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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Opposing the success of the American people, because you have an irrational hatred of the President, is not principled. It's childish and petty.

I disagree with Cannavore, on most things. That being said, he has far more principles than you do.

You seem to have none at all. Just like your spoiled brat President.

Watching him melt down in front of yet another foreign leader is a sign of weakness. A weak leader supported by weak citizens.
A friend of war criminals.

I respect Cannavore. One of the few where I read almost every post. I disagree that not voting against tyranny is somehow principled. It’s a cop out.

I respect your family values, but I usually skip over your posts. They’re just bullshit.


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'#impeach barr' is the newest effort to try to stop what is coming. The Roger Stone prosecutors gave Stone an excessive sentence, hoping to force Barr into taking action ( to make him look like he is Trump's 'cronie') and then they step down 'in protest.' It's not going to work. Just like Russia, just like Kavenaugh, just like peach mints. Watch as they attempt to desperately shield the Bidens and all the swamp creatures!

And he would have served half of it before parole.

Trump is supposed to stand up for the whole country. Even the “drug addicts”. Not just his cronies and a few tokens. All of us. Fuck him.

knucklehead bob


The New Hampshire primary election, much like the Iowa caucuses, saw Bernie Sanders doing worse than polls anticipated and establishment favorite Pete Buttigieg doing much better than polls anticipated.

Buttigieg closed at a tight second place behind Sanders and both were awarded the same number of delegates, which with the bizarre Iowa shenanigans means the former South Bend mayor is now leading the pack in total delegates despite receiving fewer votes than Sanders in both states.

So of course “Buttigieg leads” is the information that the mainstream media is placing special emphasis on today.

It is entirely possible that we’ll continue seeing strange electoral results combined with mass media manipulation result in Buttigieg riding a contested convention into a superdelegate-boosted nomination, even if Sanders has more votes overall. We have at this point in time seen no reason to believe that Sanders will be able to secure the number of delegates needed to prevent such an occurrence.

Then you’ve got racist Republican oligarch Mike Bloomberg jumping on the ballot come Super Tuesday, with his $300 million+ ad campaign throwing more chaos into the mix. Billionaire Bloomberg’s unprecedented campaign spending power has enabled him to push up just shy of second place in a recent Quinnipiac national poll despite having no redeeming characteristics and no real goal agenda apart from stopping Sanders, which is as clear an illustration as you’ll ever see of the power of money in US politics.




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The New Hampshire primary election, much like the Iowa caucuses, saw Bernie Sanders doing worse than polls anticipated and establishment favorite Pete Buttigieg doing much better than polls anticipated.

Buttigieg closed at a tight second place behind Sanders and both were awarded the same number of delegates, which with the bizarre Iowa shenanigans means the former South Bend mayor is now leading the pack in total delegates despite receiving fewer votes than Sanders in both states.

So of course “Buttigieg leads” is the information that the mainstream media is placing special emphasis on today.

It is entirely possible that we’ll continue seeing strange electoral results combined with mass media manipulation result in Buttigieg riding a contested convention into a superdelegate-boosted nomination, even if Sanders has more votes overall. We have at this point in time seen no reason to believe that Sanders will be able to secure the number of delegates needed to prevent such an occurrence.

Then you’ve got racist Republican oligarch Mike Bloomberg jumping on the ballot come Super Tuesday, with his $300 million+ ad campaign throwing more chaos into the mix. Billionaire Bloomberg’s unprecedented campaign spending power has enabled him to push up just shy of second place in a recent Quinnipiac national poll despite having no redeeming characteristics and no real goal agenda apart from stopping Sanders, which is as clear an illustration as you’ll ever see of the power of money in US politics.



There will never be a perfect system. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep trying. Doesn’t mean we should give up.
Just our waterways alone. Might not be better, but we won’t be easing regulations allowing them to get worst.


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the media can't cope with bernie being the front runner and clear choice in the election so they portray the results and matchups like this lmfaoooooo



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Veritas's credibility is in the dumpster lol. How quick people forget the Planned Parenthood and ACORN smears he was sued over.

I forgot who it was but he tried to smear a documentary film maker too and without O Keefe knowing, the documentary film maker recorded their entire conversation and as usual O Keefe's version was highly and deceptively edited to make it seem like the man was saying things he wasn't.

i don't doubt the dems have been rigging elections lol, the republicans do it too.... but i don't trust James O'Queefe for a second. Never did.


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the media can't cope with bernie being the front runner and clear choice in the election so they portray the results and matchups like this lmfaoooooo

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26% is a piss poor lead.

If any one of the top tier drop out, Bernie will lose his lead. He may gain a little if Warren drops out. Maybe from Yang. All of Steyer’s. He may get up to 35%. That may work, in a 3 way race. It won’t in a 2 way.


Well just for the sake of argument, gonna throw my hat in the ring for klob. She would do pretty well against trump and has midwest folksiness going for her. She should play well in winning back a few of those rust belt states that went to trump last time. While there were those reports about her being a nightmare to work for, she comes across as fairly likable on stage.

That said, idk crap about her policy and am basing my support on wanting to hear more people from Minnesota talk. COME FIGHT ME!
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