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Thai weed from Thailand


Active member

6 hembras 1 intersexual
dr grinspoon/hoabac x vietblack "purple stem"


Well-known member
charlie garcia
Most columbians need above 14 weeks up to 24 weeks. Also you can find lots of hermis in columbians, need some luck with lots and patiente for sure. Names you mentioned are not used there and wont help you. Look for rojas (reds), moño or punto, or doradas de sta marta (golden from sta marta) or moradas (purple) from corinto or mangobiches, etc, they know these names not others
well sadly talking about 80's, best columbians of north most were erradicated by DEA with Glifosato. Such poison is been still used recently for coca fields causing so much damage around to whole nature enviorement. There some local colmbian studies about this. Early 2000 read same things were still happening in Equator. Rivers, food, plants, humans, babies with malformations. Thats the result of a crazy drugs "imported" policy.
Funny is there was a moment where marihuana was about to be fully legal in Colombia. Right now again opposite, they want to make it fully illegal again, law still allows small amounts of drugs (theorically).

Golds of north colombia influenced north america but reds were the ones which influenced southamerica and best known and grown here as well. We have always had a different perception of columbian weeds.
from what I know of, much there can have sedative effects indeed, much mellow, guess is what in northam. call columbian red, but some of finest is always been the same, a very well known colombia sativa, Punto Rojo and some are well known and remembered for being electric long sativas not sedative at all but presently both types coexist. Well known in Spain and southamerica as the classic colombian. Sometimes hairs show pink colours, sometimes not, and when mature they look red, some plants can be purple as well, depends.

Soo let's not give wrong information, let's state what's opinion and how this opinion was formed .

Kaiki is a Latin his opinion is on ground not a few imports he luckily scored as a foreigner . Sams is a triple OG , he was around smoking in the 60's and living in a Hot spot where much of the best was imported
I read so much controversial posts in your thread it is painful to read. It really makes eyeache
People talking about colombian and thai weed with such authority they never smoked the real thing in their lives

Big Herb, is this quoted post a private PM by Charlie Garcia or a post in a forum? If it is a post, can you point where it is from?
About best colombians erradicated in the 80s kaiki talks about, you have a lot more info in this site
In spanish a lot more info than in english

This is the site in english

All the poisoning is still happening today with babies malformations. It is still the sponsored Usa policy towards the southamerican neighbours
Food is terrible. The change from the food of the 80s is amazing. From having the best food in the planet in the 80s to the current poisoned food and poisoned soils in SouthAmerica is so sad to see

Kaiki is spaniard. He is not colombian
@Raco Are you older than Kaiki?
My experience around the planet is weed dont travel too far from the continent it is grown
I understand in Spain in the 80s you had plenty of moroccan hash
In the 80s all over north and eastern europe it was lebanese hash and the last of the afghan hash. There was no weed at all in Europe. No european can be reference for any colombian sativa of the 80s

Kaiki is a Latin his opinion is on ground not a few imports he luckily scored as a foreigner .
In the 80s there was cocaine in spain, I am sure about it
It doesnt make any sense Punto Rojo ever travelled to Europe taking the precious place of a kilo of cocaine, his experience in Colombia is from this century, not from 20th century, can you confirm please?

Kaiki can be a reference for many things in the canna world I am not interested in talking about but he can never be a reference for something he never smoked in his life
Kaiki never smoked the preglyphosate Punto Rojo 80s nor paraguayan 80s. He only heard stories of the people who smoked it

Europeans are reference for hype and fantasy weed with fantasy names. It started in Holland and all these fantasy names and fantasy weed are being adopted everywhere like if it would be the real thing and suddenly the fantasy is the reference and the real thing is bullshit
Too much fact and reality twisting in these cannaforums
The only weed description that matches preglyphosate Punto Rojo 80s high is Thai Stick of the 70s. Like Kaiki said, it is all extinct today

There is no preglyphosate Punto Rojo in seedsman Haze nor in any haze line that is available today
If haze was made in the 60s then there wasnt any colombian weed in the mix because by that time colombian weed never made it to Usa

Yes, the colombians I got from Europe are all sativa CBD. It has nothing but nothing to do with preglyphosate Punto Rojo

I am seeing in those fantasy selling threads these haze hybrid top shots with size matching an iron corrugated rod 6 or 8mm thick
This is completely degraded sativa weed, who is smoking first with that kind of productivity? Throw it all to the garbage and start all over again
Sativas should be bred in the tropics, this is the biggest lesson of the hazes threads. Grow them wherever you like but breed the sativas in the tropics

Today I found a new intersex
So out of 17 seeds I started, I am with the last 3 plants that I hope will remain girls until the end
One for each Thai strain
So the numbers of this run for firm girls is down to 20% of the seed sprouted
I will only run more seeds if the high is very good
It is a lot of work and the only way to keep this is in cut form. Making seed with this will give mostly intersex weed
Clearly intersex weed is less productive than pure females from all the different trials
So far intersex weed was never stronger nor weaker than the sisters of the same strain

Phon Sawan vegbox is intersex. A pity, it is a big plant. I sent it to the intersex tent for a week or 10 days of flowering before getting the chop. I have seen some pollen sacks open already
In the first pic in the back I am sprouting tomatoes for this season, these will be moms. Around 30 varieties of heirloom tomatoes
Phon sawan vegbox intersex (5).jpeg
Phon sawan vegbox intersex (4).jpeg
Phon sawan vegbox intersex (3).jpeg
Phon sawan vegbox intersex (2).jpeg
Phon sawan vegbox intersex (1).jpeg


Well-known member

I'll keep it funky for you

You been around for for some time

To my recollection your Haze grows was heavy hermi

If you're trying to shit on charlie garcia , kick rocks . He's on a pedestal and your trying to tread water

If you got beef with me be direct

For your head,
Spaniards are considered Latin and that was exactly what i said

Isn't dubi from Spain, is his catalog not legit ? Is his experiences not factual

Kaiki had some stock from nachillo from Santa marta was that not legit ?

Red rider smoked punto rojo in USA and colombia is that not a true story ?

Sams the legend the horthspharm ceo the man responsible for a majority of the genetic in rotation today is his experience not legit ?

BTW Where are you from I forget?

I'm not downplaying your experience. But don't come from left field / out the wood work with this BS , I've been posting the same context for some time what tickled you all of a sudden?

I got boots on ground right now. If you'd like to teach me about colombian strains


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Well-known member
Bigherb, thax for coming and taking your time to come here to post
I am interested in canna anthropology.
I understand you are a judge in canna competitions in Usa, so you are probably a reference for american culture, for sure you know a lot more than me about it, I have no clue. The judging criteria used I dont know, it is something very interesting
Hopefully we can exchange opinions and both learn things without fueling emotions
what tickled you all of a sudden?
Cultural shock. The treatment of breeders like if they would be football players or rockstars
The placement of people as reference of something they never smoke is very hard to understand, I dont find any logic behind it
The placement of people up on pedestals, it doesnt matter if deserved or not, it is really striking and shocking. It is not only you, it seems it is part of Usa culture. Is this correct?

People come and go, what remains is the weed.
We smoke weed, we are not smoking the breeders ego. All western weed seems to come with breeders ego attached to it, it is really annoying. I think is one of the reasons for sativa degradation
For me the only one that should be on a pedestal and revered is ganja and it should be treated as sacrament. On pedestal we have preglyphosate Punto Rojo 80s at this part of the world.
This strain is the only thing we saw as colombian weed

BTW Where are you from I forget?
Southern Cone, homeland of paraguayan sativa landrace, extinct as well. I grow on the same Parana basin

This has been the largest sativa market in the world until recently, up to 12 years ago there were only sativas here. DEA set up base in the region and things went dowhill very fast
We have very different cannacultures.
I would have questions and comments but I am not interested in controversy. I am interested in exchanging opinions and knowledge
The problem is when subjects are controversial, questions and comments about it might be as well
Hopefully we can leave fanatism for religion or football games

If I post in your thread, there are too many commercial interests there and things get tergiversated very fast

Are you aware of this?

The price for me is so psychedellic it makes me see elephants on the door, basically we are talking here from 1u$s a bract to more than 1u$s gram finnished product from seed
Any other comment I might make about this might be considered controversial and honestly it is not my intention, the price simply amazes me too much. I bought my Seedsman Haze pack in 20 euros 5 years ago
How come a repro is worth 10 times more? What is the logic behind it?
How come a repro in the western cannaworld is a lot more expensive than the originals?
Can somebody explain the logic of this please?

I find this one very interesting. I still have seed of this, I didnt know I have so much money in my fridge
We were commenting in the THH thread with MadMac and Johnny Chicago that this is not a good cross

My experience with Seedsman haze line and thinking is very similar to what Maha Kala is posting in your thread last couple of pages.
I must say that what Maha Kala grew is the repro and work of a local southern cone grower coming from just one pack. Maybe more numbers to start with are needed in order to find better phenos

Yes, I had intersex males in the Seedsman haze in cluding in the original pack, a lot of hay, and 5% interesting plants.

I have grown different releases from the Hortapharm CEO I succeeded to source.
I dont think it must be mixed the respect I might have for the Ceo as for any other person with my judgement of what I think of the weed commercially sourced coming from him or from any other respectable person
I am very impressed about germination rates. I have one or 2 strains I didnt grow yet like Afghan Skunk but I am not interested in it. This year I grew 2 different strains from SamS: G13 x Skunk Seedsman Skunkman Range and Ohz x Skunk Cultivators Choice
The biggest Ohz x Skunk plant was over 2,5 meter tall
Productivity of that one was total 22 dried grams
As an F1 sativa it is a disaster. The current state of haze is too inbred. I dont doubt the F1 in the 60s was excellent. 55 years later things are different
i consider this kind of weed and most of western sativas coming from this cannaworld as collector´s weed
It is not commercial at all, it is very inbred with very sad productivity. Pure sativas are not like this. The high is nothing special, it has tolerance like all hybrids

Original Haze today at F15 or F20 is just collectors weed
It is not grown in Colombia by colombians. The ones who should judge if haze has old preglyphosate Punto Rojo are old colombian smokers.
I doubt many people with commercial interests in this would be happy to know their opinions

The most interesting so far from your favourite CEO was Swazi Skunk. Full of intersex but these intersex plants had character. had an interesting different high. I would love to try again if I find pure swazi

Haze high has nothing in common with preglyphosate Punto Rojo 80s.
In the quoted post from Charlie Garcia he comments about a Usa strain called colombian red.
Usa growers commented about that colombian red and report it is kind of dreamy narcotic.
I think the names of Punto Rojo and colombian red confuse a lot and in any case if there is something of this in haze, it is the colombian red one. No way there is Punto Rojo in haze

Another interesting thing to comment is about the concept of latinity
Spaniards in South America are europeans. They live in a different continent, they have a different culture and cannaculture. They mix weed with tobacco. Here it is sacrilege to do that
Spaniards have different foods and different tastes than southamericans. And there is a very wide variety inside latin america. Spanish is spoken in many different countries, and all these countries have modisms and local dialects. In the same country you are able to find different tonalities and different vocabulary used according to region
Europeans can never be a reference for southamerican weed, it doesnt matter if the europeans come from countries deemed as latin, they dont know the southamerican weed, they didnt grow up with it. The enthusiasts like Charlie Garcia heard stories, they all arrived 20 years after the glyphosate attacks.


Well-known member
Bigherb, thax for coming and taking your time to come here to post
I am interested in canna anthropology.
I understand you are a judge in canna competitions in Usa, so you are probably a reference for american culture, for sure you know a lot more than me about it, I have no clue. The judging criteria used I dont know, it is something very interesting
Hopefully we can exchange opinions and both learn things without fueling emotions

Cultural shock. The treatment of breeders like if they would be football players or rockstars
The placement of people as reference of something they never smoke is very hard to understand, I dont find any logic behind it
The placement of people up on pedestals, it doesnt matter if deserved or not, it is really striking and shocking. It is not only you, it seems it is part of Usa culture. Is this correct?

People come and go, what remains is the weed.
We smoke weed, we are not smoking the breeders ego. All western weed seems to come with breeders ego attached to it, it is really annoying. I think is one of the reasons for sativa degradation
For me the only one that should be on a pedestal and revered is ganja and it should be treated as sacrament. On pedestal we have preglyphosate Punto Rojo 80s at this part of the world.
This strain is the only thing we saw as colombian weed

Southern Cone, homeland of paraguayan sativa landrace, extinct as well. I grow on the same Parana basin

This has been the largest sativa market in the world until recently, up to 12 years ago there were only sativas here. DEA set up base in the region and things went dowhill very fast
We have very different cannacultures.
I would have questions and comments but I am not interested in controversy. I am interested in exchanging opinions and knowledge
The problem is when subjects are controversial, questions and comments about it might be as well
Hopefully we can leave fanatism for religion or football games

If I post in your thread, there are too many commercial interests there and things get tergiversated very fast

Are you aware of this?

The price for me is so psychedellic it makes me see elephants on the door, basically we are talking here from 1u$s a bract to more than 1u$s gram finnished product from seed
Any other comment I might make about this might be considered controversial and honestly it is not my intention, the price simply amazes me too much. I bought my Seedsman Haze pack in 20 euros 5 years ago
How come a repro is worth 10 times more? What is the logic behind it?
How come a repro in the western cannaworld is a lot more expensive than the originals?
Can somebody explain the logic of this please?

I find this one very interesting. I still have seed of this, I didnt know I have so much money in my fridge
We were commenting in the THH thread with MadMac and Johnny Chicago that this is not a good cross

My experience with Seedsman haze line and thinking is very similar to what Maha Kala is posting in your thread last couple of pages.
I must say that what Maha Kala grew is the repro and work of a local southern cone grower coming from just one pack. Maybe more numbers to start with are needed in order to find better phenos

Yes, I had intersex males in the Seedsman haze in cluding in the original pack, a lot of hay, and 5% interesting plants.

I have grown different releases from the Hortapharm CEO I succeeded to source.
I dont think it must be mixed the respect I might have for the Ceo as for any other person with my judgement of what I think of the weed commercially sourced coming from him or from any other respectable person
I am very impressed about germination rates. I have one or 2 strains I didnt grow yet like Afghan Skunk but I am not interested in it. This year I grew 2 different strains from SamS: G13 x Skunk Seedsman Skunkman Range and Ohz x Skunk Cultivators Choice
The biggest Ohz x Skunk plant was over 2,5 meter tall
Productivity of that one was total 22 dried grams
As an F1 sativa it is a disaster. The current state of haze is too inbred. I dont doubt the F1 in the 60s was excellent. 55 years later things are different
i consider this kind of weed and most of western sativas coming from this cannaworld as collector´s weed
It is not commercial at all, it is very inbred with very sad productivity. Pure sativas are not like this. The high is nothing special, it has tolerance like all hybrids

Original Haze today at F15 or F20 is just collectors weed
It is not grown in Colombia by colombians. The ones who should judge if haze has old preglyphosate Punto Rojo are old colombian smokers.
I doubt many people with commercial interests in this would be happy to know their opinions

The most interesting so far from your favourite CEO was Swazi Skunk. Full of intersex but these intersex plants had character. had an interesting different high. I would love to try again if I find pure swazi

Haze high has nothing in common with preglyphosate Punto Rojo 80s.
In the quoted post from Charlie Garcia he comments about a Usa strain called colombian red.
Usa growers commented about that colombian red and report it is kind of dreamy narcotic.
I think the names of Punto Rojo and colombian red confuse a lot and in any case if there is something of this in haze, it is the colombian red one. No way there is Punto Rojo in haze

Another interesting thing to comment is about the concept of latinity
Spaniards in South America are europeans. They live in a different continent, they have a different culture and cannaculture. They mix weed with tobacco. Here it is sacrilege to do that
Spaniards have different foods and different tastes than southamericans. And there is a very wide variety inside latin america. Spanish is spoken in many different countries, and all these countries have modisms and local dialects. In the same country you are able to find different tonalities and different vocabulary used according to region
Europeans can never be a reference for southamerican weed, it doesnt matter if the europeans come from countries deemed as latin, they dont know the southamerican weed, they didnt grow up with it. The enthusiasts like Charlie Garcia heard stories, they all arrived 20 years after the glyphosate attacks.
Damnnn Brother better to meet me at the Cafe , what a long post . Seems this has been on your mind for some time

Quick view / opinion is It seems like you want to be right a Maha mindset but different tone. Let's keep it respectful but FUNKY

who do you refer to I put on a pedestal ?

How old are you and what year did you start smoking ?

Soo one thing I agree is tobacco n weed mixed is sacrilegious

In short seems you only seek and respect or believe , colombians who are in these 70's in regards to true authentic experiences

I really don't want to touch your whole post but not sure how else to respond

In regards to Original Haze being inbred F20 low productivity Etc , this is all common knowledge we share the same opinion and
Sams has shared it aswell I also have wrote this in my article how Big / Heavy the flowers once were

Mac selling Seed and prices why talk to me about it ?

I understand your thoughts , I got a hundred pack from proseeds for the cost of 1 pack . Value is in the eyes of the beholder . Some things are priceless and sometimes the best things in life are free

MadMac has put in Much Time Effort Work into OriginalHaze , his Work with Haze in my opinion is one of the Top choices to aquire Seeds Today

Only few others such as Johnny Chicago can say the same but seems he chose to not go public with his work . Although some recent post seem he may offer some Gear privately . Atleast I hope

Brother I'm not an educated man , but a quick goggle search shows spainards are latin quick end of discussionis origin of language.

I'm not into any history type debates . Your latin soo im sure you have different eyes and heart , no arguing Here . I won't bother with Google text either

Again to shit on Charlie is Wack it's just like shitting on dubi and Ace seeds whole catalog .

Speaking of which in America and Europe I'll add Australia to make my point . We have gotten imports of cannabis since the 50's or soo . Well how do we know for sure it came from exact place of origin, you either have trust or no trust . 99% never met the farmer who grew Thai Stick or colombian Gold does that not make most experience Authentic

Have you experienced imported cannabis ?

Is All you've smoked your whole life is Grown from your garden ?

Can you trust your neighbor or local supplier?

Same with Original Haze not being Punto Rojo Blood .

Well I can't speak on Sams Exact Roles and History with Haze . But I know for a fact there was a surfer boy named G in Santa Cruz who crossed his Punto Rojo seeds in 1969, there was 3 brothers from New Jersey who went to college in Santa Cruz the same guys who did the HT interview with RR

Soo in life I've learned and I feel it's extremely important to listen to the elders before us listen to the Special few who care Enough to share there experiences of the past . This will teach us life lessons of where we come from soo we can know the best direction to proceed

Thanks to Sams for All you've shared 🙏



Well-known member
who do you refer to I put on a pedestal ?
If you're trying to shit on charlie garcia , kick rocks . He's on a pedestal and your trying to tread water
It seems you are putting human beings on a pedestal. Looks like Charlie Garcia and Dubi are on your pedestal
At the number 1 sativa market of this world, Dubi dont sell. His weed here is problematic and bad quality. It rots too easy, he is not breeding for this part of the world, he is breeding for his local market and lat 50 markets
He is a breeder of hashplants on sativa frames and sativa CBD. He is from Spain, he never smoked real colombian preglyphosate Punto Rojo. He can never be a reference of sativas
He and anyone calling a plant sativa according to structure has no clue. Any cross of a hashplant x sativa like they do is a hashplant on sativa frame. The high of a plant like this is a lame indica with 30 min high at the best of cases with rampant munchies coming right after the 30 min lame effect
It seems the pinnacle of breeding in Europe and Usa is to cross a hashplant to a sativa and call the resulting hashplant on sativa frame a sativa.
Clearly breeders have no clue what a sativa is. Europe always has been a hash market

How old are you and what year did you start smoking ?
I am expecting these answers from you too. I started smoking in the 80s. The age at this time of life doesnt really matter if you are a couple years older or younger. What matters is your experience. I should be a few years older than Tom Hill if it helps you

In short seems you only seek and respect or believe , colombians who are in these 70's in regards to true authentic experiences
I respect the people who smoked the real thing. Look at your thread.
It became a dick swinging contest very fast as usual in all haze/old sativa threads
It is pathetic man
The problem of this is the total bastardization of cannabis.
It doesnt matter if they sell 1 kilo of seed for 5.000u$s or a single seed for more than 20 euros, whatever commercial breeders comment it doesnt matter who he is, all of them are all biased and selling illusion, your thread is becoming just a selling platform to sell more hype and bs
How can you respect somebody who talks about something he never tried nor smoked with the authority all of these seed merchants are talking?

We are seeing in your thread all kind of northern europeans talking about Thai Stick, Colombian Gold and Punto Rojo like if they smoked the real thing and like if they would have the real thing in 2024.
These guys have no clue. These strains never made it to Europe. They know about the dutch scene but they dont know shit about landrace sativa.
I was in Amsterdam in the 80s. I was smoking the Levant weed in the Levant and southamerican weed in South America in the 80s. The worst of the 3 was the dutch and the worst is the one that survived
The breeders selling names for 150 euros a pack have no clue what they are breeding for, they never smoked the hype names they sell in real life

The bastardization of cannabis sativa made by illusionists is rampant, the sativa genepool is a disaster

Brother I'm not an educated man , but a quick goggle search shows spainards are latin quick end of discussionis origin of language.
Basically putting in the same bag Spaniards, Mexicans and South Americans is not much different than putting americans, british, southafricans, zimbabwe and Australia all in the same bag
It is all different continents of speakers of the same language with totally different culture, modisms and everyday slang and language. weed is different and cannaculture is different too for all of them
In southern cone there is almost no cultural contact with Mexico. You guys in Usa know a lot more about Mexican culture than us. We have no clue.
I hope now is clear to you what I mean. A spaniard at the southern cone is treated like any other tourist

I'm not into any history type debates
Me neither. But what you say here
there was a surfer boy named G in Santa Cruz who crossed his Punto Rojo seeds in 1969
This claim dont match the historial documents posted here, check the thread history of colombian weed where there is an essay by a colombian historian sponsored by New York University. It doesnt match with what is taught in the colombian history books

The colombian exports to Usa started in 1975 according to the colombians, this is what they teach in their books

So how come any Usa grower or surfer got Punto Rojo in 1969? Colombia was in civil was back then
The high of hazes clearly shows what the surfer got is not preglyphosate Punto Rojo 80s. His dealer telling stories or someone telling stories is very likely and fits the behaviour I am seeing coming from american culture

Have you experienced imported cannabis ?
Do you understand world markets are different than Usa? Specially in the 20th century before internet
Usually marihuana is exported to the regional markets only and that is where you get it.
Like you find south east asian weed all over south east asia, manchurian weed in Manchuria and so on
So basically everything is an import. I dont think your concept of imported weed is clear.
This is an international forum

In the southern cone in the 80s there were 4 strains only. Most of markets never got more than 2 varieties at the same time and the weed had character back then. So what I got available in the 80s were Punto Rojo and paraguayan landrace
The high of Punto Rojo and paraguayan weed which is what was available in Southern Cone back then is different. So it is easy to track as opposite to Usa
In Usa I understand you brought weed from many continents and it is all mixed up and impossible to keep track. Storytelling in Usa is at the order of the day. All dealer tell stories.
I am impressed how americans love storytelling and get high out of it , you guys sometimes are like little kids believing in Santa Claus
I am a backpacker, I smoked the landrace weed and hash in their landrace environments and was making small desping to support my vice. I have seen and smoked different things at the different parts of this world
I just started growing recently when I came to this market because what is available locally is very similar to what is happening in Thailand as posted in this thread in previous pages.
It was a sativa market until 12 years ago, now it is all rudelaris weed or this typical hashplant washed weed coming from Spain in buck.

Is All you've smoked your whole life is Grown from your garden ?
I assume by the questions you ask the answer must be affirmative in your case and all you asmoked is coming from your garden
No, I have never been a grower, I was a traveller all my life. I am a tourist here and this is temporary while I stay here. I started growing recently same year I joined Icmag
I shouldnt be growing at all, I should be buying my weed like it always was.
But the canna genepool is so degraded that you need to grow it yourself. At this market the local clubs tell you if you want a sativa grow it yourself
And here I am, growing it myself and I am afraid this hobby will keep going for the rest of my life if I want to smoke decent weed

Maybe we should open a thread on commentaries about other Icmag threads like yours, the amount of fantasy and illusion is not making any good to the canna genepool

We are seeing in your thread haze is being preserved in Scandinavia and regarded as the best in Northern Europe. We are seeing Punto Rojos grown in Scandinavia, interesting plants with leaf not matching old Punto Rojo
Everybody is filling their mouthes in your thread about colombia this and colombia that

Fact is haze is not grown in Colombia and the only ones who can assess Punto Rojo or hazes are Punto Rojo are colombian people smokers older than me who smoked the real thing
I dont see this happening. Too many balloons of illusion would get punctured and all the little kids would cry


Well-known member
I see more of your outlook / opinion. In this post. I'm now curious to hear more of your experiences

Still I have more of the same answer.

Dubi and Charlie Garcia are 2 breeders who in my time in the net 2008 have collectively offered some of what I thought or is know to be sativa Offerings. No one since the beginning of my time on ICMAG has contested there lines to be hashplant on sativa frames . Or not true sativa lines

I'll admit I've grown nothing of there offering aside from yunna China long ago and killer A5 recently I know those are Not pure sativa

Soo it seems that you suggest I wouldn't know what a pure sativa is unless I've grown it in a tropical location? Do you agree with that

But off the top how about meo thai / old timers haze / Malawi / zamal are those not pure sativa In your book or experience ?

I've always been open and honest . My first experience with cannabis was 98 . I've never exprienced the legendary imports of yesteryear. My only knowledge is research and the few experiences of Sativa is colombian and Haze types I've grown both in and outdoors .

Thinking now I'm abit of an OG , this young generation of mylar have never smoked bricked weed that was my first experience I'd believe to be mexican import of low grade

Soo considereding you were smoking in the 80's . No way how'd you be familiar with the old Thai or colombians of 50's 60's . Tom hill is similar to you . He admits to only smoking Thai in early 80's if i recall 82 . Soo he's not a great reference. That's some the last of the imports we received in Northern America .

You keep speaking of leaf shape how would you know ? , Same as Tom what was grown 10- 15 years before you ever smoked

It'd be interesting to hear from madjag at the moment. I forgot his specific dates of experiences 74 or soo Colombian wacky weed was imported to a Brooklyn connect my birthplace. The same story he tells is the same one my uncle Pat told me of its legendary potency

I agree that if you're not late 60's plus in age you're not the best source to share experience of authentic imports
Colombian/ sativa genetics .

But I do believe imports were authentic here in usa in the 60's 70's .Sams has shared quite abit of his experience best import gold off the stick Thai in California in 76 . He's also worldly traveled . Do you not believe his experiences because he wasn't born in Thai or colombian Land / culture

As for colombian weed beginning to be exported in 75 because a report said soo 🙄, don't believe everything you read . I wasn't born so no argument but I find that hard to believe

Soo I believe what as you call europeans/ members in my thread are sharing are there experiences with current offerings

(TLT seed / BSC , what's your thoughts on there authenticity ?
I think we have similar thoughts )

aswell as the similarities to what has been reported by Old timers / respected members of our community. DJ SHORT comes to mind his write up of amazing descriptions of strains of yesteryear always stood out to me as a reference / guide line of legendary imports authenticity

I was trying to make a point when asking if all you smoke is from your garden. I have trust issues in life for good reasons seems we are not so different. If you're not seeing the plant grown and know the complete history of where the genetics cone from then how can we claim its true lineage/ authenticity . At some point you trust / believe , then after you experience you can make a educated decision but that decision is based on your past Experiences. Every seed pack we purchase there is a trust

Soo how would I know what 70's haze taste like I was born in 85 . Well I've grown recent stock of Madmac Original Haze repro . Now i can say my experience is similar to what many others have reported all these years

That is life - believe nothing you hear only half of what you see . But nothing can change your experience

As far as fantasy , not me ... Interesting vision on north Americans . I'm not into teleNovelas. G the surfer boy was real the 3 brothers I had contact with soo I hope you don't imply my story of truth as fantasy

I understand your feeling of Haze being preserved outside of its origin . But who can and will do the work . If you have opportunities get the ball rolling

my understanding Madmac Haze work was done Indoors . im curious How would that have ill effect or effect acclimatization?

He's working outdoor hybrids suited for the area hoping to acclimate i think that's amazing

Haze hopefully will be grown in Colombia soon . Todd Mccormick OHaze and Boneyard Haze 4 days have landed here

I've tried to make contact with older folk who have experience from 60's /70's no success yet but I'm still here for a few days



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Well-known member
I forget the exact source
Google search brought me to this page
It is private, you need to log in in order to read. If you can log in, post the articles
Scroll down after features there is a 6 article series from the year 1983 written by R called

Raiders of the Lost Gold​

In the southern cone we dont have this magazine High Times
We have Revista THC
This is an article about cannatourism placing Colombia in first place
Please post your colombian experiences, not only the canna experiences.
What do you think of the people, the places, the food, the culture?
How do you rate the colombian cannascene?
I guess you are smoking cripi, different batches of cripi. Do you like it? Smoke report is appreciated

If I answer all your questions it would become a very long answer, this answer is long anyway and maybe it should be a topic on itself
Trial at short answer: Punto Rojo was at southern cone in the 80s. I dont know anything about what happened before except what I was told by elders
I smoked Punto Rojo myself, the very last of it.
I have seen plants grown out of the seed by other people, not by myself
I can recognize the high because I smoked it, same with asian weed. It was a very thin leaf plant, but now I understand leaf shape depend on environment as well so I should not be biased on the leaf shape grown under lights and no, nobody my age would be a true reliable source of info.
People in late 60s or in their 70s at least are the ones who should assess
(TLT seed / BSC , what's your thoughts on there authenticity ?
I think we have similar thoughts )
The colombians I grew from TLT are garbage, hemp.
I have grown nothing direct from BSC, reports on their Punto Rojo is a sativa that rots under humidity. I have grown cabeca de negra F2 and it is an indica plant. It doesnt seem to be a reliable source of genetics but I dont know.
What I have seen in Luiz Fritzman posts from 4-5 years ago, his grow and reproduction of plants in Brazil under lights dont inspire any trust. He might have sourced some of the last paraguayan sativas.
Hybridized not pure in 2007 when he sourced them. If you sourced that seed during that time might be very interesting. I distrust the way he makes and handles seed

What is Chiba? The original Chiba? Do you know? One american breeder hyped some Choco Chiba as colombian weed and it happened to be some of that last hybridized paraguayan sativa

As far as fantasy , not me ... Interesting vision on north Americans . I'm not into teleNovelas. G the surfer boy was real the 3 brothers I had contact with soo I hope you don't imply my story of truth as fantasy
It is always interesting the vision of an outsider of your own culture. An outsider can point out things that are under your nose and you have never realised before
I dont doubt G or the story. G must have gotten Punto Rojo from somewhere. Probably a dealer?
Can you trust a dealer? Can we trust history and historians?
We know history is always written by the winners of the wars, it doesnt mean the history is accurate, it is just the history in the view of the winner and the loser has plenty of things to tell from their side as well but it is usually never told. It is a difficult thing to judge properly from the future.

I've tried to make contact with older folk who have experience from 60's /70's no success yet but I'm still here for a few days
I tried the same down here as well. I talked with the pioneers of lat 42S
While we dont trust history nor historians, we need to understand the historical background of that era
In the 70s in the southern cone there was a Dirty War. Marihuana was a big enemy
All of the documents like pictures are burnt for personal safety of the people involved. A simple picture with a plant was bringing you straight to jail and you were treated as the worst of the leftist guerrillas by a fascist army. Nothing left not even the seed of that time. They told interesting stories like they couldnt finnish the colombian plants so they smoked the leaves and made tea with the roots of the plant
You need to understand since the 60s until recently Colombia was in civil war and the elder people might still have civil war thinking.
I think you will need a lot more than a few days in order to find someone willing to talk about those days and the weed

You can find till today many annamed Thai strains!
Thank you for coming and posting 🙏
I remember the picture of the teacher
having lived in Asia for some decades and using Thailand as a hub, I have to say that everything is very dynamic and things change too fast
This means every single trip was different. The experiences of your previous trips remain there, when you visit again next time same people you will be impressed with the changes, for good or bad it wont be the same

Until recently weed in Thailand was unnamed, it was just called ganja
I think there is an explosion of growers there. Everybody is very enthusiastic.
I care about the quality. I am afraid the thai genepool needs urgent proper breeding in large numbers by an experienced breeder grower who smoked thai weed before, who knows what quality thai weed that makes you lose the plot is
I think there is an awareness of things going downhill and getting lost forever if steps are not taken soon
I hope proper breeding with large numbers of pure different thai/south east asian weed takes place before it is too late
In less than 10 years the hybridized paraguayan sativa of this century got lost. Now only fast hybrids available


Well-known member
Fyi @bigherb

What Ace seeds sells as a pure Sativa is rarely the case! Their Malawi is a good case in point! Only someone with no knowledge of pure Sativa would consider it to be so ...

They also don't provide accurate strain lineages and fail to give credit to the original source of the lines they vend.

Only smoking since '98 and considering yourself OG is good to know so we can all put your posts in the correct perspective now.


Well-known member
What Ace seeds sells as a pure Sativa is rarely the case! Their Malawi is a good case in point! Only someone with no knowledge of pure Sativa would consider it to be so ...
Their malawi fem is an indica frame with sativa high. I prefered it over the others that are sativas frame with indica high or the sativas CBD
In any case both their indica frame and sativa frame Malawi rot easily at this part of the world. Their weed is not good in very humidity environments
But my real preference is real sativas with sativa structure and sativa high, this is why I dont grow their stock again, I am not going to find the weed I like in their catalogue


Well-known member
Fyi @bigherb

What Ace seeds sells as a pure Sativa is rarely the case! Their Malawi is a good case in point! Only someone with no knowledge of pure Sativa would consider it to be so ...

They also don't provide accurate strain lineages and fail to give credit to the original source of the lines they vend.

Only smoking since '98 and considering yourself OG is good to know so we can all put your posts in the correct perspective now.
Damn brother

Why such energy towards me
You ate nails for breakfast , press your breaks

Soo because my age my experience and contributions mean nothing to you , and now you speak like this

In the past you've pmed me and given me much respect and have been generous to gift me gear . Now that's washed from this one post I made 🤔🫡

Are you also on the Maha train?

Put the full text of my post , to your responses

I was making a point very briefly and basic . I admitted I have not grown Ace strains I mentioned. But no one to my recollection for all these years has really made this common knowledge they dont consider ACE gear legit sativa

You write Malawi when I also mentioned

Meo thai / Old timers haze / zamal

I thought they were pure sativa from reports I've read over the years no one has challenged this . Now I'm a 🎯 because I share my thoughts ( not experience)from others postings rings a bell - (Tom hill Haze)

Are the above not true sativas ?

Perspective is like the hole below the bellybutton we all have one

Amazing your passion for me to do a Maha/ hempy again and take my text out of context

You might have lingo confused

OG is not one who's been around 100 years one who smoked solely imports . OG is time and experience . SAMS example is a triple OG

My point and OG reference =

I've been smoking longer than the younger generation was born . The mylar generation, the corner store / bodegas selling , the dispensaries, the cannabis events a very different time to how we grew up and had opportunities to cop bud

I've smoked brick weed as my first experiences , I don't know if bricked mexican is still around

I grew my first plant in 2000/01 I've grown for years in a major city when weed was illegal .

I've done things for cannabis you've never imagine or have done .we had to hide our stash in a trash can , we kept nick bags in our sock

I rode the train almost 2 hours 1 way to buy Haze for personal n distribution for years far from my neighborhood in a place my skin color don't belong

I grew outdoors in places where the population is soo heavy most wouldn't dare. Not in the bush brother

Kinda like the bs MNS seed labeled on nevils Haze don't grow this if your not within 15 degrees of the Equator. Then in 09 I grew my first nevilles haze seed and continued for a few other seasons to successfully harvest

Great to see how much hate is in the canna community

I'm going to enjoy some tinto and bunuelo, with one of the kindest cultures I've experienced. The sunshine and mountain air to brighten my day

Best wishes



Well-known member
Nice thread as always @funkyhorse !

I have a few thai/haze hybrids just starting outdoors in the greenhouse for the winter season.

Always wondered what is the best strain or plant you've come across in recent times? The one that best reminds you of that Paraguayan or Thai stick of yore?

Also about the tropical vs. equatorial sativa debate... The tropical ones would be the more longer flowering? The more classical/archetypal "sativa" expressions?
Velvet Buzzsaw, from Doc D...

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