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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Well-known member
LOL, ok buddy if you say so... Meanwhile back in reality...


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Active member
Claiming race means nothing to people anymore would be like saying baldness for men doesn't matter for women.

The idea race doesn't matter anymore to people. Get real.

So as a brief summary..
‘Race means nothing in 2020’ -me
‘Oh no no no, blacks are < white therefore we must protect them and give them special treatment’ -you
‘You are a rayciss if you don’t admit blacks are < whites’ -you


Oh for sure, but they are able to park their billions offshore as they have the fed Gov't backing them. Whatever crackpot in charge of the tax haven can't touch their shit because we would send the military up their butt. If you tell america to suck it and leave, then you lose that protection.


Well-known member
Their is nothing you can do to stop people from moving their money offshore, they will still live here nobody said anybody was leaving the country and the military is not going to go after American citizens no matter how much that may bother you.


Well-known member
when average citizens are cucking for multinational predatory capitalists you know we already lost. bernie's our last shot because the establishment isn't going to let this happen again.

end all loopholes and offshore tax havens. if they try to flee, we tax them into oblivion on anything they try to sell in the US. these people are hoarding trillions that belong to the government. if the plebs did that we'd be arrested. why should it be any different for these fucks?


Well-known member
Their is nothing you can do to stop people from moving their money offshore, they will still live here nobody said anybody was leaving the country and the military is not going to go after American citizens no matter how much that may bother you.

You can ban them from doing business in our country. It is our labor and hard earned money that helped make them rich. If they want to fuck us even more. Fuck them all the way.


Active member
Military? You do realize ol Bern is planning to cut the military to shreds
Dont you? Matter of fact you commrades wont even have guns to go chase them billionaires down...however us Americans will still have them and you can guess the rest of that scenario


Their is nothing you can do to stop people from moving their money offshore, they will still live here nobody said anybody was leaving the country and the military is not going to go after American citizens no matter how much that may bother you.

Not sure if that was directed at my comment, I was saying the rich can currently use their offshore tax havens because the military backs the us citizen and is serving as protection against someone just taking their shit.

The billionaire class already park their money offshore, the only way that can flee Bernie's taxes is to stop being a citizen, giving up the protections that come with it. Whatever jobs/industries they control, well if they can offshore jobs they already have.

Yall sound like battered women, "he hits because he loves me and I can't do any better."


Well-known member
The easiest way to defeat Bernie is let his nutty supporters speak. Not that Bernie really has a chance at beating Trump anyways.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Over here in the UK 'these people' are the monarchy, the aristocracy/the ruling classes - The City of London and The Bank of England supports them all - all the way down to the accountants and architects and doctors, celebrities and lottery winners - who all seem to have more than a little 'salted away' in an untouchable off-shore trust fund of some description - far away in the Carribean or elsewhere - and it literally adds up to trillions of pounds/dollars - sitting there from the few - but far from the many - not doing a lot - just surplus to requirements for a very small percent of the population - who have so much disposable income - they hide it away on some distant island - to avoid giving any of it to the exchequer in the form of tax - been going on for many decades -

This loophole for offshore tax havens was due to be closed in the UK this year - if we would have stayed in the EEC and not Brexit'ed in January - it was a new European law that was supposed to be introduced by now - but now - of course - it won't be.

end all loopholes and offshore tax havens. if they try to flee, we tax them into oblivion on anything they try to sell in the US. these people are hoarding trillions that belong to the government. if the plebs did that we'd be arrested. why should it be any different for these fucks?


Well-known member
The easiest way to defeat Bernie is let his nutty supporters speak. Not that Bernie really has a chance at beating Trump anyways.

Bernie's supporters are easily the smartest lmao especially when it comes to policy. He also smokes Trump in every head to head poll going back all the way to 2016.

Projection at it's finest.


Active member
You can ban them from doing business in our country. It is our labor and hard earned money that helped make them rich. If they want to fuck us even more. Fuck them all the way.

Sounds like good planning for economic
Prosperity...if thats what you'll need why not move to N korea... it's already set up for you
A cold harsh wind of reality is sweeping across the nation and will
Hit you square in the jib...just saying



Well-known member
Over here in the UK 'these people' are the monarchy, the aristocracy/the ruling classes - The City of London and The Bank of England supports them all - all the way down to the accountants and architects and doctors, celebrities and lottery winners - who all seem to have more than a little 'salted away' in an untouchable off-shore trust fund of some description - far away in the Carribean or elsewhere - and it literally adds up to trillions of pounds/dollars - sitting there from the few - but far from the many - not doing a lot - just surplus to requirements for a very small percent of the population - who have so much disposable income - they hide it away on some distant island - to avoid giving any of it to the exchequer in the form of tax - been going on for many decades -

This loophole for offshore tax havens was due to be closed in the UK this year - if we would have stayed in the EEC and not Brexit'ed in January - it was a new European law that was supposed to be introduced by now - but now - of course - it won't be.

yep i'm sure most western countries have the same problem. in America the oligarchs just straight up own our politicians and they write the laws for them

it's why the 85 richest people on the planet own more wealth than the bottom 3.5 billion people (maybe even more than half now since the numbers I am citing are from 2014 Oxfam).

Winnie Byanyima, the Oxfam executive director who will attend the Davos meetings, said: "It is staggering that in the 21st Century, half of the world's population – that's three and a half billion people – own no more than a tiny elite whose numbers could all fit comfortably on a double-decker bus."


Well-known member
LOL, Hillary smoked Trump in every poll, look how that worked out. They don't poll many people from rural areas in America, probably because were actually busy with work. I never met a Bernie supporter who is doing well in life, just a bunch losers who would rather give up then work hard for what they want and that tells me everything I need to know.


Well-known member
Sounds like good planning for economic


you say this as if we have economic prosperity in the US lol.

- "the typical american household is poorer than before the financial crisis of 2007"

- last quarters growth was lower than obamas avg in his 2nd term

- skyrocketing drug and health care prices

- shit tier wages that dont keep up with inflation or productivity

- nearly half of americans work low wage jobs

- 78% live paycheck to paycheck

- almost half of americans can't cover a $400 out of pocket emergency

- young men retreating from the work force in droves

- 44% of all american workers are making $18k/yr

meanwhile this is the shit righties and corporate dems like to tout as positives lol;

- stock market is breaking records (the richest 10% of americans control 84% of the stock market)

- corporate profits also breaking records

- giant tax cuts that make the bush era tax cuts look tame

- record CEO pay

CEO to Worker pay ratio:
1965 - 20:1
2018 - 278:1


Well-known member
LOL, Hillary smoked Trump in every poll, look how that worked out. They don't poll many people from rural areas in America, probably because were actually busy with work. I never met a Bernie supporter who is doing well in life, just a bunch losers who would rather give up then work hard for what they want and that tells me everything I need to know.

HRC couldn't break the margin of error.... Most polls have Bernie well outside of that. He's going to jack all of Trump's rust belt and swing states because Trump lied to them. It's gonna be glorious.

latest poll has bernie up 51-43 +8 on trump in a poll with a MoE of 2.5pts.... and that's with 300 dems running for president and taking votes away from bernie.


Active member
you say this as if we have economic prosperity in the US lol.

- "the typical american household is poorer than before the financial crisis of 2007"

- last quarters growth was lower than obamas avg in his 2nd term

- skyrocketing drug and health care prices

- shit tier wages that dont keep up with inflation or productivity

- nearly half of americans work low wage jobs

- 78% live paycheck to paycheck

- almost half of americans can't cover a $400 out of pocket emergency

- young men retreating from the work force in droves

- 44% of all american workers are making $18k/yr

meanwhile this is the shit righties like to tout as positives lol;

- stock market is breaking records (the richest 10% of americans control 84% of the stock market)

- corporate profits also breaking records

- giant tax cuts that make the bush era tax cuts look tame

- record CEO pay

CEO to Worker pay ratio:
1965 - 20:1
2018 - 278:1

No source... shocking
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