Trump win a second term.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov made the denial at a press conference today where he labeled the claims 'paranoid announcements'.

'Unfortunately, there will be more and more of [them] as we get closer to the elections,' he said in Moscow.
'Of course, they have nothing to do with the truth.


* so the intelligence community in the USA is saying Russia is already interfering in the election - but doesn't give us any proof of it -


Active member
Doomberg labeled Bernie a communist at the Vegas debates...
With 20mil viewers...this moniker will stick with Bernie for the rest of his campaign and will sink him in the general if he even makes it thru the primaries...very damaging



Active member
Bernie the victim. Spare me.

Everybody’s a victim now days if it gets attention.
He’s only an extreme fraction of the party. He only represents maybe 15% of the population. He does not have a majority.
It’s not a matter of screwing him, it’s a matter of majority rule. You can’t be a leader with only a handful of followers. Not without being authoritarian. That’s what we protest now. It will lead to uprisings and backlash.


Well-known member
Doomberg labeled Bernie a communist at the Vegas debates...
With 20mil viewers...this moniker will stick with Bernie for the rest of his campaign and will sink him in the general if he even makes it thru the primaries...very damaging


People are learning. Less people are offended by the word socialism this week than last. And next week more people will learn.

The problem is not socialism. Its stupidity. And its starting to wear off.


Well-known member
Judging how well the Trump/Russia thing worked out, Bernie should see a bump in the polls.

So we’re just going to ignore how those “sources familiar with the matter” were completely wrong throughout the whole Russiagate hoax?

Do the media really expect us to believe their anonymous sources are different this time? These are the same people who were fact checking a Bloomberg meme involving crickets.
Russiagate hoax?
How exactly does one disprove a report which has never
been declassified ?


Active member
He is going after the money of people that can afford to buy small nations, not vacation homes.

Once again. Read up on the difference between a billionaire and millionaire.

I don’t fault the millionaires or the billionaires. Income inequality is an inherent fault in our unnatural capitalistic monetary system. Taxation is one method of correcting the fault. It keeps the money circulating. They’ll get it back anyway, but it helps others in the process.


Active member
People are learning. Less people are offended by the word socialism this week than last. And next week more people will learn.

The problem is not socialism. Its stupidity. And its starting to wear off.

They may wrongly call it socialism, when what they really are against is Bernie’s policies. They give the government a vast amount of authority. They’re afraid of the government. Rightly so.
What was stupid was thinking trump was going to fix it when he was one of the main corrupters. The wolf making the henhouse great again.
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