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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
The least populated most homogeneous place on the planet and not even accurate they have a system of capitalism with some socialist programs in place they are neither socialist or capitalist.Im gonna let your yellow-bellied cowardly insult go because you're honestly not worth anymore of my time,just like a few others in this thread that are crying for my attention.Maybe go talk to them cause these are my last words to youTRUMP2020 keeping America Great

no one here is looking for your attention, bozo. if i could buy you for what you are worth, and sell you for what you THINK you are worth, i'd be a lot fucking richer than the criminal you idolize. give it up, it aint working...:laughing:


Well-known member
Take that stand...Fuck all those big mean companies hug your enimes but for real Walmart provides millions of jobs in the USA how many do you provide ?

TRUMP2020 keeping America Great

it is "enemies". jesus, where the fuck did you go to school (and FAIL) at?:laughing: you are one sadsack for sure...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You sure like the word seethe :biggrin:

Everyone you don't like you seem to think they are seething, seething at what? Where does that belief come from??

By the tone of your posts and the little remarks you send people via comments, you are quite the seether yourself.

Hey, maybe you're Veruca Salt? :)


He's excited racism is about to be chic again.

I'm glad he's happy imagining all of the seething.


Active member
Companies like Walmart, Verizon, Amazon, at&t need to be broken up.

Same with the large banks.

And replace them with Target?

Bezos just dedicated something like 10 billion to climate change while our local business owners are lining up for a trump rally.
Amazon is supposed to be bringing 1,000 jobs to my region. They already pay a $15 minimum wage. I wanna support the MAGA locals instead?



ICMag Donor
no one here is looking for your attention, bozo. if i could buy you for what you are worth, and sell you for what you THINK you are worth, i'd be a lot fucking richer than the criminal you idolize. give it up, it aint working...:laughing:

There is something unusual about GeorgeWBush. His start date is 2011 and he only has 711 posts. Now here he is jumping in accusing people (me) of being liars and rapid posting right wing propaganda. It looks like a dormant user ID reincarnated.


Well-known member
replace them with hundreds if not thousands of smaller businesses. amazon literally gobbles up new tech companies so they can own & sell the products themselves. the very same amazon who has contracts with the Pentagon and CIA, and produces devices with ambient microphones in them that people fill their houses with.

amazon owns whole foods, zappos, ring, pillpack, twitch, and so on.... the same goes for google, apple, facebook, etc. these companies own other companies.

i thought this was the land of the free market and competition. we have oligarchs buying elections (bloomberg) and oligarchs buying entire areas of the economy. these companies along with failed trade deals are the reason the average worker is making shit in terms of real wages.

last i checked, verizon, walmart, mcdonalds, and other large companies receive taxpayer subsidies for their workers because they don't make enough to survive.
so not only do these companies kill competition because they are oligopolies in many cases, but they receive taxpayer money in the process to do so lmao.


Well-known member
There is something unusual about GeorgeWBush. His start date is 2011 and he only has 711 posts. Now here he is jumping in accusing people (me) of being liars and rapid posting right wing propaganda. It looks like a dormant user ID reincarnated.

i'm thinking he is one of those i have already put on "ignore" once before. unusual? no. normal trumpite...


ICMag Donor
i'm thinking he is one of those i have already put on "ignore" once before. unusual? no. normal trumpite...

Most everyone in here (even Packer) that has made repetitive, huge, or insulting accusations and demanding proof to stop would man up and own their mistake when proven wrong. Not GeorgeWBush.



ICMag Donor
Bloomberg has moved up to second place in the polls and it looks like he might be taking a slice of Biden's moderate pie. Expect him to be targeted in his first debate tonight.


Well-known member
bloomberg has decided to grace us with his presence in this debate right? Warren and Bernie need to hammer his oligarch ass. the dude straight up bought his way to 3rd place and got the DNC to change their rules for him lol. and that's without even touching his record and history.

biden has dropped 18 points (to 17% compared to Bernie's 32% in latest WaPo/ABC poll).
klob and pete get no national bump. seems like they front loaded the early states in the same poll.

bernie taking a bump in black voters too because bidens tanking. bidens support seems to be going bernie and bloomberg.

klobby, pete, and warren are doing abysmal with blacks and hispanics. klobby polling at 0% hispanic support and 1% black support in latest polling :laughing:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
He probably thinks its worth it for a $500 Million advertizing spend/investment so far - and he still has 7 months of campaigning - if he does get the nomination - Bloomburg looks set on spending at least $1 Billion - for the chance of planting his ass - for the next few years in the White House -

This is what happens when money rules politics - no honest, hard working and genuinely good person with far less than $1 Billion - has the same chance of representing the people of the USA - as their President - as the guy who can afford to saturate the media with their face and mission - and pay so handsomely to do it -

Bloomberg has moved up to second place in the polls and it looks like he might be taking a slice of Biden's moderate pie. Expect him to be targeted in his first debate tonight.


ICMag Donor
Bloomberg has 56 billion. 500 million doesn't concern him.

If he really cared about the country then he would fess up and tell the people he bought the election and that allowing this to happen is not the healthy choice for America.

How much do you think he has stashed in off shore accounts, just in case?
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