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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Mr D

If Mr. Bloomberg wins, and I certainly hope he does not, I will support the Democratic nominee. - Bernie Sanders 2/18/2020

What a fraud this guy is. The super delegates are telling Bernie forget about it. Bernie is telling Bloomberg he'll support him but he has his eye on a $10 million ocean front property down the street from global warming Barry.

Bernie's idea of standing up to racist billionaires. You have to be sniffing glue to think Bernie is going to stand up to anyone.


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
We used to have anti trust laws to prevent monopolies like this. As the billionaires got more and more it was easier for them to have the laws and taxes customized to suit their needs.

The Trump admin's DOJ is using anti-trust laws very effectively, especially against big tech.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
i wonder what memes you'll use when Bernie wins all 50 states as projected by HRC lapdog Nate Silver from 538 :tiphat:

Bernie would get a headshot from a mile out before that would happen.Admittedly I am cynical,but also realistic.
The contract would be carried out by the CIA or whatever 3 letter entity before he costs the ultra rich their control,power,and money.
Most things in this world can be bought,the election is no different,look at Bloomberg.

White Beard

Active member
Take that stand...Fuck all those big mean companies hug your enimes but for real Walmart provides millions of jobs in the USA how many do you provide ?

TRUMP2020 keeping America Great

Walmart almost certainly does NOT have “millions of jobs” except in the sense that slavery gave slaves ‘jobs’.

The company *does* have a lot of employees - and the destroyed small-town mom-and-pop business centers all across the nation. So nice of them to hire the once-independent businesspeople they bankrupted as min-wage “greeters”.

But go ahead, tell us how Alice Walton earned the 22 billion she inherited through her personal efforts, explain how vast chunks of money like that *don’t* hold in place the very shit you complain about.

Write it down first. It’ll help you organize your thoughts.


Well-known member
Wow Zeez , seems someone`s taken the wind beneath your wings.....Still got it all figured out on the 2020 ?.....I know 1 thing and it always comes back to the Golden Rule.....He who has the GOLD makes the rules as ANYONE that has a brain knows SINCE the DNC CHANGED the rules so Bloomberg could get involved because we ALL know Biden`s history and the "Bernie Bros" can`t beat Trump in a million yrs since NOBODY in the swamp wants a Communist/excuse me , Cough , Cough , "Socialist" running the country , so where do we go from here ?...

Mini Mike against the Trumpinator…..Wait and watch.....Film at 11....ALSO.....If Trump loses this race with our economy as strong as it is and with all things being equal , there`s 1 thing I`m sure of...…. I KNOW Trump and his supporters are funding his re-election , but WHO is funding Mini Mike behind the scenes to move all their behind the scenes bullshit agendas forward.....

That`s right boys and girls......Mini Mike made and continues to make his fortune from THE COMMUNIST CHINESE for the most part , and hey.....He made 2 billion dollars yesterday worldwide to MORE than pay for his campaign to help China rule the world down the road as nobody looks behind the curtains IF he gets elected.....that said and finally.....

My boy`s at war in Afghanistan as we speak and the ONLY President in history tryng to bring him home and end all this bullshit after the LAST 1 long finding Osama and getting rid of his ass, so even though I`m against government control PERIOD , I salute Trump for "assassinating Terrorists" when given the opportunity to further the cause to bring our guys home sooner and end this shit once and foe all....

My 2 cents from livin this shit longer than I care to remember , but IME.....Democrats suck.....Too elite and racist to admit to themselves out in the open , but behind closed doors things are different , but time will tell where all this will end up.....1 can hope.....

Peace…..DHF.....:ying: …….


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Trump’s Problematic Approach to Pardons..
The best explanation for the president’s actions may be his lack of impulse control.

Donald Trump is at it again, using his constitutional power of the pardon lawlessly as a way to reward, as the New York Times put it, “a who’s who of white-collar criminals from politics, sports and business who were convicted on charges involving fraud, corruption and lies.”

For a president who sometimes wants to be treated as if he opposes corruption, it was yet another sad case of excusing or even embracing it. Once upon a time — for all recent presidents up through Barack Obama — pardons were carefully screened by professionals, and presidents would avoid any hint of partisanship or self-dealing. Now, in the deprofessionalized Trump administration, crooks send their representatives to Fox News to get the president’s attention


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Makes no sense.. He should be pardoning those that deserve it. Instead hes letting all these corrupt crooks out.. Birds of a feather flock together as they say


Well-known member
Drained the swamp, he did.

By golly America is even greater now.
Yall needta learn Chess or at LEAST outthink your opponent 20 moves down the road.....

Democrats have controlled the Justice Dept for so long that no one realizes until you get 4 prosecutors on the Roger Stone case RESIGN after being CAUGHT for telling the Attorney General`s office
they recommended SUPPOSSEDLY a more lenient sentence on Friday , and then on Monday the truth came out for the masses that EXTREME circumstances deemed a "more stiff sentence".....

UNTIL.....Democrats concede that they`re the elite and want all under their control cuz they know best howta rule and run your lives , there will be the fight for the American Dream and you can be anything you want with hard work and determination....

Fuuuuuuck Democrats and their Racist Communist moves to REMOVE free America and all our possibilities for the future while they want total control over every aspect of your being.....

Hammer.....Bermie`s toast.....Bet on it.....

Peace.....DHF.....:ying: ……...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The prosecutors resigned because our authoritarian asshole in chief was going to pardon Stone anyway.

The system is not working and there's a sensitive facist stomping on the Constitution.

PS Chess challenge accepted.


Active member
Makes no sense.. He should be pardoning those that deserve it. Instead hes letting all these corrupt crooks out.. Birds of a feather flock together as they say

you mean like Chelsea Manning? extreme treason under fire....fuckin hypocrites :tiphat:


Active member
Trumps tweets and retweets.

Rod Blagojevich did not sell the Senate seat. He served 8 years in prison, with many remaining. He paid a big price. Another Comey and gang deal! Thank you to @LisaMarieBoothe who really “gets” what’s going on! @FoxNews

Judicial Watch Files Lawsuit against Department of Justice Seeking FBI Interviews with Obama, Jarret, and Emanuel Relating to Criminal Investigation of Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Makes no sense.. He should be pardoning those that deserve it. Instead hes letting all these corrupt crooks out.. Birds of a feather flock together as they say

I could not care less if any of these fucks spent the rest of their lives in jail,got shanked,or whatever.
The thing that gets me is how rapists and diddlers get less time than the white collar crooks.Thats some real bullshit.Just my opinion.


Well-known member
The prosecutors resigned because our authoritarian asshole in chief was going to pardon Stone anyway.

The system is not working and there's a sensitive facist stomping on the Constitution.

PS Chess challenge accepted.
Dewd…..nothing to accept.....You know as well as I do what happened to Bobby Fisher with that EXACT attitude ok ?.....Trust me.....Nobody EVER thought Trump had a snowball`s chance in Hell to win 2016 , but yet here we are after all manners of bullshit investigations finally being over and actually learning that he WON FAIR AND SQUARE...….and then.....?.....

It takes no rocket scientist to figure this shit out ,Democrats swear and be damned Trump`s a crook and ALREADY has been impeached for it....Let`s see where shit ends up after Nov 3elections.....I`ll wait and see while being hopeful that free will and the ability to be whoever you wanna be if you want it bad enough and work hard enough to achieve goals instead of wanting a bullshit "Sociallist government to GIVE YOU what YOU NEED AS YOU NEED IT.....

Peace....DHF.....:ying: …..

Brother Nature

Well-known member
This Bloomberg thing is interesting. Trump won because his campaign raised the most money, Obama won because his campaign raised the most money, Bush won because his campaign raised the most money... Seems to be a trend here.

Bloomberg's as much a piece of shit as Trump, just a lot more successful. 9th richest man in the world apparently... What a shit show...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Yall needta learn Chess or at LEAST outthink your opponent 20 moves down the road.....

Democrats have controlled the Justice Dept for so long that no one realizes until you get 4 prosecutors on the Roger Stone case RESIGN after being CAUGHT for telling the Attorney General`s office
they recommended SUPPOSSEDLY a more lenient sentence on Friday , and then on Monday the truth came out for the masses that EXTREME circumstances deemed a "more stiff sentence".....

UNTIL.....Democrats concede that they`re the elite and want all under their control cuz they know best howta rule and run your lives , there will be the fight for the American Dream and you can be anything you want with hard work and determination....

Fuuuuuuck Democrats and their Racist Communist moves to REMOVE free America and all our possibilities for the future while they want total control over every aspect of your being.....

Hammer.....Bermie`s toast.....Bet on it.....

Peace.....DHF.....:ying: ……...
I love it when you extremest single me out as the only Bernie supporter. Keep believing that lol. Many in this thread are.

I could not care less if any of these fucks spent the rest of their lives in jail,got shanked,or whatever.
The thing that gets me is how rapists and diddlers get less time than the white collar crooks.Thats some real bullshit.Just my opinion.

We all know our justice system is broken. Ive seen rapist and murders get death and some 5 years. Some white collar crimes get life for stealing someone life savings and some probation. I don't know the facts on any of these cases. Its not my place to judge guilt or innocence.They've already been judged.

Its a fact Trumpturd is pardoning corrupt crooks that don't deserve to be. Trumpturd shouldn't be involved until the cases are vetted by those that know the facts of these cases. Instead he gets his info from Fox's opinion based segments.

All of his dummies think what he does is fine. Might as well just toss the laws out the door if that's how everyone feels.
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