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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Mr D

How would Russia keep Trump in office?

A better question why after Trump expanded NATO/mil spending; sanctioned oligarchs/Rosneft; opposed NordStream2; expanded US oil/gas; lethal aid to Ukraine.

They just happen to believe whatever the media tells them without any evidence and usually from "anon" sources.

Watch, they'll morph this into claiming the real reason behind Bernie Sanders grassroots support is super-secret Russian activity.

Mr D

I’m sure that’s deliberate: “at the will of the President,” you know. Only room in the spotlight for the Empresario and faceless minions: if they have faces, they’re targets

Actually it's mandated by law with the deadline approaching in March.

Mr D

‘Squad’ congresswoman Ilhan Omar told friends years ago that the man who went on to become her second husband was in fact her brother, DailyMail.com can confirm.

And now for the first time one of those friends has come forward to reveal exactly how Omar and Ahmed Elmi scandalized the Somali community in Minneapolis.

Abdihakim Osman is the first person to go on record to speak of how Omar said she wanted to get her brother papers so he could stay in the United States, at a time when she was married to her first husband Ahmed Hirsi.

But hardly anyone realized that meant marrying him.

‘No one knew there had been a wedding until the media turned up the marriage certificate years later,’ Osman, 40, exclusively told DailyMail.com.


Active member
Hi all ,unfriendly reminder that Ilhan Omar flippantly called 9/11 "some people did something" and went on to claim to be a victim ..She has also refused to denounce Isis and Al Quida...She married her brother to defraud the United States immigration and federal tax laws...All you little thin skinned sissy ass beta cucks sit her crying about Trump's corruption without a shread of evidence while the whole damn democratic party are the bastion of corruption with mountains of evidence that the mainstream media just ignores because the DNC controls the media.The whole damn lot of em are the very fucking thing you're all crying about...Wake the fuck up you might be all woke but you're asleep

You say you want a revolution ?Trump IS your revolution....Draining the swamp one corrupt dem after another and a few lousy republicans inbetween.You're next Schiff and Fat Jerry.I think Trump pity's Pelosi cause shes a bumbling drunk old fool personally ,so he'll lay off her.

TRUMP2020 keeping America Great

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Oh but the dems need Islam (like Labour do in the UK) and Islamic congressmen/women - because usually all muslims will vote as a block for who the Imam tells them to vote for - never mind that they all believe in a misogynistic, racist, homophobic, sexist, paedophilic, patriarchal, mediaeval religious ideology - that puts what Allah supposedly said thru Mohammed ABOVE whatever the laws are of the country - maybe that also applies to the Christians and the Judeans too - in a SECULAR society where god and politics are supposed to be separate - tut - what a palava -


Active member
Oh but the dems need Islam (like Labour do in the UK) and Islamic congressmen/women - because usually all muslims will vote as a block for who the Imam tells them to vote for - never mind that they all believe in a misogynistic, racist, homophobic, sexist, paedophilic, patriarchal, mediaeval religious ideology - that puts what Allah supposedly said thru Mohammed ABOVE whatever the laws are of the country - maybe that also applies to the Christians and the Judeans too - in a SECULAR society where god and politics are supposed to be separate - tut - what a palava -
In America it's called seperation of church and state.It's more a suggestion than a law.Religion and Politics are woven into the very fabric of our lives from culture to cuisine and everything inbetween

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well - in my opinion - it should be written into law - there should be a well protected barrier between the laws of religious ideologies - and the law of the land - and that should be heavily monitored so as not to effect politics -

Just ask these religious people who's law do they follow - first and foremost - and if they reply that they put their gods laws first - before the laws of the nation - then they should not be allowed to enter politics as a peoples representative -

In America it's called seperation of church and state.It's more a suggestion than a law.Religion and Politics are woven into the very fabric of our lives from culture to cuisine and everything inbetween


Active member
Well - in my opinion - it should be written into law - there should be a well protected barrier between the laws of religious ideologies - and the law of the land - and that should be heavily monitored so as not to effect politics -

Just ask these religious people who's law do they follow - first and foremost - and if they reply that they put their gods laws first - before the laws of the nation - then they should not be allowed to enter politics as a peoples representative -

Oh no it is a law I was being sarcastic.Because big religion and politics go hand in hand

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
And this is a BIG problem - that the founding Fathers saw - so that's why that insisted on having the separation of church/religion and state.

Q: - Who's laws do these religious people follow first and foremost - before all others?
A: - Whatever god they follow - and not the laws of the land - because 'It is written' - so they say -

Oh no it is a law I was being sarcastic.Because big religion and politics go hand in hand


Active member
And this is a BIG problem - that the founding Fathers saw - so that's why that insisted on having the separation of church/religion and state.

Q: - Who's laws do these religious people follow first and foremost - before all others?
A: - Whatever god they follow - and not the laws of the land - because 'It is written' - so they say -

I agree


Active member
Hi all political humor....I named my new car Elizabeth Warren...Because it's a white Cherokee .

TRUMP2020 keeping America Great

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
So when I see a political/government official that is quite obviously garbed/clothed so as to denote their religion - as if to promote it - and the religious laws of that 'faith' - that supposedly come straight from their god - say that a woman's testimony is worth half that of a man - that slavery is ok because Mohammed always took and sold slaves - that its OK to marry a 6 year old and consummate the union when the girl is just 9 years old - as the prophet did - and that anyone wanting to leave the religion should be hunted down as an apostate and killed - amongst many other atrocious laws - too many to list here -

Then it makes me wonder what is the worth of 500 years of social/political change - to bring about an egalitarian modern democratic society that has mostly shunned these superstitious religious laws - if we are to allow religions to still rule our politics - in any way, shape or form -

Capra ibex

Hi all political humor....I named my new car Elizabeth Warren...Because it's a white Cherokee .

TRUMP2020 keeping America Great

And i named my old orange coloured VW Kombi van 'Donald Trump' because it's an orange piece of sh*t. :biggrin:


Active member
So when I see a political/government official that is quite obviously garbed/clothed so as to denote their religion - as if to promote it - and the religious laws of that 'faith' - that supposedly come straight from their god - say that a woman's testimony is worth half that of a man - that slavery is ok because Mohammed always took and sold slaves - that its OK to marry a 6 year old and consummate the union when the girl is just 9 years old - as the prophet did - and that anyone wanting to leave the religion should be hunted down as an apostate and killed - amongst many other atrocious laws - too many to list here -

Then it makes me wonder what is the worth of 500 years of social/political change - to bring about an egalitarian modern democratic society that has mostly shunned these superstitious religious laws - if we are to allow religions to still rule our politics - in any way, shape or form -
There should only be Christians/atheists dictating what we do in our democracies. Maybe a few Jews if they comply.


Active member
Anybody with any opinion should be blocked from being in government, sitting on a jury, or being in law enforcement. Opinions make you prejudice.

Capra ibex

There should only be Christians/atheists dictating what we do in our democracies. Maybe a few Jews if they comply.

I think for humanity to progress we should be taught all of the major religions, so that since the age of being children the future generations will be able to understand the perspectives of a wide spectrum of beliefs and values.
Then they could better work together in the future....
The world isn't getting any bigger.

Maybe it wouldn't have to start in schools.... rather than how religions send out missionaries to 'spread the word', maybe some group or foundation could go out and try to just show the different religious people around the world exactly what the other religions teach.
There has to be a certain common sense that can bind different groups without the need for wars.
IDK if it will happen ever, or at least in my lifetime, but i have to believe in human nature, if nothing else.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Everybody who makes sense - wishes that we could all get along - its natural for a modern thinking person to want peace, liberty and prosperity - but when you have such fundamental laws laid down by these religions - that their 'believers' have to follow - on pain of death sometimes - and these fundamental laws that go back hundreds or sometimes thousands of years in these 'faiths' - are so fundamentally different and directly opposing the laws of a modern egalitarian democracy that it creates much suffering, death and conflict for not just the 'believers' - but also their neighbours and fellow countrymen - as the religious laws propel the 'believers' to commit gross acts of terrorism and crimes against the people and state - due to their beliefs - which are in stark conflict with modern laws -

Then is it really worth trying to mass integrate vast populations of 'believers' into our nations - if they cannot possibly ever do this - and only look to eventually overthrow the state - so that they can enforce their own gods laws on the nation?

Education about religions is of course very important - but the sort of education I see my kids getting currently in the UK on various religions doesn't really give them a true picture of what certain religious ideologies are all about - its all glossed over - and made to look like a nice fairy story about invisible wizards in the sky - who only do good things -

What needs to be done - is to ban the religious indoctrination of children in any faith - literally to ban 'faith' schools - and treat religion as an 18+ adult hobby - that children are exempt from - since its the young, impressionable minds of the future generations that need to be saved from such barbaric and un-peaceful practices -

I think for humanity to progress we should be taught all of the major religions, so that since the age of being children the future generations will be able to understand the perspectives of a wide spectrum of beliefs and values.
Then they could better work together in the future....
The world isn't getting any bigger.

Maybe it wouldn't have to start in schools.... rather than how religions send out missionaries to 'spread the word', maybe some group or foundation could go out and try to just show the different religious people around the world exactly what the other religions teach.
There has to be a certain common sense that can bind different groups without the need for wars.
IDK if it will happen ever, or at least in my lifetime, but i have to believe in human nature, if nothing else.


Active member
I think for humanity to progress we should be taught all of the major religions, so that since the age of being children the future generations will be able to understand the perspectives of a wide spectrum of beliefs and values.
Then they could better work together in the future....
The world isn't getting any bigger.

Maybe it wouldn't have to start in schools.... rather than how religions send out missionaries to 'spread the word', maybe some group or foundation could go out and try to just show the different religious people around the world exactly what the other religions teach.
There has to be a certain common sense that can bind different groups without the need for wars.
IDK if it will happen ever, or at least in my lifetime, but i have to believe in human nature, if nothing else.

I tried reading the Quran once. Didn’t get very far. Same with the Christian Bible. Just a bunch of nonsense. I made up my own religion. The religion of live and let live. I don’t think I’m the only one. We all have our moral compass. One that defines sin. Some are better than others. At least from my scope. There really is no definition of sin, except for what we make up. Self preservation of the species is our driving force. In that regard, we all have the same religion. We all sin.
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