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The 2020 Presidential Election

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ICMag Donor
:laughing: once divided up between 20 of em.....aint shit

trumps is in one basket...do the math charlie
he only spent 350mil, half of what clinton spent to pound the snot out of her nasty ass in 2016

ol bernie got 8.8mil in his war chest as of now....trumps sittin on over 100mil,and 46mil in 3 mo since impeachment he spends 0 on media coverage and added 10points to his aproval stats post impeach....(told ya so)
hey skid mark...dnc donations are not from individuals...by the way the dnc is 7mil in debt and just borrowed 10mil

Gives it extra credit ehh Gabby.


Active member
Are you seriously holding up US intelligence agencies as truthful or credible?

Guess you missed that whole WMD's in Iraq bullshit campaign.

If the choices are:

U.S. intelligence



Yes, U.S.intelligence.

As usual you have nothing on the substance of the Helsinki performance, just broad sweeping dismissals of entire organizations that don’t fall in line with trump.

Very commradish type stuff


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
WTF are you rambling about.. I was referring to small $$$ donors numbnuts. All you dummies can't understand shit.. I don't know why I bother.

It is difficult to understand where med's or packer's response to your post came from. It is as if they read a few random words and decide what they believe the subject is. Mr D did seemingly try to salvage Packer's blunder. Oy vey; what a mess.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Can almost put a voice to some of these posts lol,I think the wedding cake got me this afternoon.
How would you guess my voice sounds? In real life I have a very nasally voice kind of like Steve Urkel.

LMAO, I was just gonna say some kid with like 5 computers in his bedroom at moms house.
It is difficult to understand where med's or packer's response to your post came from. It is as if they read a few random words and decide what they believe the subject is. Mr D did seemingly try to salvage Packer's blunder. Oy vey; what a mess.

Yep its like trying to explain shit to a group of 5 year olds.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Just in Bill Barr says Trumpturds tweets makes my job impossible. ... I wont be bullied by Trump or anyone else LMAO. Trumpturd continues to use the DOJ to go after his political enemies.

Mr D

It is difficult to understand where med's or packer's response to your post came from. It is as if they read a few random words and decide what they believe the subject is. Mr D did seemingly try to salvage Packer's blunder. Oy vey; what a mess.

Why do you say that?

My comment was largely focused on money in general as it relates to politics. I didn't pick a side. It's more of a WTF is wrong with people arguing that money in politics is bad and then taking a side about who's money in politics is better.

Money is much bigger problem in politics than who's team you are on.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Why do you say that?

My comment was largely focused on money in general as it relates to politics. I didn't pick a side. It's more of a WTF is wrong with people arguing that money in politics is bad and then taking a side about who's money in politics is better.

Money is much bigger problem in politics than who's team you are on.
You didnt say that did ya. You pointed out only the DNC. You said nothing about the RNC in your original post. You seem to favor everything Trump related. That post is nothing but gaslighting BS.. You cant say the DNC are the only dummies to take in bad donations without including the RNC for the same shit. You all do this all the time. The RNC is just as bad if not worse than the DNC when it comes to donations..

Mr D

If the choices are:

U.S. intelligence



Yes, U.S.intelligence.

As usual you have nothing on the substance of the Helsinki performance, just broad sweeping dismissals of entire organizations that don’t fall in line with trump.

Very commradish type stuff

My dismissal of the military industrial complex controlled US intelligence agencies goes back to at least Reagan.

Sorry I don't share your view these institutions are 100% ethical and above reproach. To many whistleblowers and congressional hearings to make that blind leap of faith.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Can almost put a voice to some of these posts lol,I think the wedding cake got me this afternoon.

I sound just like Morgan Freeman for the record... ;)

Money in politics is the reason we need to hit the reset button.

Nobody is going to change anything as long as money influences our lawmakers.

There are less and less of those who would serve the people instead of those hoping that people line up behind them and their personal agenda.


ICMag Donor
Can anyone but an oligarch catch Sanders? Make no mistake about it, Bloomberg is *just like Trump.

Money is power.
Having excessive amounts of money to the point where it puts people above the law and corrupts government is a problem.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Only small $$ donations from the public should be allowed imo. Look at what Bernie has accomplished with only small dollar donations. Taking in large amounts from rich people makes it a sham. It gives these assholes an unfair advantage when money does the talkin.


Active member
My dismissal of the military industrial complex controlled US intelligence agencies goes back to at least Reagan.

Sorry I don't share your view these institutions are 100% ethical and above reproach. To many whistleblowers and congressional hearings to make that blind leap of faith.

Sounds like your dipping into packers memory/comprehension stash with the 100% ethical and above reproach recollection.

Between U.S intelligence, trump and Putin, who do you trust the most?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
If the choices are:

U.S. intelligence



Yes, U.S.intelligence.

As usual you have nothing on the substance of the Helsinki performance, just broad sweeping dismissals of entire organizations that don’t fall in line with trump.

Very commradish type stuff

You sound like a xenophobe.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Just in Bill Barr says Trumpturds tweets makes my job impossible. ... I wont be bullied by Trump or anyone else LMAO. Trumpturd continues to use the DOJ to go after his political enemies.

It is a very appropriate statement. Although, I would argue that it doesn't literally make his job impossible. That's the beauty of the situation.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
:laughing: did I say it wasn't an appropriate statement .. Barr def does way to much shit for Trump. He is not Trumps attorney

Mr D

Sounds like your dipping into packers memory/comprehension stash with the 100% ethical and above reproach recollection.

Between U.S intelligence, trump and Putin, who do you trust the most?

Neither, a flag does not given proven liars credibility.

I also remember how effectively Bush jr used fake terrorist threats provided by US intelligence agencies to distract from his shitshow.

Capra ibex

I hope you've got good health insurance Hempy.... i see a psych ward in your not too distant future....

Trump links murderers and drug addicts in the same category, so i guess he's talking about himself *sniff*
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