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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Active member
If you have trouble with the man, just call trumpie. He’s there to fight injustice. He’s there for you. Just make sure you’re white and kind of creepy. Money helps. If you have a Dick tattoo on your back, even better.

If not, you’re screwed.


Well-known member
Turning a million dollar inheritance into a multi billion dollar enterprise is considered failing now in "woke culture ." speak.I wish I could fail like that.
Is that why they say "get woke,go broke"I mean he got 63 million people to vote for him in 16 and is on pace to 85+million in 2020. You've got an odd idea of what failure is

Failure is anyone voting for shithead. Let alone millions.

Improving an economy while having the biggest debt in history is not improving the economy. Its pumping it up before it crashes, hard.

Allowing mining on protected land and waterways as well as allowing more pollution is reason enough to hang the piece of shit.

And open borders not bother me. We have money for billionaires, money for bombs, money for everything wrong. We can afford to feed and cloth whoever needs it. Just take it from the same people who lobby to alter laws that take from the public to feed the rich.

Nothing positive going on with shitheads administration. Just smoke and mirrors while we get to see what its like to have a dictator.


Active member
Claiming race means nothing to people anymore would be like saying baldness for men doesn't matter for women.

The idea race doesn't matter anymore to people. Get real.

Nah race is only important when used as a crutch. See Elizabeth warrens whole career based on being a white person of color. Lmfao... seethe


Active member
Bryd was given an award by the NAACP. But keep squawking about him.

So one award by a liberal slush fund erases a lifetime of advancement to the levels of an organization based entirely on hate..? But it’s ok because muh award. Lmfao. Drumpf has you supporting literal racists while projecting drumpfs a raycissss and being unable to produce a single example of his racism. Damn kiddo you’re so woke

Inb4: he won’t let illegal immigrants to cross border


Active member
it might be that Trump is the best of the worst if that makes sense. from what everyone here says, the opposition is weak.. so for most, maybe hes just the most credible out of a weak bunch idk.

but if he is racist, does it also make you racist to vote for him?

im thinking it could be worse, you could have been stuck with Hilary Clinton. that would have been a serious catastrophe

To the seething butthurt liberals? Yes. Most of us don’t give a fuck about being called a racist by fed posters fed posting on a weed forum board if honest.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well - we have the Trump crime family - and the Clinton crime family - I'm sure the old Bush crime family still has some sway over things somewhere -

The USA has always celebrated its gangsters and hoodlums - bank robbers - drive-by-rappers - raconteurs and roustabouts - and still does to this day - its evident within its politics - that its all about 'organized crime' - and for that you need a regiment of lawyers and a massive military - to be more 'organized' about it - than anyone else -


Active member
Dude, just watch one single Trump rally.... credible???? :yikes:

It is like this- bitching, moaning, lying, whining, insulting, complaining, lying, fantasising, sweating, lying, twitching, frothing at the mouth etc. etc.

How quickly you forgot the last 4 years of every liberal in America. Here’s a recap... boo hoo drumpf is a raycissss... we will get him on russia... well that was nothing seethe.... we got him on Ukraine... huge nothing... seethe... oig report comes out ‘oh fuck we got caught illegally spying. Call media tell them drumpf is mean and coming for us...’ seethe harder. Learn to cope kids only getting worse from here


Active member
Well - we have the Trump crime family - and the Clinton crime family - I'm sure the old Bush crime family still has some sway over things somewhere -

The USA has always celebrated its gangsters and hoodlums - bank robbers - drive-by-rappers - raconteurs and roustabouts - and still does to this day - its evident within its politics - that its all about 'organized crime' - and for that you need a regiment of lawyers and a massive military - to be more 'organized' about it - than anyone else -

Lol the agencies responsible for protection against organized crime are the worst criminals. You think the crack epidemic was organic?


Well-known member
Every time shithead says anything. And we get to see it. And people continue to support him. It destroys their integrity.

He is not a good person. In fact he does not even share any traits with good people.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes - some years ago I did read about a journalist that cracked the story open about some of the alphabet agencies moving crack into inner cities - then there was the whole Contra mess - with Ollie North -

There is a movie about it out there - just can't remember the name of it -

Lol the agencies responsible for protection against organized crime are the worst criminals. You think the crack epidemic was organic?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah - the USA supplied the weapons - and they were paid for in coke - which was imported into the USA and made into crack - and distributed throughout major US cities - something like that - no?

Check the movie 'American Made' - with Tom Cruise as -
Barry Seal, a TWA pilot, is recruited by the CIA to provide reconnaissance on the burgeoning communist threat in Central America and soon finds himself in charge of one of the biggest covert CIA operations in the history of the United States that spawned the birth of the Medellin cartel and eventually almost brought down the Reagan White House with the Iran Contra scandal.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Bankruptcy Is part of the casino/hotel racket ._.I don't doubt for a second he's a billionaire and I honestly couldn't care less if he releases his tax returns or not..I also don't care what kinda tax loopholes and write off's he takes advantage of.The guy puts America and her citizens 1stand has fixed our economy and is bringing jobs back._.I care about those things

I am not a democrat supporter but if one studies true statistics about the current economic upswing, it is apparent Trump claims credit for things he just did not accomplish.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Yes - some years ago I did read about a journalist that cracked the story open about some of the alphabet agencies moving crack into inner cities - then there was the whole Contra mess - with Ollie North -

There is a movie about it out there - just can't remember the name of it -

Ollie and what's his name.?....oh ya Bill Barr


Active member
Congratulations to Bernie Sanders on New Hampshire win.

A person who understands the system that has oppressed working people for millennia. Since the Sumerian gods spit on clay to make workers to till their fields, the monotheistic religions consolidating hierarchical power, European slave-ownership mentalities dominative hierarchies of control genocide on native people suppression of workers, races, gender, sexual orientations.

Bernie doesn't want to control. He wants us to share our resources more so people don't have to suffer. I believe that people have billions of dollars by taking advantage of the power structures mentioned above and they do not give back nearly what they take.

The economy and amount of jobs available means so little. It is an attempt to convince the people that the standing of the economy represents the quality of their lives. I am much more concerned with peoples health, their comfort, their trust in an ability to bring up children in a world better than the one they left, their ability to enjoy their natural environment, eat high quality food from non degrading agricultural sources. If Trump was actually trying to do any of this I would still feel disgust for him for all the horrible things he has said (and who other than a bigot wants to deny grabbing a women by the pussy is a disgusting thing to say and think?) but really he has given tax cuts that have helped the richest people gain more money, he can't stop doing deals with corrupt countries like Saudi Arabia funding more war and pain, he continues to enable to ravagement of the American heartland - call yourself a patriot while supporting the tearing up of millions of acres of American soil with fossil fuels and chemical poisons to sell corn and soy to feed the Chinese?

Putting America first means putting the health of our people, our education, our social programs that enable freedom and resilience (such as paid time off after we have children to care for infants) first, not the economy and money, in my opinion.
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