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The 2020 Presidential Election

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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
We need a leader who wants to unite us and our efforts for the betterment of the entire nation for generations to come.

We don't need a leader bent on tearing our nation in half for the betterment of his ego.

I haven't the slightest clue why Republicans didn't put up a better candidate, Trump's making them look terrible.

Formerly quaint friends and polite acquaintances are vicious opponents because of a loudmouthed narrow minded simpleton coming into power and spewing hateful rhetoric.

Instead of pointing out that bad idea, many are engaged in doubling down and raising their fists.

It's disheartening for posterity from my perspective.

Capra ibex

I'm all for Bernie breaking the demos Into pieces....that's a reality being realized as we speak ...but if you think America will actually embrace
A Bernie ticket...you are delusional to a grand scale...it will never become a reality so a Bernie vote must be nothing more than a self serving fantasy of some sort...akin to chasing unicorns...or just love being kicked squarely in the nuts over and over I suppose...
Good luck with all that


TRUMP 2020 in a brutal pounding

Will that be Donald taking the pounding by a donkey on stage or Melania?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
So Trump just grouped murderers and drug addicts together. A Freudian slip that 'should' reveal the complete gutter slime that he is. I hope that some here will allow this to sink in.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
It's going to get worse for you, and the rest of the TDS crowd. It's going to continue improving for the American people. Fortunately, the improvements will be there for you to enjoy, but you will continue to fume, as the American people enjoy the prosperity.


Trump 2020

Imagined or real.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Fact Is Obama had the weakest recovery in over 100 years. The economy has skyrocketed under Trump, my 401k is up 22 %. My income is up 4500$ last year, and 15,000 over the last 3 years. My income was stagnant under Obama. My income didn't move in 8 years, and I was a union plasterer for all 8 years.

You also believe a guy who has never ran anything, not even a lemonade stand, has the ability to run the most successful country in the history of the world.

Forgive me if your incoherent statements lead me to believe your not very intelligent, or even literate.

Trump 2020

Oh yes....suddenly my 401k burst into action and my income blossomed and everything was all rosy all over. Read some history...some economics. You can even just go back to Carter > Reagan to gain some understanding.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Opposing the success of the American people, because you have an irrational hatred of the President, is not principled. It's childish and petty.

I disagree with Cannavore, on most things. That being said, he has far more principles than you do.

such a biting wit


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Then you voted for both.
She talked bad about poor Bernie.
Trump pardons war criminals.
Perfect example how someone else interpreted how I voted LMAO. All the rest of you should have done the same.

Everyone expected a scam artist to all of the sudden get principles after he got elected.. He's is an asshat because that's who he is. That's like expecting a tweaker to not rip you off lol. I know it was asking a lot, he could have saved himself allot of misery if he would have faked it.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
I'm pretty sure that the Roman empire had the most successful country in the history of the world..

Wow! You need to re-read your history books if you think life was good for the average person in the Roman Empire...


If you were a Caesar, or an emperor, a member of the Senate, a general or high ranking military officer, or any other wealthy person, I'm sure life was grand there..

But for the average citizen of the Roman Empire? Not so much...

Plus, if they didn't like you, you got stabbed in the middle of the night or crucified along the side of the highway..


Bud Green

I dig dirt
Human nature.... nothing has changed except the technology..

and don't expect it to change in the next 2000 years either...



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Wow! You need to re-read your history books if you think life was good for the average person in the Roman Empire...


If you were a Caesar, or an emperor, a member of the Senate, a general or high ranking military officer, or any other wealthy person, I'm sure life was grand there..

But for the average citizen of the Roman Empire? Not so much...

Plus, if they didn't like you, you got stabbed in the middle of the night or crucified along the side of the highway..


it was damn good for mercenaries and merchants...kinda like now
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