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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Capra ibex

How's that fair at all to the family that started and built it up to what it is ? Walmart does offer stock options a 401K they have pretty decent affordable health care plans generous paid time off and a mandatory minimum wage thats higher than the States minimum...I don't get why it's ok just to take away the work and the legecy of one man Sam Walton and one store..Lot's of people love Walmart because they do capitalism right...They rake in the money on the labor of their workforce and they give back a tiny bit more than most others in their competitive market...I just don't believe in socialism ....Youre free to get back as much or as little as you put in.There is nothing criminal or immoral about working hard and getting rich as fuck

TRUMP2020 keeping America Great

You just don't understand nuances.
Maybe they did use capitalism (do capitalism right) to amass the uber wealth, but that just shows that capitalism can be improved.
It is immoral to amass such wealth from other peoples underpaid wages, so much so that they can barely live comfortably.
People have been taught to romanticise about american capitalism as if it's something special and untouchable, it's retarded.

In your capitalism dream world the end game would be one person having all of the wealth and all of the land and everyone else would have to do what they're told or die.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
There must come a point where a corporation or business has all or most of the business/trade in a particular sector - and so becomes a monopoly - by pricing all other smaller businesses out of the market - so creating less business owners and more basic employees who are selling products they could be making a profit on if they were reaping the profit from the sales they make from their own business - instead of the corporation -

A more fair wealth distribution can come from supporting and encouraging basic salaried people to become responsible business owners - but they can only do that if there are not already corporate interests in that sector that have a monopoly -

I'd rather have a nation full of thousands of shop keepers - than one with just a few corporations running all the shopping malls -

How's that fair at all to the family that started and built it up to what it is ? Walmart does offer stock options a 401K they have pretty decent affordable health care plans generous paid time off and a mandatory minimum wage thats higher than the States minimum...I don't get why it's ok just to take away the work and the legecy of one man Sam Walton and one store..Lot's of people love Walmart because they do capitalism right...They rake in the money on the labor of their workforce and they give back a tiny bit more than most others in their competitive market...I just don't believe in socialism ....Youre free to get back as much or as little as you put in.There is nothing criminal or immoral about working hard and getting rich as fuck

TRUMP2020 keeping America Great


Active member
I’m all for cottage industries.
As a consumer, why would I buy from a small business that treats their employees like shit, the same as Walmart? Shopping local is just another advertising ploy.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Take that stand...Fuck all those big mean companies hug your enimes but for real Walmart provides millions of jobs in the USA how many do you provide ?

TRUMP2020 keeping America Great

Now I know what George does. He's a Walmart greeter.

sorry Gypsy...couldn't resist,
I’m all for cottage industries.
As a consumer, why would I buy from a small business that treats their employees like shit, the same as Walmart? Shopping local is just another advertising ploy.


Almost every company treats most of their employees as disposable and most are paid under wages.

No one can live by themselves off of even $15 an hour at 40 hours a week after Taxes...


Active member
Full disclosure: Walmart allows me to park my RV overnight for free.

Walmart greeters...employing the unemployable.

They serve as an anchor store bringing business to the surrounding areas. The “mom and pop” store they replaced was Kmart who replaced Sears.
The local fruit stand sold their corner out to a tire retailer. I’m sure they were paid well. They moved further out in the country. A place you’d actually expect a fruit stand. Their fruit isn’t local. I don’t know where they get that shit. I buy organic at Walmart. It’s a lot fresher. Better selection...
And I always wave at the greeter. They deserve respect.


Active member

Almost every company treats most of their employees as disposable and most are paid under wages.

No one can live by themselves off of even $15 an hour at 40 hours a week after Taxes...

Here in Colorado, the small contractors want to make everybody “ contractors” so they don’t have the labor burden to pay. Any way to fuck you. Small fry trying to get big at your expense.


ICMag Donor
If you split each Walmart into 1000 small businesses - and got the government to help people get started in their own business with interest free loans - then that's where the jobs are - and at the same time you would be building what we call 'the middle class' up to be self sufficient, prosperous and productive -

Why put most business in the hands of just a few oligarchs/billionaire's? - spread the bizz out among the people -

We used to have anti trust laws to prevent monopolies like this. As the billionaires got more and more it was easier for them to have the laws and taxes customized to suit their needs.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
And you sit in Mexico seething over drumpf while adding nothing to economy. I’ll take 100 Georges over 1 drain any day. Sorry Gypsy couldn’t resist

No seething taking place here. You must have me confused with someone else.


Active member
Walmart doesn’t have a monopoly. Everything they sell is available elsewhere. Much of what they sell wasn’t available locally before they came in. They’ve opened up food deserts where there were only liquor stores and maybe a Circle K or 7/11 before.

Capra ibex

And you sit in Mexico seething over drumpf while adding nothing to economy. I’ll take 100 Georges over 1 drain any day. Sorry Gypsy couldn’t resist

You sure like the word seethe :biggrin:

Everyone you don't like you seem to think they are seething, seething at what? Where does that belief come from??

By the tone of your posts and the little remarks you send people via comments, you are quite the seether yourself.

Hey, maybe you're Veruca Salt? :)



Active member
No seething taking place here. You must have me confused with someone else.

The contributions you’ve made to this and other forums along with your website have contributed greatly to my economy. I’m glad you’re enjoying Mexico.

We Americans want a President who says what he thinks, we just don't like what that fat Cheeto thinks. He's a sicko influenced by wealthy criminals that he's now abusing our laws by pardoning them.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Man do I love that Anna Navaro.
She just referred to whites as "frothy milk"
Take that you god damn crackers!
Viva Mexico!!!!


Pet project type issue, but I am happy blago got a pardon. He was just such an excellent douche bag with such excellent hair.
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