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Thai weed from Thailand


Well-known member
Many things to comment
Passion is like this, when two passionate people disagree the fight is very passionate
It is what it is and all of you guys are great teachers
I used to disagree with teachers all my life and sometimes I disagree with science too

Does she look a Thai type? Anyone?
Hola Raco
I am not a scientist and I started growing recently when I came back to South America from Asia a few years ago
It looks like a trained plant. Can you identify a trained plant just by the looks? Grown in different environments the same cut will look different
I see one thing, people talk in canna forums about smells, tastes in order to describe a strain
My question for you Raco and everyone: when did this thing about smell and taste start? In real life, when describing the weed we were describing the high, never taste nor smell nor anything like that

I grew first time Laos from Wally in the bottom greenhouse which is subtropical. It had fat fan leaf
Last year I grew same strain in tropical weather.
I could not recognize the plant until it was past mid flowering. It was thin leaf very tropical grow, didnt look the same at all.
The thai weed grows very tall, the old stock I have can get easy 5 meter tall or taller. It has very big fan leaf. Long internodes. Branches are very long, over one meter long easy you can get from one long branch as much productivity as in a full plant grown in a pot

It happened with Mangobiche too. I grew it subtropical and it had wide fan leaf. I put it to reveg on tropical weather and it was thin leaf and probably will happen with any sativa

the location may have no bearing at all on the variation of quality ,
thats why i was interested to know the difference you were seeing ...

Also its important to note , you may have gotten seed from a specific area ,
but the weed itself may not have been grown there , or anywhere nearby ..
Wally, I usually agree with most things you say and comment about weed. I only had one disagreement and it was about the semiauto thing on Zamal. With your permission, I would love to sprout the remaining MBS x Zamal left next month in august. I think I should harvest it in january/february meaning this Zamal at my part of the world behaves like auto. I think it is a very valuable trait for my lat but I dont see any benefit for this trait in your lat

I think the same about location
The weed I got is from unknown north area. It was sent by a swedish traveller to dannish seedbank and remained in a fridge there for 12 years until it was sent to me as freebie
The stock I got is mixed equatorial and tropical
The stock I got from Ace Seeds is mixed too tropical and equatorial

Equatorial thai show sex right after autumm equinox. It sexes here in last 10 days of march and finnishes last 10 days of june. The high is similar to what you describe here
i too enjoyed several lots of the brick we got in thailand ,
very enjoyable , often energetic , and made me feel like going out ,
and being social ...
Note to everybody: Wally is describing the high, not the taste or smell and this is my same experience with the asian brick and this is the high of the equatorials anmd this is how I also would expect to get descriptions of strains. There were better and worse batches like everywhere in the planet I guess
I had the luck to have access(we called it line in real life) to nepali charas. I love charas
Now the standard in Thailand was the SEA brick with nepali charas. And the high combined was a lot better than smoking each separated. And this was my way of smoking for long time

Tropicals at my lat(similar to Sidney) start sexing and flowering 2-3 weeks later. There is a clear gap in sexing between tropicals and equatorials, it is clear now, it happened with different thai weed
BLB/Wally/SuperLaos or whatever name the strain is called starts flowering when photoperiod is below 11.30 hours of light. Same like tropical thais. And they finnish in july or even august here
The high of the tropicals is different than the equatorials. I grew up and smoked all my life a type of weed americans call creeper high. And this creeper high came from those schwaggy looking buds.
Northern Thai girl 1 is the only creeper plant I got. I hope to find more in the future
I am impressed this is not the weed people want nor like.
Surprised and amazed and I find no explanation for this

Fyi @funkyhorse according to TomHill purple flowers are ok as long as the leaves stay green ... It's a photosynthesis issue I believe.

But I also agree it's all about how it smokes that matters. I've heard plenty of oldtimers stories about schwaggy looking weed with no visible resin producing spectacular effects!
G Day Nexus
Yes I read what Tom said about purple
I think it is environmental. The purple of those thais I believe is because it is terrible cold now here. We have forecast of another damn week of polar antarctic cold.

Talking about cold, these Northern Thai 2008 plants tropical selection are showing very good cold resistance
Equatorials didnt survive the winter but tropicals did

This is New Congo
Old Congo TSCo x Congo Bangui LMN
New Congo purple (4).jpeg
New Congo purple (7).jpeg
New Congo purple (9).jpeg

According to Tom I should throw New Congo purple to the compost
Maybe he is right, I dont know
I am giving it the same cure as the rest and smoke test will tell
The only thing we can know for sure at the moment is that it is totally Old Congo dominant this cross looking by the official pic released by the seedbank and posted in this link

So this purple is genetics, not environment. maybe less purple in the tropics but will still be purple
So far the purple genetical weed I tried I didnt like. The environmental purple from cold is different

Hope you don't mind @funkyhorse

Not exactly modern day thai weed from Thailand but some may say ... more Thai than Thai and more Haze than Haze!
You know I dont mind Nexus. I find particularly interesting you guys are growing in the same lat as me in a different continent having the same complaints about cold as I have. These days I want to go to Thailand, I cant stand the cold
What I mind and I dont like is the excess of passion in the debate or the talk when it gets personal. It is unnecessary, we all know you guys like each other as much as Argentina and Brazil in football
I learn from everybody, nobody is the owner of truth and we all can learn from each other
I never seen the brown brick in Thailand but it exists. StocktonT commented about it, interesting for sure, I would have loved to try it in real life
I never seen red bud in Thailand but there is a strain called Red Thai that was sold by RSC long time ago and I got an hybrid of it which didnt like the local environment. Hempy showed pics of Red Thai bud
I have never seen it but it seems to be out there somewhere

Yesterday I chopped one girl, she was complaining about the cold, lost some buds to botrytis so that was it
Immature brick style but she made meat buds and I think the meaty buds will have a high
Better this than nothing
N Thai 1 x 3 vegbox tall
N Thai 1 x 3 vegbox tall (1).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 vegbox tall (2).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 vegbox tall (3).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 vegbox tall (4).jpeg
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I smoked some purple weed a friend grew in the early 80s. No idea what it was but it was psychedelic like Thai and as good.

Your Congo looks great, hope it smokes/vapes well.

Following your various Thai's with interest.


Well-known member
G Day Nexus
What I mind and I dont like is the excess of passion in the debate or the talk when it gets personal. It is unnecessary, we all know you guys like each other as much as Argentina and Brazil in football

It's much more deeper than that @funkyhorse more like the way Peruvians (or the rest of South America) feel about Chileans!

But point taken. I'll try not to take the bait when being antagonised in future!


Well-known member
Question for @funkyhorse

When time of the year do you find your long flowering Sativas start to re-vegetative if left flowering through-out the winter and into spring?

I started quite late this season so just wondering if I have any chance for a decent harvest ... 🤔

Donald Mallard

el duck
Wally, I usually agree with most things you say and comment about weed. I only had one disagreement and it was about the semiauto thing on Zamal. With your permission, I would love to sprout the remaining MBS x Zamal left next month in august. I think I should harvest it in january/february meaning this Zamal at my part of the world behaves like auto. I think it is a very valuable trait for my lat but I dont see any benefit for this trait in your lat
sure strike away my friend , be watchful for any hermies though as both strains can throw them now and then .
as for semi auto , i will explain a little of why i dont like the term ,

auto flowering , we all know what that is, they will flower despite long days , and continue to flower and finish during long days , or short nights if you like .
,, semi auto doesnt make sense to me though as while they show sex during longer hours ,
they wont finish properly like an auto would do,, they just throw out some pistils while continuing to grow ...
the hours still need to reduce in order to properly flower ...
as i mentioned ,, ive seen sativas do this before , but they would never finish during longer hours , or out of season ,
and none of the zamal girls i grew did this ,
one male seemed to stay in perpetual flower once triggered ,, it sure didnt like the 18/6 days , he grew pistils , made seeds , and some fell into the pot and struck , i allowed them to grow until they showed sex , a male and a female , but thats all i took them too , i think they were discarded to make room for other stuff ...
was interesting , but i didnt have time or space to check it out further...

For me the most interesting part about the zamal i grew was the creeper style it had , not growing upwards much , and rather growing outwards and practically along the ground at times
, the vigor was amazing , and the tea tree terps was something i hadnt come across and the high was good but i think one could select plants with more complex highs to breed from to improve the overall high ..
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Well-known member
with reference to haze funky??
its very inbred from what one can tell by posts sam has made ,
then further by others , it may be f3 via raco , but could be f13 considering all the hands it has been through etc
inbreeding depression has a range of symptoms other than just a lack of vigor according to what i read ,
all the way to inability to reproduce
It was with reference to THH but applies to all haze lines I got. Not only haze lines but all the sativas F2 repros I made as well as sativa repros made in Europe by different seedbanks. Indica seems not to have these problems. Raco showed plants with 9 leaflets leaves. All of the ones I run here were 7 leaflets leaves in 2 meter tall plants and taller with low productivity of 10-15 grams per plant. I dont know the original mothers so I cant tell if the repro high is same quality as the parents
The only sativa repro I got from origin without problems is your Laos. I didnt test it yet but I am afraid my repro of your stock will not be the same quality, same with all repros done
I am suspecting the problem is making the inbreeding out of the tropics and out of their landrace environment, but it is just a guess, I have no clue why this happens

I have got repros of sativa plants coming from seedbanks 2,5 meter tall and 3 meter tall plants with harvests of less than 10 gram bud
From the repros I made, the F1s have always been better than the repros, better productivity and better high. The only exception to this has been when I outcrossed and made sativa x sativa. In the outcross you get very vigorous and productive plants.

The high is a lottery
The 5% thing I think is true and the number exaggerated. I think it is closer to 1% than 5%

Why inbreeding and making F2s has such good press? results here show the opposite
Wally, do you or anyone else know the reason why inbreeding gives such results? Any suggestion to avoid this?

Some good news
Tom is running old thai stock, I hope he finds good weed. I am very curious about the Mae Hong Som weed

I hope more people run their old thai stock
Tom said about Northern Thai girl 1 she has small trichome heads. He is right. She has small trichome heads. Tom and most of the canna online world have a different weed culture than me. I had weed with bigger trichome heads but high was meh. I think this thing about trichomes works for indicas and for hybrids done for making hash and rosin like most of the modern weed is. Traditional weed was never about the trichome head size nor the smell not colour. It was always about the high
And it is clear that for sativas, all this canna science dont apply.

Northern Thai P1 girl 1. This plant is getting the buds collected and I will leave as much stem, fan leaf and small bud as possible, will go to the bottom greenhouse with the intersex thais to survive the winter if she can and hopefully make a few seeds with the intersex thai pollen donors
For sure small trichome heads but i dont think this is any indication of quality high for sativas
N Thai 1 (11).jpeg
N Thai 1 (10).jpeg

When time of the year do you find your long flowering Sativas start to re-vegetative if left flowering through-out the winter and into spring?

I started quite late this season so just wondering if I have any chance for a decent harvest ... 🤔

The winter runs here for bud last until october 15th. I push it until october 20th
Then they stop flowering and by beginning november they only grow leaf. This is for pure sativas
So I have now 3 more months to grow for flower, if it finnishes or not depends on the weather

This winter is the coldest winter in 60 years. There is a polar cold wave unseen here. Ice everywhere every morning, ducks trapped in australian pools got trapped and frozen to death
I still get temperatures inside the greenhouse of over 20C. Yesterday touched 22C
Humidity is low. This is dry cold. Since the polar cold wave started, no more botrytis. I am afraid it will come back this week when weather returns to normal and we will get again temperatures of 20C with high humidity
At the bottom greenhouse next to the river the temperature was -1C. It was the lowest I ever seen here
Intersex plants are alive and doing well

Because I have 3 more months left for flowering, I uppotted the Phon Sawan hoping they wont intersex
This Phon Sawan girl got the 45 lt vegbox
Phon sawan vegbox.jpeg

And this Phon Sawan girl got the 20 lt pot
Phon sawan 20 lt pot.jpeg

I will uppot 1 Mekhong Classic which is just starting to flower
I wonder if I should uppot this Phu Phan girl at this stage or not
Phu Phan is purpling. It is environmental for sure. Out of 5 girls, 2 are making the purple colour
She is in 5 lt pot.
Phu phan (5).jpeg
Phu phan (4).jpeg
Phu phan (1).jpeg

This Phu Phan stays green
Phu phan (3).jpeg


Well-known member
I am suspecting the problem is making the inbreeding out of the tropics and out of their landrace environment, but it is just a guess, I have no clue why this happens
This is called epigenetic inheritance. It's a real thing for sure but not sure that it fully explains your experience.

Why inbreeding and making F2s has such good press?
I mean, would you rather have seeds or not?

results here show the opposite
Wally, do you or anyone else know the reason why inbreeding gives such results?
Luck? The pollen donor wasn't a good one? The weather conditions next year weren't as favorable? The line wasn't IBL (or just true breeding for the favored traits)...

Any suggestion to avoid this?
Selection with numbers, progeny testing?


Well-known member
Wow! That's amazing your Sativas can make it to mid Oct without re-vegging!

I was guessing around mid-late Sept. here ... but if I could make it to mid Oct. that would be perfect for my harvest needs!

Conversely how early can you sow your long flowering Sativas without them flowering? I don't think I've tried earlier than 1st Oct. and no issues starting then.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Why inbreeding and making F2s has such good press? results here show the opposite
Wally, do you or anyone else know the reason why inbreeding gives such results? Any suggestion to avoid this?
im not exactly sure what you are asking ,
do u mean why dont u get the same results when you reproduce a variety ??

if so its likely about selection ,, if you grow them in the exact same conditions i e time of year etc but dont get the same results , is this what you mean funky??

im just not sure what u mean in that first sentence , id like to be clear on that if you can elaborate further .. ??


Well-known member
It was with reference to THH but applies to all haze lines I got. Not only haze lines but all the sativas F2 repros I made as well as sativa repros made in Europe by different seedbanks. Indica seems not to have these problems. Raco showed plants with 9 leaflets leaves. All of the ones I run here were 7 leaflets leaves in 2 meter tall plants and taller with low productivity of 10-15 grams per plant. I dont know the original mothers so I cant tell if the repro high is same quality as the parents
The only sativa repro I got from origin without problems is your Laos. I didnt test it yet but I am afraid my repro of your stock will not be the same quality, same with all repros done
I am suspecting the problem is making the inbreeding out of the tropics and out of their landrace environment, but it is just a guess, I have no clue why this happens

I have got repros of sativa plants coming from seedbanks 2,5 meter tall and 3 meter tall plants with harvests of less than 10 gram bud
From the repros I made, the F1s have always been better than the repros, better productivity and better high. The only exception to this has been when I outcrossed and made sativa x sativa. In the outcross you get very vigorous and productive plants.

The high is a lottery
The 5% thing I think is true and the number exaggerated. I think it is closer to 1% than 5%

Why inbreeding and making F2s has such good press? results here show the opposite
Wally, do you or anyone else know the reason why inbreeding gives such results? Any suggestion to avoid this?

Some good news
Tom is running old thai stock, I hope he finds good weed. I am very curious about the Mae Hong Som weed

I hope more people run their old thai stock
Tom said about Northern Thai girl 1 she has small trichome heads. He is right. She has small trichome heads. Tom and most of the canna online world have a different weed culture than me. I had weed with bigger trichome heads but high was meh. I think this thing about trichomes works for indicas and for hybrids done for making hash and rosin like most of the modern weed is. Traditional weed was never about the trichome head size nor the smell not colour. It was always about the high
And it is clear that for sativas, all this canna science dont apply.

Northern Thai P1 girl 1. This plant is getting the buds collected and I will leave as much stem, fan leaf and small bud as possible, will go to the bottom greenhouse with the intersex thais to survive the winter if she can and hopefully make a few seeds with the intersex thai pollen donors
For sure small trichome heads but i dont think this is any indication of quality high for sativas
View attachment 19032309 View attachment 19032310

The winter runs here for bud last until october 15th. I push it until october 20th
Then they stop flowering and by beginning november they only grow leaf. This is for pure sativas
So I have now 3 more months to grow for flower, if it finnishes or not depends on the weather

This winter is the coldest winter in 60 years. There is a polar cold wave unseen here. Ice everywhere every morning, ducks trapped in australian pools got trapped and frozen to death
I still get temperatures inside the greenhouse of over 20C. Yesterday touched 22C
Humidity is low. This is dry cold. Since the polar cold wave started, no more botrytis. I am afraid it will come back this week when weather returns to normal and we will get again temperatures of 20C with high humidity
At the bottom greenhouse next to the river the temperature was -1C. It was the lowest I ever seen here
Intersex plants are alive and doing well

Because I have 3 more months left for flowering, I uppotted the Phon Sawan hoping they wont intersex
This Phon Sawan girl got the 45 lt vegbox
View attachment 19032315

And this Phon Sawan girl got the 20 lt pot
View attachment 19032316

I will uppot 1 Mekhong Classic which is just starting to flower
I wonder if I should uppot this Phu Phan girl at this stage or not
Phu Phan is purpling. It is environmental for sure. Out of 5 girls, 2 are making the purple colour
She is in 5 lt pot.
View attachment 19032311 View attachment 19032312 View attachment 19032313

This Phu Phan stays green
View attachment 19032314

well i dont think is just the inbreeding, i think it has something to do with the changes in enviromental conditions. Indoor or outdoor when you take a tropical or subtropical landrace and plant it elsewhere you are changing altitude, humidity, the duration of day/night and even more subtle things like indigenous microoganismes etc. All that maybe can change the genetics traits that the plant give to next generation in the struggle to adapt to the new needs. I think i hear the guy of Zomia talking about how some south east asian "wild" varieties actually are not so wild but domesticated plants gone feral in just very few generations, so plant change quick


Well-known member
im not exactly sure what you are asking ,
do u mean why dont u get the same results when you reproduce a variety ??

if so its likely about selection ,, if you grow them in the exact same conditions i e time of year etc but dont get the same results , is this what you mean funky??

im just not sure what u mean in that first sentence , id like to be clear on that if you can elaborate further .. ??
Second sentence is what I mean. It is not epigenetics. Epigenetics apply to landrace cultivars grown every year in the same place and changes happening in the environment like wars which provoke changes in every single living entity

I grew it once first year is good. Progeny not as good in productivity. And so far repros didnt have the same high as moms and in some cases from chunky bud moms I got low productivity foxtails growing them at the same place

Wally, your Laos repro was done with plants grown on living soil? Dads were on living soil too?

well i dont think is just the inbreeding, i think it has something to do with the changes in enviromental conditions. Indoor or outdoor when you take a tropical or subtropical landrace and plant it elsewhere you are changing altitude, humidity, the duration of day/night and even more subtle things like indigenous microoganismes etc. All that maybe can change the genetics traits that the plant give to next generation in the struggle to adapt to the new needs. I think i hear the guy of Zomia talking about how some south east asian "wild" varieties actually are not so wild but domesticated plants gone feral in just very few generations, so plant change quick

I am seeing differences in plants grown on living soil and pots. Thai plants love living soil and I guess all of the sativas do. They get big fat stems like bamboos. This is not happening in pots
Maybe reproducing them in pots is not good @arbac commented about this
The plants in Thailand grow on living soil. The sativas of old were all grown on living soil

It is encouraged on forums to make F2s or P2s, thats what I meant about inbreeding having good press
I mean, would you rather have seeds or not?
I want to have quality seeds. Whatever is sold is not progeny tested it is just random and sold for absolutely nonsense prices. If you get anything good out of this is luck
The only thing being checked are sex issues and not always

If in order to find a quality female you are in 5% numbers if lucky, then in order to find quality males numbers must be same. You need a minimum of 20 males to progeny test and select. Is anybody doing this in the canna world?

So progeny testing 20 females x 20 males makes 400 crosses minimum per variety. If you use 50 plants as I read it was being suggested in order to repro a variety and have 25 boys and 25 girls the number of crosses to test is 525 . And I am guessing it needs to be grown on living soil for good results on progeny

To bring back better numbers than 1% or 5% like the 80s weed was is not going to be an easy task.


Well-known member


which was the lower resin one you even smoked the leaves of because it had the “IT” factor?
Paraguayan 20th century all brick weed, some batches even chopped sticks go in the pinners
In bud form Sinai 80s and Laos 2000´s
I never looked at resin. Those buds you guys call schwag
Cambodian buds looked same schwag as those but it was a high like the brick, probably all those buds were picked immature as some suggested but long cure was a standard. At some spots in the planet people used to share their best.
All those were not sticky buds at all
When I smoked all that stock there was no internet. Probably different standards at those parts of the world
I like creeper weed, I grew up with that kind of high. }
I would have chopped sticks and all possible smokable part of the plant only if the high was creeper high

Donald Mallard

el duck
Ahh yep i see what you mean funky ,
perhaps its several things at play here ,
the climate , selection and conditions ..

if by living soil you mean directly in the ground , no , those laos were all in pots..

was it pure Laos i shared with you , or Laos mango??

I think everyone encourages folks to make some seed just incase what they grow turns out great and then there is no going back , nowadays at least we can keep cuttings .
Somethings are already well inbred by the time they are received ,
so while we might be calling them an f2 , they could be many generations beyond that ....


Well-known member
View media item 17634180Edit: I dont know why the gallery pic dont load properly
I got both Laos and Laos Mango
The only one I didnt grow yet is Sour C5 Mango because I grew something very similar C5 x Sour Diesel

I guess many things at play here too, you can add the lack of traceability of most strains, so you dont know if what you got is a random cross with no testing at all or year of making. Impossible to know what generation we are growing. Year of making/sourcing specially with landrace weed is very important

I am processing Northern Thai girl 1 next to the chimney at the moment grown in pots
I see this now: the cuts growing on pots are something like a week or more faster than grown direct on the ground. I call it living soil because where I am this ground, this soil is alive, it is full of worms. You put a shovel on the ground and you get out of the soil big fat worms.It is virgin soil never used for growing before. The soil is amazing dark brown as I remember it from my childhood, very different from the grey colour of the ground of fields sprayed with glyphosate and other agrotoxics

The cuts growing on the ground make fat buds, no foxtails. It is like if the foxtails fill up. Very meaty buds. Smells and resin is same in both, I guess the high will be the same too. Anyway I am processing them separately so I will know in some months from now if they all have the same high or not no matter if grown on the ground or pot

Donald Mallard

el duck
oh i would try the laos mango if u get a bit of spare room and if i was you , haha
that stuff is really nice man ,
the vigor of laos , and slightly more developed looking flowers ,
with lots of resin and some really nice highs among them ...

Its important to remember cannabis is a very diverse plant ,
not all plants are equal , because not all seeds are the same as each other
its really one of the joys of growing it too , you never quite know how its going to finish up,m
unless you are growing cuttings ,, but they even vary depending on location , climate , soil type etc ..

i really prefer growing directly in the ground too man ,
i just dont know why most grows we see are in pots ,
theres no need for it in many cases , unless its essential of course
and yes the soil is alive , full of microbes and all manner of insects , larvae , worms ,teeming with beneficial organisms and bacteria, fungi etc
, i only grow or have grown in pots if i absolutely had too for some reason ,
otherwise i plant into the soil ,
ive worked some garden beds for a few decades now , they are excellent to grow anything in ,
im about to till one of the oldest ones over , just finished adding some of the red basalt soil from down the road , it seems to have what we lack what in our granite soils , so no doubt will be of some benefit ....

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