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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
anything given to immigrants doesn't even hold a candle to what we give up out of our paychecks each year for corporate welfare and tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires.

not to mention illegal immigrants do not collect very many benefits to begin with, AND they pay into our system without taking much out.

either way, if an immigrant, legal or illegal, gets sick and goes to the ER, you're still paying for that person from your local and state taxes. it's cheaper to do so preventatively with medicare for all than have people clog up the ER for things that could have been treated long before the need to go to the ER even arises.


Active member
Over here in the UK 'these people' are the monarchy, the aristocracy/the ruling classes - The City of London and The Bank of England supports them all - all the way down to the accountants and architects and doctors, celebrities and lottery winners - who all seem to have more than a little 'salted away' in an untouchable off-shore trust fund of some description - far away in the Carribean or elsewhere - and it literally adds up to trillions of pounds/dollars - sitting there from the few - but far from the many - not doing a lot - just surplus to requirements for a very small percent of the population - who have so much disposable income - they hide it away on some distant island - to avoid giving any of it to the exchequer in the form of tax - been going on for many decades -

This loophole for offshore tax havens was due to be closed in the UK this year - if we would have stayed in the EEC and not Brexit'ed in January - it was a new European law that was supposed to be introduced by now - but now - of course - it won't be.

Pretty sure Guernsey is one of the largest tax havens


Well-known member
No source... shocking

- "the typical american household is poorer than before the financial crisis of 2007"

- last quarters growth was lower than obamas avg in his 2nd term

- skyrocketing drug and health care prices
do i really need to source this?

- shit tier wages that dont keep up with inflation or productivity

- nearly half of americans work low wage jobs

- 78% live paycheck to paycheck

- almost half of americans can't cover a $400 out of pocket emergency

- young men retreating from the work force in droves

- 44% of all american workers are making $18k/yr

meanwhile this is the shit righties like to tout as positives lol;

- stock market is breaking records (the richest 10% of americans control 84% of the stock market)

- corporate profits also breaking records (blue is corporate profits, red is wages)

- giant tax cuts that make the bush era tax cuts look tame

- record CEO pay

CEO to Worker pay ratio:
1965 - 20:1
2018 - 278:1


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Does anyone know if an illegal can file a tax return?. Ive seen many get there pay in the same pay check everyone else gets. That tells me there paying taxes. Many use fake SS#..


Well-known member
i'm sure there are people who game the system but overall the numbers show they pay into our system more than they take out. payroll tax is just one example.

there are immigrants that have work visas though and they do pay taxes that way even without a SS.

and since we're talking about immigrants, those in sanctuary cities commit less crime than the average native born population.

this is why we should have a path towards citizenship though so they do become 100% fully tax paying citizens.


Well-known member
these are old school numbers from CATO (right-libertarian think tank):

avg annual welfare costs:

Social Welfare - $60 billion/yr
Corporate Welfare - $93 billion/yr


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Over here in the UK 'these people' are the monarchy, the aristocracy/the ruling classes - The City of London and The Bank of England supports them all - all the way down to the accountants and architects and doctors, celebrities and lottery winners - who all seem to have more than a little 'salted away' in an untouchable off-shore trust fund of some description - far away in the Carribean or elsewhere - and it literally adds up to trillions of pounds/dollars - sitting there from the few - but far from the many - not doing a lot - just surplus to requirements for a very small percent of the population - who have so much disposable income - they hide it away on some distant island - to avoid giving any of it to the exchequer in the form of tax - been going on for many decades -

This loophole for offshore tax havens was due to be closed in the UK this year - if we would have stayed in the EEC and not Brexit'ed in January - it was a new European law that was supposed to be introduced by now - but now - of course - it won't be.

organized *****


these are old school numbers from CATO (right-libertarian think tank):

avg annual welfare costs:

Social Welfare - $60 billion/yr
Corporate Welfare - $93 billion/yr

But..but...they are the job creators. If we dont give them our money how will they ever hire us and pay us money.


Active member
i'm sure there are people who game the system but overall the numbers show they pay into our system more than they take out. payroll tax is just one example.

there are immigrants that have work visas though and they do pay taxes that way even without a SS.

and since we're talking about immigrants, those in sanctuary cities commit less crime than the average native born population.

this is why we should have a path towards citizenship though so they do become 100% fully tax paying citizens.

Just out of curiosity are you going to vote for the corporatist DNC candidate?

Or are you going to stay home?


Well-known member
Just out of curiosity are you going to vote for the corporatist DNC candidate?

Or are you going to stay home?

i'm only voting for bernie. i would have held my nose for warren but she ruined those chances going back on medicare for all and trying to smear bernie.

HRC absolutely rolled Trump in my state (by like 2 million votes and swept him in delegates), which will likely happen again whoever the nominee is which leaves me open to not really care about voting for the DNC candidate lol.

I didn't vote for HRC in 2016, stayed home, but would have voted green or wrote in bernie if i went.


Active member
i'm only voting for bernie. i would have held my nose for warren but she ruined those chances going back on medicare for all and trying to smear bernie.

HRC absolutely rolled Trump in my state (by like 2 million votes and swept him in delegates), which will likely happen again whoever the nominee is which leaves me open to not really care about voting for the DNC candidate lol.

I didn't vote for HRC in 2016, stayed home, but would have voted green or wrote in bernie if i went.

That showed them.


Well-known member
HRC still won the popular vote so what would it matter if i voted for her or not? Aside from violating my own principles in voting for a cheater, lol.


Active member
HRC still won the popular vote so what would it matter if i voted for her or not? Aside from violating my own principles in voting for a cheater, lol.

Lol apparently you'll be sitting this one out too...your MSNBC is ripping bernie to shreds and he hasn't even met mini Mike yet...how many ass kickins can ya handle?



Well-known member
i don't watch msnbc my dude. every time they attack him he grows stronger. we welcome their hatred.

With 90 percent of precincts in, according to NBC's Decision Desk, there have been more than 263,000 Democratic votes counted, more than the 254,780 Democratic ballots cast in 2016. It’s unclear whether the final tally will eclipse that of the 2008 Democratic primary, where 288,672 ballots were cast.

Ahead of Tuesday’s primary, Secretary of State Bill Gardner had predicted that 292,000 Democratic ballots would be cast, which would narrowly eclipse that 2008 mark.

Gardner predicted that only 128,000 Republican primary ballots would be cast because of Trump’s lack of serious challengers for his party’s nomination. With 96 percent of precincts in, about 124,000 Republican votes had been counted.

how'd that voter turnout, turn out? :)


Active member
i'm only voting for bernie. i would have held my nose for warren but she ruined those chances going back on medicare for all and trying to smear bernie.

HRC absolutely rolled Trump in my state (by like 2 million votes and swept him in delegates), which will likely happen again whoever the nominee is which leaves me open to not really care about voting for the DNC candidate lol.

I didn't vote for HRC in 2016, stayed home, but would have voted green or wrote in bernie if i went.

I figured. Thanks for the honest response. I may disagree with most of your ideas, but I can respect you standing for your principles.


Active member
This is the smartest thing you said.

If you know Trump's going to wreck our nation, why would you vote for him again??!!

It's going to get worse for you, and the rest of the TDS crowd. It's going to continue improving for the American people. Fortunately, the improvements will be there for you to enjoy, but you will continue to fume, as the American people enjoy the prosperity.


Trump 2020
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