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The 2020 Presidential Election

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margret thatcher

margret thatcher

We hear of an ever increasing litany of violent and sexual crimes - terrorist attacks - and other associated problems directly linked with what we think is the 'integration' of cultures and religions into our touted liberal, welcoming, caring and open society - yet often the government tries to cover it up, or sweep it under the table - when the uncomfortable truth of the matter - might unsettle the masses - to the point of rebellion -

wasnt it margret who said."the problem with socialism is you eventually run out of someones elses money"!


Active member
If I was to list the violent and sexual crimes that have befallen this nation and its residents due to this forced and often unwanted mass attempted integration over the past 10 years - then I would be sitting here till next week - at least -

Like trying to list school shootings.

I can’t say what’s happening over there. Just over here. Most of our wounds are self inflicted.


Active member
...its the crazy ass tweakers and people whom military service broke. Weird place down there, dont think I will be back to that town other than to bang a right and head up towards the hills. Least it's not pueblo.

I stay out east. A 500’ driveway keeps most of them away. I don’t even have to look at them.


Bud Green

I dig dirt
Dang this thread moves fast.... This comment is in reference to comments on the last page...

Integration of different peoples has always been a mostly violent affair..

Ever since early tribes of humans wondered the earth 50,000 years ago...



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Dang this thread moves fast.... This comment is in reference to comments on the last page...

Integration of different peoples has always been a mostly violent affair..

Ever since early tribes of humans wondered the earth 50,000 years ago...


Too bad they did not do more wondering than wandering...e.g. I wonder why this forest is so huge and pristine despite the large human population living 'off' of it?


Well-known member
Barr was ineffective in suppressing the truth. With Grenell, there will be no truth to suppress.

the truth ALWAYS comes out. only question being, will people believe it, and will it make a difference in how they vote ? lots, i'm afraid, will believe it, and still vote as if it is not the truth out of self interest.


Active member
First guess. Not bad. :biggrin:

Allot of plowing on that driveway.
I think it was 87 they really got walloped and Denver ran out of money to plow.

I learned to watch the weather and stock up.
I just run the truck through it anyway. I’m off of a main rode, so they keep that plowed.

I’m counting on global warming.

Looking for a Rainbow


Mr D

the truth ALWAYS comes out. only question being, will people believe it, and will it make a difference in how they vote ? lots, i'm afraid, will believe it, and still vote as if it is not the truth out of self interest.

I'm sure Putin is worried about comrade Bernie becoming president.

Personally I can't think of a single reason we need 17 intelligence agencies considering our military budget and having an ocean on either side.

It gets worse when you consider the money and lives lost because of intelligence 'failures' on 9/11 and the Iraq WMD assessment.

Don't be a sore sport. The intelligence agencies have had over 3 years to " use the 6 ways to Sunday" to get back at Trump and failed. Or you just a homophobe who can't stand to see a gay man appointed to high ranking position in the intelligence community?

Here's some fun trivia...

It's well known that Russia gave the Clinton foundation $149 million.

Can you guess which country gave the most money to the Clinton Foundation????

If you guessed a broke and corrupt little country called Ukraine you are right. :tiphat:


Active member
I'm sure Putin is worried about comrade Bernie becoming president.

Personally I can't think of a single reason we need 17 intelligence agencies considering our military budget and having an ocean on either side.

It gets worse when you consider the money and lives lost because of intelligence 'failures' on 9/11 and the Iraq WMD assessment.

Don't be a sore sport. The intelligence agencies have had over 3 years to " use the 6 ways to Sunday" to get back at Trump and failed. Or you just a homophobe who can't stand to see a gay man appointed to high ranking position in the intelligence community?

Here's some fun trivia...

It's well known that Russia gave the Clinton foundation $149 million.

Can you guess which country gave the most money to the Clinton Foundation????

If you guessed a broke and corrupt little country called Ukraine you are right. :tiphat:

That’s just silly nonsense. More excuses for the asshole.


Active member
I'm sure Putin is worried about comrade Bernie becoming president.

Personally I can't think of a single reason we need 17 intelligence agencies considering our military budget and having an ocean on either side.

It gets worse when you consider the money and lives lost because of intelligence 'failures' on 9/11 and the Iraq WMD assessment.

Don't be a sore sport. The intelligence agencies have had over 3 years to " use the 6 ways to Sunday" to get back at Trump and failed. Or you just a homophobe who can't stand to see a gay man appointed to high ranking position in the intelligence community?

Here's some fun trivia...

It's well known that Russia gave the Clinton foundation $149 million.

Can you guess which country gave the most money to the Clinton Foundation????

If you guessed a broke and corrupt little country called Ukraine you are right. :tiphat:

Hello all,

Again with the bullshit D? wtf, check your shit before you spew...damn, you can't help yourself can you?

Says "Russia donated 0$ to Donald Trump. Russia donated 145.000.000$ to the Clinton Foundation."


Headlines Spin Ukrainian Donations to Clinton Charity



Mr D

That’s just silly nonsense. More excuses for the asshole.

Right, why would intelligence professionals lie? Except about the missile gap, the Gulf of Tonkin, illegal arms sales, overthrows of foreign governments, domestic surveillance, torture, WMDs, assassinations, rendition, drug trafficking, human experimentation, and drone warfare? - Matt Taibbi


Mr D

Hello all,

Again with the bullshit D? wtf, check your shit before you spew...damn, you can't help yourself can you?

Says "Russia donated 0$ to Donald Trump. Russia donated 145.000.000$ to the Clinton Foundation."


Headlines Spin Ukrainian Donations to Clinton Charity



You are back with more highly discredited sources. :laughing::laughing:

Some things never change.


ICMag Donor
Check your shit before you spew. Hahahahhhhaaaaa

Facts, We don't need no stinking' facts. It's all fake news.
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