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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
In my innocence in 69/70 I rolled in
east LA at about 1 AM with 3 friends, 2 of them female. I stopped to talk to a group of young Hispanics drinking on a front porch. I asked them if they knew of a hostel. They invited us to stay with them. We spent 2 enjoyable days with them. Who knew they were a dangerous gang?

Most folks respond to respect.

. ...
People aren't saints
No people just are
They want to feel like they count
They want to ride in their own car
John Gorka

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Trump does have hotels and such right?

So people can choose not to stay at them - and if some of his supporters advertise their support thru their businesses - then people can choose not to use them too -

I guess that left leaning democrats might not want to spend their money at a business that was advertising Trump -

Offensive? - maybe because he won't hand over the CIA operative that ran over that young man in England - not so long ago - just goes to show that you can kill innocent people with no repercussions if you are a USA government employee -

I understand that part.

I meant what aspects of the president do people find so offensive they would avoid a business.


Well-known member
Hi all unfriendly reminder that programs like M4A and tuition reimbursement /student loan relief are socialist ideas which will result in higher taxes essentially killing the overburdened middle class which will crash our economy and plunge us into a worse recession than Obama's economy did..Socialism has never worked anywhere in the world for 1 simple reason.Everywhere in the world people are greedy.Greed is not racist
Greed is no sexist
Greed is a true equal opportunity destroyer.

TRUMP2020 Keeping America Great

Obama pulled us OUT of last recession, not put us into it. and gasbag trump has been trying to take credit for it ever since. democratic socialism is working fine in the Nordic countries of Europe. why do you think those people will not move here in spite of trumps wishes? :laughing: what a maroon...


Well-known member
just goes to show that you can kill innocent people with no repercussions if you are a USA government employee -

diplomatic immunity. and it is for diplomats/family from all over the world, not just the US. it can be waived, but can you see trump sending someone to face the music when he won't do it himself? LOL!:biggrin:


Well-known member
I understand that part.

I meant what aspects of the president do people find so offensive they would avoid a business.

i look at a president as a total package. the one we have now has shit dripping out of the seams in his box. there are places i don't spend my money. Wal-mart for one. fuck 'em. anyplace that thinks it is okay to discriminate for any reason other than repeated thefts. (non-payment by individuals, not races)


Well-known member
Well - the reason why most people are anonymous here - is because they feel more comfortable being that way - outing people for whatever they believe in - is not cool in my view - because if they wanted it all to be public - then they would come out of whatever closet they prefer to remain (growing) in - and let their real ID be known - instigating the doxing of members here is not on basically -

Here we have a special place - to be able to discuss ideology and philosophy - religion and politics - without having to have identity involved - so if that helps people to open up - and tell us how they really feel and why - then it's a good thing -

i would be out...IF...it was just me. it is not as if local LEO & i are not aware of each other, lol. my wife, however, has a job which would be seriously in danger if it was publicly known that i even belong to this site. i have friends that are into this lifestyle (seed breeding for the future) more than i am, but will not come here for fear of LEO tracking them down.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
All these dummies forget what Bush left Obama with. He did a great job fixing that shit which made it easy for trumpturd.

White Beard

Active member
it's really rather simple. ask a person if they'd rather pay 10 to 20% of their income for private health care or have a 4% tax you have to pay. seems like a no brainer.

medicare right now in it's current form is already ran more efficiently than private care. bernie's plan simply expands medicare to all people over a 5 year period by reducing the eligibility for medicare by 10 years per year until everyone 18 and over is covered.

it's not government run or administered care. government pays the bill (that's what single payer means).

the idea of medicare for all "eliminating choice" is absurd as most americans already have no choice or say over their care.
Shit gets wedged in people’s heads enough, they CAN’T unlearn it without a major effort; that “government-run healthcare” is a perfect example. Facts and experience aren’t enough: “give me the boy until he is five, and he will be mine for life” said Saint Ignatius. The shit drilled in early stays put short of blasting, that’s why traumatic events opens people’s eyes

theres no way Europeans would come to the usa for treatment. doesn't happen. our healthcare is free and high quality. only real issue is waiting times for operations etc.
The ultra-end folks will and do come here for the ultimate in luxury medical treatment. If you’re rich enough, why not? It’s only money, right?

Hi all unfriendly reminder that programs like M4A and tuition reimbursement /student loan relief are socialist ideas which will result in higher taxes essentially killing the overburdened middle class which will crash our economy and plunge us into a worse recession than Obama's economy did..Socialism has never worked anywhere in the world for 1 simple reason.Everywhere in the world people are greedy.
The 50s called: they want their cold-war talking points back

And...learn to effing punctuate

A friend and I were trying to hitchhike through Watts late on night. Approached by a black guy. He wanted a hit off of my cigarette. I offered him one. He didn’t want it, just a hit. I gave him a hit and went back to smoking it. He ended up escorting us through town until he said he would get in trouble if he went further. He told us to watch out for guys wearing white hats. I didn’t realize at the time that hit off of my cigarette was a peace offering.

Anyways we came across a cop. Figured he’d be checking us out and the best plan was to approach him. We decided to ask him directions. He ended up giving us a ride to what he considered a safe area.

Anyways, long story longer. Naked and downtown. “Escape from L.A.”? See orange man run.
Street-check for white people: racist whites wouldn't share a cigarette with a black man at gunpoint, lets you know what’s what

Trump does have hotels and such right?

So people can choose not to stay at them - and if some of his supporters advertise their support thru their businesses - then people can choose not to use them too -

I guess that left leaning democrats might not want to spend their money at a business that was advertising Trump -

Offensive? - maybe because he won't hand over the CIA operative that ran over that young man in England - not so long ago - just goes to show that you can kill innocent people with no repercussions if you are a USA government employee -
‘Choose not to do business with him’?

Easy: I couldn’t afford to hang out on the sidewalk out front.... maybe Russian mobsters, ME arms dealers, and people seeking an advantage with the President should take more principled action.

The diplomatic immunity coach stops here, too: a long history of bad behavior by diplomats and their families from around the world in my locale. The biggest abusers seem to be old Soviet bloc and small European.

The dick of privilege swings both ways


Active member
-never hit 3% GDP
- saved economy
Lmfao... cool story kid

The projected GDP numbers under Obama were a full point below the current GDP numbers.

Apparently, this needs clarification. Obama, didn't think he was capable of delivering the current economy. He wasn't, he didn't.


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RD has a very nice dispensary and some good strains...man I missed whatever is going on.
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