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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
Not been my intent to twist or manipulate anything said by you.
Would like to recognize the many times that you have responded when I
have had questions about specific issues in your posts.
Has been helpful to me, in understanding how things appear from
the perspective of others.
If I have left anyone here feeling like I was taking cheat shots at their expense,
I offer my most sincere apologies.

No worries Gry,

You got nothing to apologize for. We may disagree on many things , but you have my respect. You conduct yourself better than most people here, myself included.


Well-known member
Hate is a frequent and reoccurring topic recently.
Each time I hear the word mentioned it feels like a tribute to advertising.


Active member
Must have some magic wand...face it manufacturing jobs are over...:monkeyeat

According to Forbes
In the last 30 months of President Obama’s term, manufacturing employment grew by 185,000 or 1.5%. In President Trump’s first 30 months, manufacturers added 499,000 jobs, expanding by 4.0%. In the same 30-month time span during the mature, post-recovery phase of the business cycle, some 314,000 more manufacturing jobs were added under Trump than under Obama, a 170% advantage


Well-known member
I'll give you the left-wing argument. The jobs under Obama were mostly part-time, low-skilled, low-wage jobs. They shouldn't be compared with the higher paying, full-time jobs created under Trump.

nope they're still low wage low skill service economy jobs hence why 44% of wage earners in the US max out at $18,000/yr


Active member
I'll give you the left-wing argument. The jobs under Obama were mostly part-time, low-skilled, low-wage jobs. They shouldn't be compared with the higher paying, full-time jobs created under Trump.

Hello all,

OK, you got a cite that you can share or is that your trumphumping alternate facts on display?

I will wait....buahahahahahahaha



Active member
nope they're still low wage low skill service economy jobs hence why 44% of wage earners in the US max out at $18,000/yr

What do you mean max out?

Are you assuming that the people making 18k a year are the same people year in and year out?

People do work part time for many reasons. Like college students, most will in time move to much higher paying jobs. I have known people who worked the same minimum wage jobs for years, or even decades. To be honest, most were just losers.


Active member
nope they're still low wage low skill service economy jobs hence why 44% of wage earners in the US max out at $18,000/yr

Bullshit....I have many friends that work at fords... they are currently putting on 3000 jobs at one plant and 5000 at another...these are jobs are paying UAW scale about 34 bucks an hour....maybe not millionaire makers...but with overtime etc....my skilled trades buds are all making 100g plus a year
So there out there


cant re Member
The ultra-end folks will and do come here for the ultimate in luxury medical treatment. If you’re rich enough, why not? It’s only money, right?

no they dont! its no better than private treatment here in the uk. are you talking about cosmetic surgery, in which case id say its better in the usa.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The only people that come to the USA for medical treatment are those getting free treatment for life threading illnesses or treatments they cant obtain elsewhere which is very few..

The USA doesn't have the best health care. Many who live here get medical care in other countries because its far cheaper. If your rich than it wouldn't matter.

Capra ibex

no they dont! its no better than private treatment here in the uk. are you talking about cosmetic surgery, in which case id say its better in the usa.

America- The land of sucking fat from your a** and stuffing it into your lips.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Colombia is where its at for the last ten plus years
finest med schools and NEW hospitals are being built like cvs's in the states
you can get your teeth fixed for a 1/4 of the price than in the states and better care
I would have never believed it
they want to bring down cost of usa healthcare?
just have insurance company's give the ok to go to other countries. it would save them money even with airfare and putting you up to recover
maybe then we would have cheaper healthcare here if they would have some competition

A man of wealth and taste.

hahaha yeah that's him,
I'll be your savior,steadfast and true
I'll come to your emotional rescue

I still like Dundee over Jagger though


Active member
-never hit 3% GDP
- saved economy
Lmfao... cool story kid


You have no clue what the hell you are talking about. Trump never hit an annual GDP growth of 3%.

The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis released its first estimate for the December quarter and it shows the economy growing at 2.1%. For 2019 GDP growth was 2.3%, which is down from 2.9% in 2018 and just below 2.4% in 2017, Trump’s first year in office.

Over the 12 quarters Trump has been President only four of them have had GDP growth over 3% and six of the quarter’s growth was 2.3% or lower. And for the past three quarters GDP growth has been 2.0%, 2.1% and 2.1%, respectively. This is a far cry from Trump’s claim that the economy could growth 4%, 5% or maybe even 6% when he was President.

Obama hit quarters of growth at 4% and 5%. Has Trump hit growth of 5% in a quarter yet?

"The U.S. economy grew at a 5.0 percent clip in the third quarter, its quickest pace in 11 years and the strongest sign yet that growth has decisively shifted into higher gear."

"There were eight quarters of growth of at least 3 percent, including three of 4 percent or better.
The highest GDP growth of Obama's presidency was during the third quarter of 2014, when it hit 5.2 percent."

White Beard

Active member
Even with fed rate hovering around 0. Hussein is a joke. But, he made history being the first gay half black president. That can never be taken away from his legacy

That’s something I have to appreciate about you, fishy: you don’t hide your bias, your racism, your contempt for others, your venom, your bottomless sense of aggrieved entitlement.

You may only be an asshole on the internet, but you have clearly put in the work.
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