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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah - sure - the 'Live and Let Live' credo is a nice one to be able to live by - but what if your style of life as you are living and let living is a sin to some religious ideology around you? - that only see's you as a goyim or a kuffur (disbeliever) - in the eyes of many 'believers' who have thousands of houses of worship in-country - so you are treated like someone who is not of 'The Chosen People' - and so can be used and abused due to your low social standing according to that cult/religion? - if you saw this as it is - would you say something about it? - would you protest? - and if you did many others around you who are not of any particular 'faith' would say - 'Oh - you just need to be more TOLERANT of these beliefs'.

Then I would say - OK - righty-o - so I'm supposed to be TOLERANT of INTOLERANCE? - WTF!

I tried reading the Quran once. Didn’t get very far. Same with the Christian Bible. Just a bunch of nonsense. I made up my own religion. The religion of live and let live. I don’t think I’m the only one. We all have our moral compass. One that defines sin. Some are better than others. At least from my scope. There really is no definition of sin, except for what we make up. Self preservation of the species is our driving force. In that regard, we all have the same religion. We all sin.


Active member
my ital relatives remind me that back inn the day it was a considered a sin to lend money for interest(lmao gambinos).........its funny how religious ideologies allow for certain things and SIN the others......ive served my country...islam has bloody borders in 2020


Active member
Yeah - sure - the 'Live and Let Live' credo is a nice one to be able to live by - but what if your style of life as you are living and let living is a sin to some religious ideology around you? - that only see's you as a goyim or a kuffur (disbeliever) - in the eyes of many 'believers' who have thousands of houses of worship in-country - so you are treated like someone who is not of 'The Chosen People' - and so can be used and abused due to your low social standing according to that cult/religion? - if you saw this as it is - would you say something about it? - would you protest? - and if you did many others around you who are not of any particular 'faith' would say - 'Oh - you just need to be more TOLERANT of these beliefs'.

Then I would say - OK - righty-o - so I'm supposed to be TOLERANT of INTOLERANCE? - WTF!


They’re all around me. They even had a rally last night. Declared Brad Pitt the enemy. Somehow I live through it. You sound like you’re doing okay. A little stressed maybe.




The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Don't worry Kash Patel will be working with Grenell. Kash did some fine work helping to deconstruct the Russia hoax.

It does not seem accidental the appointment of Grenell as acting DNI comes after AG Bill Barr publicly displayed his weakness in managing the DOJ and FBI.



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Hi all ,unfriendly reminder that Ilhan Omar flippantly called 9/11 "some people did something" and went on to claim to be a victim ..She has also refused to denounce Isis and Al Quida...She married her brother to defraud the United States immigration and federal tax laws...All you little thin skinned sissy ass beta cucks sit her crying about Trump's corruption without a shread of evidence while the whole damn democratic party are the bastion of corruption with mountains of evidence that the mainstream media just ignores because the DNC controls the media.The whole damn lot of em are the very fucking thing you're all crying about...Wake the fuck up you might be all woke but you're asleep

You say you want a revolution ?Trump IS your revolution....Draining the swamp one corrupt dem after another and a few lousy republicans inbetween.You're next Schiff and Fat Jerry.I think Trump pity's Pelosi cause shes a bumbling drunk old fool personally ,so he'll lay off her.

TRUMP2020 keeping America Great

A friendly reminder that Trump saw thousands and thousands of Muslims celebrating 911 in the streets. Dirtbag, moronic liar.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I wouldn't go so far as to say I was really so stressed about it - more like concerned that the government is allowing the proliferation of these supremacist ideologies within our societies/nations - as if they are aiding them - in any way they can to become set-up and running their tax-free institutions that breed hate and disharmony amongst us -

Perhaps it concerns me more because I have a coupla kids I'm rearing right now - and live in a big city (London) - their welfare and future is all important to me -

They’re all around me. They even had a rally last night. Declared Brad Pitt the enemy. Somehow I live through it. You sound like you’re doing okay. A little stressed maybe.


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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Well - in my opinion - it should be written into law - there should be a well protected barrier between the laws of religious ideologies - and the law of the land - and that should be heavily monitored so as not to effect politics -

Just ask these religious people who's law do they follow - first and foremost - and if they reply that they put their gods laws first - before the laws of the nation - then they should not be allowed to enter politics as a peoples representative -

Just ask Thomas More.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
So when I see a political/government official that is quite obviously garbed/clothed so as to denote their religion - as if to promote it - and the religious laws of that 'faith' - that supposedly come straight from their god - say that a woman's testimony is worth half that of a man - that slavery is ok because Mohammed always took and sold slaves - that its OK to marry a 6 year old and consummate the union when the girl is just 9 years old - as the prophet did - and that anyone wanting to leave the religion should be hunted down as an apostate and killed - amongst many other atrocious laws - too many to list here -

Then it makes me wonder what is the worth of 500 years of social/political change - to bring about an egalitarian modern democratic society that has mostly shunned these superstitious religious laws - if we are to allow religions to still rule our politics - in any way, shape or form -

Or in the US where politics and supposed morality, beliefs in climate change, raping of natural resources, peace in the middle east, who you vote for, abortion fanatics, drug laws; are all based on Fukin Christianity.


Active member
I wouldn't go so far as to say I was really so stressed about it - more like concerned that the government is allowing the proliferation of these supremacist ideologies within our societies/nations - as if they are aiding them - in any way they can to become set-up and running their tax-free institutions that breed hate and disharmony amongst us -

Perhaps it concerns me more because I have a coupla kids I'm rearing right now - and live in a big city (London) - their welfare and future is all important to me -

We have more than our share of killings downtown. One young kid has been missing for a couple of weeks. Trump was there last night doing a government paid rally. Pushing hate towards half of the country. Promoting God and guns. Is that any different?

I used to come here as a very young kid, run all over town. It isn’t the same place. It’s not the illegals, not the Islamics,

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes true - and I make little distinction between the 3 major Abrahamic religions on how caustic they have been - and still are - to the peaceful social evolution of humankind - (if that's not a misnomer - lol)

Christianity settled down some after the reformation some 500 years ago - and became more 'palatable' to the masses as a form of mass control for the 'elites' -

Islam - cannot ever 'reform' - since the Qu'ran is the set-in-stone word of Allah - so there really can be nothing 'moderate' within Islam - no reformation possible there -

- and the Judean's are busy trying to expand Israel (with US aid) to be as big as it was thousand of years ago - by going about aiding wars around them - to push the people out - so taking their lands - for expansion of 'The Chosen People' in their 'Holy Land' -

Or in the US where politics and supposed morality, beliefs in climate change, raping of natural resources, peace in the middle east, who you vote for, abortion fanatics, drug laws; are all based on Fukin Christianity.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
We hear of an ever increasing litany of violent and sexual crimes - terrorist attacks - and other associated problems directly linked with what we think is the 'integration' of cultures and religions into our touted liberal, welcoming, caring and open society - yet often the government tries to cover it up, or sweep it under the table - when the uncomfortable truth of the matter - might unsettle the masses - to the point of rebellion -

We have more than our share of killings downtown. One young kid has been missing for a couple of weeks. Trump was there last night doing a government paid rally. Pushing hate towards half of the country. Promoting God and guns. Is that any different?

I used to come here as a very young kid, run all over town. It isn’t the same place. It’s not the illegals, not the Islamics,


Active member
evangelical christians?

evangelical christians?

Yes true - and I make little distinction between the 3 major Abrahamic religions on how caustic they have been - and still are - to the peaceful social evolution of humankind - (if that's not a misnomer - lol)

Christianity settled down some after the reformation some 500 years ago - and became more 'palatable' to the masses as a form of mass control for the 'elites' -

Islam - cannot ever 'reform' - since the Qu'ran is the set-in-stone word of Allah - so there really can be nothing 'moderate' within Islam - no reformation possible there -

- and the Judean's are busy trying to expand Israel (with US aid) to be as big as it was thousand of years ago - by going about aiding wars around them - to push the people out - so taking their lands - for expansion of 'The Chosen People' in their 'Holy Land' -

year old video....i can only imagine how deeply entrenched they are now:tiphat:


Active member
We hear of an ever increasing litany of violent and sexual crimes - terrorist attacks - and other associated problems directly linked with what we think is the 'integration' of cultures and religions into our touted liberal, welcoming, caring and open society - yet often the government tries to cover it up, or sweep it under the table - when the uncomfortable truth of the matter - might unsettle the masses - to the point of rebellion -

I guess I’ve always dealt with integration. I’ve never found it a threat. Of course there is a certain amount of danger in just living.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
If I was to list the violent and sexual crimes that have befallen this nation and its residents due to this forced and often unwanted mass attempted integration over the past 10 years - then I would be sitting here till next week - at least -

I guess I’ve always dealt with integration. I’ve never found it a threat. Of course there is a certain amount of danger in just living.


We have more than our share of killings downtown. One young kid has been missing for a couple of weeks. Trump was there last night doing a government paid rally. Pushing hate towards half of the country. Promoting God and guns. Is that any different?

I used to come here as a very young kid, run all over town. It isn’t the same place. It’s not the illegals, not the Islamics,

...its the crazy ass tweakers and people whom military service broke. Weird place down there, dont think I will be back to that town other than to bang a right and head up towards the hills. Least it's not pueblo.


Active member


If I was to list the violent and sexual crimes that have befallen this nation and its residents due to this forced and often unwanted mass attempted integration over the past 10 years - then I would be sitting here till next week - at least -

its nice to hear a perspective thats not sky news or something that may not be as honestly perceptive
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