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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
The projected GDP numbers under Obama were a full point below the current GDP numbers.

Apparently, this needs clarification. Obama, didn't think he was capable of delivering the current economy. He wasn't, he didn't.

Hello all,

Not that I expect to change your mind...but perhaps you might validate your opinions with factual data before you regurgitate the trumphumping talking points.

Trump boasts the US economy is the best it's ever been under his watch. Here are 9 charts showing how it compares to the Obama and Bush presidencies.

You can read and comprehend charts? right?




Active member
Hello all,

Not that I expect to change your mind...but perhaps you might validate your opinions with factual data before you regurgitate the trumphumping talking points.

Trump boasts the US economy is the best it's ever been under his watch. Here are 9 charts showing how it compares to the Obama and Bush presidencies.

You can read and comprehend charts? right?



Not a talking point, just a fact. Not even The Obama administration, though it was possible for the U.S. to have the economy we do. Must be the bigotry of low-expectations.

Obama had no where to go but up. So, saying an upward trend is evidence that the current economy is Obama's doing is a joke. We currently have more unfilled jobs than Obama created in 8 years. Labor participation rates are on the rise. It's a great time to be an American, you should try it!


Active member
The projected GDP numbers under Obama were a full point below the current GDP numbers.

Apparently, this needs clarification. Obama, didn't think he was capable of delivering the current economy. He wasn't, he didn't.

Even with fed rate hovering around 0. Hussein is a joke. But, he made history being the first gay half black president. That can never be taken away from his legacy


Active member
Not a talking point, just a fact. Not even The Obama administration, though it was possible for the U.S. to have the economy we do. Must be the bigotry of low-expectations.

Obama had no where to go but up. So, saying an upward trend is evidence that the current economy is Obama's doing is a joke. We currently have more unfilled jobs than Obama created in 8 years. Labor participation rates are on the rise. It's a great time to be an American, you should try it!

Yeah those jobs that were never coming back. Plus the last 3 years all the liberals have screamed is Drumpf has undone all of Hussein’s policies.


Well-known member
A republican congress said no to everything Obama proposed for eight years.
When you choke an economy for eight years, a rebound effect results.
Be a fair statement to say there was a tad more than bigotry involved.


Active member
A republican congress said no to everything Obama proposed for eight years.
When you choke an economy for eight years, a rebound effect results.
Be a fair statement to say there was a tad more than bigotry involved.

Pretty sure the Republicans voted for the stimulus, and bailed out the banks that created the problem. They all should have been left to fail. If anyone attempted to choke the economy, it's the Democrats. Obama presided over the biggest flip in history, 1000 seats across the country flipped from D to R. The American people still re-elected Obama, doesn't sound like bigotry to me.

Opposing the other party isn't bigotry its politics.

Come on dude, don't twist my words. I wouldn't do that to you.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Whitebeard said
The ultra-end folks will and do come here for the ultimate in luxury medical treatment. If you’re rich enough, why not? It’s only money, right?

I do believe for the most part this is incorrect. It does depend on the procedure but there are much higher end hospitals outside of the USA. There are the exceptions of the media swamped stories of poor little Sally coming to New York for a new face or some such thing but rich people are opting for locations in Europe, Asia and Mexico. For limb lengthening and complex reconstructive orthopedics, Russia and Italy lead the game. For cartilage repair and bone growth removal on vertebrae Mexico is cutting edge. Most private hospitals in Mexico have only private rooms, similar to hotel accommodations.

If you are filthy stinking rich, the top choice may be Dubai from what I've heard,

The US has dropped way behind the advancing medical world.
Whitebeard said

I do believe for the most part this is incorrect. It does depend on the procedure but there are much higher end hospitals outside of the USA. There are the exceptions of the media swamped stories of poor little Sally coming to New York for a new face or some such thing but rich people are opting for locations in Europe, Asia and Mexico. For limb lengthening and complex reconstructive orthopedics, Russia and Italy lead the game. For cartilage repair and bone growth removal on vertebrae Mexico is cutting edge. Most private hospitals in Mexico have only private rooms, similar to hotel accommodations.

If you are filthy stinking rich, the top choice may be Dubai from what I've heard,

The US has dropped way behind the advancing medical world.

Colombia is where its at for the last ten plus years
finest med schools and NEW hospitals are being built like cvs's in the states
you can get your teeth fixed for a 1/4 of the price than in the states and better care
I would have never believed it
they want to bring down cost of usa healthcare?
just have insurance company's give the ok to go to other countries. it would save them money even with airfare and putting you up to recover
maybe then we would have cheaper healthcare here if they would have some competition


Active member
Not a talking point, just a fact. Not even The Obama administration, though it was possible for the U.S. to have the economy we do. Must be the bigotry of low-expectations.

Obama had no where to go but up. So, saying an upward trend is evidence that the current economy is Obama's doing is a joke. We currently have more unfilled jobs than Obama created in 8 years. Labor participation rates are on the rise. It's a great time to be an American, you should try it!

Hello all,

You are talking shit again....do you do this for kicks or do you truely believe it?

6.4M at the end of December

Bureau of Labor Statistics


Obama created just over 11M in 8 years, so there is that.

Obama’s Final Numbers.


Facts dude, they do seem to elude you frequently...do they not?



Well-known member
Pretty sure the Republicans voted for the stimulus, and bailed out the banks that created the problem. They all should have been left to fail. If anyone attempted to choke the economy, it's the Democrats. Obama presided over the biggest flip in history, 1000 seats across the country flipped from D to R. The American people still re-elected Obama, doesn't sound like bigotry to me.

Opposing the other party isn't bigotry its politics.

Come on dude, don't twist my words. I wouldn't do that to you.

Not been my intent to twist or manipulate anything said by you.
Would like to recognize the many times that you have responded when I
have had questions about specific issues in your posts.
Has been helpful to me, in understanding how things appear from
the perspective of others.
If I have left anyone here feeling like I was taking cheat shots at their expense,
I offer my most sincere apologies.


Well-known member
Trump reduced taxes and regulations on the entire business industry when he took office and Obama tries to take credit for the current economy 3 years later. Only hard core Trump haters will buy that, anything to discredit Trump from positive changes. Their political ideology depends on Trump failing.


Active member
Hello all,

You are talking shit again....do you do this for kicks or do you truely believe it?

6.4M at the end of December

Bureau of Labor Statistics


Obama created just over 11M in 8 years, so there is that.

Obama’s Final Numbers.


Facts dude, they do seem to elude you frequently...do they not?


I'll give you the left-wing argument. The jobs under Obama were mostly part-time, low-skilled, low-wage jobs. They shouldn't be compared with the higher paying, full-time jobs created under Trump.
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