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The 2020 Presidential Election

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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I think it's cute how you consider screwing up international relations and talking shit about the people who he claims to represent as "prosperity".

Projected tax increases will hit soon.

The "teaser rate" Trump threw as a bone to his poorly educated base as an excuse to give real breaks to the ultra wealthy will end.

I bet that wall is being built to keep us in.


Well-known member
It's going to get worse for you, and the rest of the TDS crowd. It's going to continue improving for the American people. Fortunately, the improvements will be there for you to enjoy, but you will continue to fume, as the American people enjoy the prosperity.


Trump 2020

Many of us totally believe you are wrong. It will collapse.

But I agree with one thing. People should enjoy the prosperity that began improving under a Democrat president.


Active member
Many of us totally believe you are wrong. It will collapse.

But I agree with one thing. People should enjoy the prosperity that began improving under a Democrat president.

Fact Is Obama had the weakest recovery in over 100 years. The economy has skyrocketed under Trump, my 401k is up 22 %. My income is up 4500$ last year, and 15,000 over the last 3 years. My income was stagnant under Obama. My income didn't move in 8 years, and I was a union plasterer for all 8 years.

You also believe a guy who has never ran anything, not even a lemonade stand, has the ability to run the most successful country in the history of the world.

Forgive me if your incoherent statements lead me to believe your not very intelligent, or even literate.

Trump 2020

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Fact Is Obama had the weakest recovery in over 100 years. The economy has skyrocketed under Trump, my 401k is up 22 %. My income is up 4500$ last year, and 15,000 over the last 3 years. My income was stagnant under Obama. My income didn't move in 8 years, and I was a union plasterer for all 8 years.

You also believe a guy who has never ran anything, not even a lemonade stand, has the ability to run the most successful country in the history of the world.

Forgive me if your incoherent statements lead me to believe your not very intelligent, or even literate.

Trump 2020

Source? :D


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
i'm only voting for bernie. i would have held my nose for warren but she ruined those chances going back on medicare for all and trying to smear bernie.

HRC absolutely rolled Trump in my state (by like 2 million votes and swept him in delegates), which will likely happen again whoever the nominee is which leaves me open to not really care about voting for the DNC candidate lol.

I didn't vote for HRC in 2016, stayed home, but would have voted green or wrote in bernie if i went.

This is what I did in 2016. I couldn't vote for Hillery or Trump.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I'm pretty sure that the Roman empire had the most successful country in the history of the world.

Switzerland has us beat hands down today.

Delusion is as easy as turning on Faux News.


Active member
It only serves to keep trump in office. No principles there.

Opposing the success of the American people, because you have an irrational hatred of the President, is not principled. It's childish and petty.

I disagree with Cannavore, on most things. That being said, he has far more principles than you do.


Well-known member
Opposing the success of the American people, because you have an irrational hatred of the President, is not principled. It's childish and petty.

I disagree with Cannavore, on most things. That being said, he has far more principles than you do.

You cannot speak about principles..

The American people do not need shithead to be prosperous. We do not need him to wreck foreign relationships.

We need someone who is a respectful human. Someone who chooses to do good. Someone who wants to care for the planet.

So nice to see you all got bribed for a dollar by a scumbag that will throw all of you under the bus.

We could build a strong nation with integrity that actually deserves respect. What you have is shit. Offering shit. And it will all turn to shit. Your air, water and precious economy.

I hope you remember in a few years. This fool fooled you.

Mr D

Opposing the success of the American people, because you have an irrational hatred of the President, is not principled. It's childish and petty.

I disagree with Cannavore, on most things. That being said, he has far more principles than you do.

I'll second that observation concerning Cannavore. Total respect for his willingness to defend his choice and reasoning with facts instead of smug generalizations and false labels intertwined with constant insults.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Opposing the success of the American people, because you have an irrational hatred of the President, is not principled. It's childish and petty.

I disagree with Cannavore, on most things. That being said, he has far more principles than you do.

Opposing the will of the American people and shutting down our entire government just to fund a wall is childish and petty.

Trying to blame the whistle blower is childish and petty.

Firing Vindman was childish and petty.

Making fun of disabled reporters is childish and petty.

Trump is childish and petty.
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