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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
Veritas is credible as far as I'm concerned. They just film idiots and let them talk sometimes asking questions. No doubt the left will try to discredit anybody that they don't like it's what they always do.


Well-known member
you're assuming those three candidates voters will all vote for each other. the average american voter is not ideologically consistent like that. for example 26% of Biden voters 2nd choice is Bernie lol..... and why? their platforms aren't even remotely the same. 30% of Warren voters 2nd choice is Bernie. Then he's got Tulsi, Yang, Williamson, Steyer turnovers.

then he's got unique voters only he can pull that other dems can't.
he can pull republicans and even trump voters themselves in a Bernie vs Trump matchup


Well-known member
Veritas is credible as far as I'm concerned. They just film idiots and let them talk sometimes asking questions. No doubt the left will try to discredit anybody that they don't like it's what they always do.

so if i was known to be sued repeatedly for lying and smearing people you wouldn't see that as a mark on my credibility as a person? seems weird to defend someone like that.


Well-known member
so if i was known to be sued repeatedly for lying and smearing people you wouldn't see that as a mark on my credibility as a person? seems weird to defend someone like that.

Many people get sued including the msm, so show me where they lied. They just film people, let them speak, then post it on the internet.


Active member
so if i was known to be sued repeatedly for lying and smearing people you wouldn't see that as a mark on my credibility as a person? seems weird to defend someone like that.

He lost 1 lawsuit. For breach of privacy in Ca I believe... for recording a phone call illegally. Has ZERO losses for false info, but nice talking point.

On a different note, where in your opinion are all the Peter buttiplug votes coming from? I have yet to see anybody claim support for him yet his numbers seem pretty high.

Mr D

He lost 1 lawsuit. For breach of privacy in Ca I believe... for recording a phone call illegally. Has ZERO losses for false info, but nice talking point.

On a different note, where in your opinion are all the Peter buttiplug votes coming from? I have yet to see anybody claim support for him yet his numbers seem pretty high.

Who needs facts when you can use talking points.

Or maybe he can provide proof to substantiate those talking points?


Well-known member
he was sued by a person for 100k during his ACORN tape for defamation im pretty sure lol

his planned parenthood vid is a comedy masterpiece

i don't really know who cia petes base is but im guessing biden tanking has something to do with it. his campaign managers seem well connected, just like he is, being the candidate with the most billionaire support, having financial ties to Shadow Inc and dem insiders. he seems like he was created in a DNC lab and is completely manufactured lol.

basically what they did in Iowa is let Pete claim he won (the night of the caucus before ANY results were in) and since most people are sheep he recieved like a +12 bump in the polls from that point until the NH primary, and no one from the DNC ever spoke out about him jumping the gun. Losing the popular vote handidly and winning the delegate count by like a fraction of a delegate isn't really a win. so he's riding a wave set off by the iowa caucus, a state in which he donated $42k to the makers of the app running the caucus.... Lol


Active member
he was sued by a person for 100k during his ACORN tape for defamation im pretty sure lol

his planned parenthood vid is a comedy masterpiece

i don't really know who cia petes base is but im guessing biden tanking has something to do with it. his campaign managers seem well connected, just like he is, being the candidate with the most billionaire support, having financial ties to Shadow Inc and dem insiders. he seems like he was created in a DNC lab and is completely manufactured lol.

basically what they did in Iowa is let Pete claim he won (the night of the caucus before ANY results were in) and since most people are sheep he recieved like a +12 bump in the polls from that point until the NH primary, and no one from the DNC ever spoke out about him jumping the gun. Losing the popular vote handidly and winning the delegate count by like a fraction of a delegate isn't really a win. so he's riding a wave set off by the iowa caucus, a state in which he donated $42k to the makers of the app running the caucus.... Lol

His planned parenthood lawsuit was dismissed... once again he lost 1 lawsuit look it up...

And there ya go. His voter ‘base’ is completely made up. It’s pretty obvious I in no way shape or form support the socialist/ communist party of America, but sure as shit when Bernie doesn’t get the nomination ‘16 style all the Bernie bruhs will place blame on trump or muh russia while still choking on the D of DNC... but yeah good luck with the new ‘tool’ being used in NV. It’s not an app at least ��


Well-known member
"Sadly, this is the cost of exposing the truth," O'Keefe said by way of explaining the $100,000 settlement. "That's why so few people do it."


Well-known member
You idiots don't even know why he sued, nothing in the recording was proven false, it was an invasion of privacy suit

"There was one defeat. In 2013, I settled a lawsuit with one ACORN employee, who filed a claim that I had violated his privacy rights.

Project Veritas would achieve some justice six years later when we overturned a similar privacy law in Massachusetts, where a Federal judge argued “secret recording is a fundamental right.”

Then in 2019, a Federal Judge in North Carolina delivered a historic directed verdict in a defamation case. The judge wrote, “if citizens and the media are handcuffed by a fear of liability, that’s detrimental to political discourse, it is detrimental to society as a whole, and it is detrimental, really, to our fundamental freedom….If I’ve gotten this wrong, and the Fourth Circuit says that this is not what the law is, I hesitate to think where the First Amendment is going in this country.”

Doing undercover investigative journalism gets you flak when you effectively and devastatingly expose something. When you do investigative reporting, somebody gets hurt. But what must never be forgotten is that the results will ultimately benefit society. In a democracy, the people’s right to know is necessary if they are to make informed decisions. Legendary reporter Jack Anderson once wrote, “I seem to do my best work when everybody hates me.”

The new sacred cows are media and big tech. The plan, to investigate them. Because sacred cows like every other institution, need to be held accountable. Now is the time to act. 10 years ago, the ACORN story was a couple kids with a video camera and an idea that changed the course of history.

And that’s why, at Project Veritas, 10 years later, the best is yet to come."


Well-known member
Thanks for the link Xavier, from the link.

"Now, their videos are used by federal attorneys as "evidence" in trials of anti-Trump protesters."

So if they are not credible tell me why federal attorney's use their videos as evidence in the court of law?


Active member
Everything Veritas has ever put out has been doctored trash. Anybody with half a brain would recognize that. Blaming the left for every fucking piece of trash while defending this crap is not only disingenuous, it’s flat out cultish.


Active member
Again, all they do is film lefties and just let them talk. A invasion of privacy suit has nothing to do with the truth.

Don’t care about the lawsuit. They’re not truthful. Their films are totally edited. Somehow it’s alright with you when they do it though.


Active member
Many people get sued including the msm, so show me where they lied. They just film people, let them speak, then post it on the internet.

Didn't CNN just settle with Nicholas Sandman? Deceptively edited is pretty much CNN'S modus operandi.

If they get sued they are not credible . If they settle they are guilty. Ha ha.
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